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High School Supervisor

Woodbine, GA, 31569
August 15, 2011

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Donald J Swiacke

** ********* ****

Woodbine, GA 31569

Mobile: 912-***-****

Day Phone: 912-***-****

Email: ********@*****.***

Country of citizenship:

United States of America

Veterans' Preference:


Registered for Selective Service

Contact Current Employer:


AVAILABILITY Job Type: Permanent


Work Schedule: Full Time

Part Time

Shift Work



WORK EXPERIENCE Itt incorperated 4/2009 - Present

Camp Bondeteel, kosovo US

Salary: 51,000 USD Per Year

Hours per week: 60+

Force Protection Specilished

My Duty's include standing tower duty's and vehicle search lanes. I have also

performed the duty of driving around the perimeter checking fences, towers and

gates. I also respond to situations that happen on the perimeter and on the base. I

observe the fence lines and and surrounding areas. When in the search lanes I make

sure vehicles are searched and id's are checked. I have Worked in a ess unit viewing

50+ cameras. I have also worked in a sensivtive area for the military with a top

secret clearance


secret and top secret clearances

9mm Hand Gun

m16 rifle

Ursa European license

Cornell Corrections 8/2008 - 7/2009

Folkston, Georgia US US

Salary: $11.85 USD Per Hour

Hours per week: 50 +

Sergeant of Segregation

My Job includes working in segregation/isolation pod and supervising

corrections officers on the night shift. I was responsible for watching and checking

on inmates who are disciplinary problems. I also work as a transport officer

t ransporting prisoners from prison to prison. I am required to count inmates at any

given time. I am required to brake up fights and settle disputes in anyway possible. I

have to escort inmates to medical on a daily basis for their every day needs. Due to

my actions the Corrections Facility is able to run more proficiently


Corrections Officer Certificate in 2003 and 2008

.38 Hand Gun

12 Gauge Shotgun

(Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Capt. Young, Supervisor's Phone:


DynCorp International 10/2007 - 7/2008

Doha, Qatar Qatar

Salary: 1285.00 + USD Bi-Weekly

Hours per week: 55 - 75+

Security Officer

As a civilian employee for the United States Military my duties include

p rotecting transports as a heavy gunner. I assist in transporting various items such

as medical supplies, food, water and often times I have given personal protection for

different people. I work at a military base searching cars for explosives with a dog

handling team. One of my duties is standing heavy guns at the military base

p rotecting the base. Because of my actions military transports and the base are

better protected.



M4/M16 Machine Gun

12/10 Gauge Shot Gun

M60 Heavy Machine Gun

50 cal Heavy Machine Gun

Light Explosives

Advanced Weapon Training

Collapsible Baton and Billy Club

First aid/CPR/Heat related injury Training

Basic Training in K-9 Explosive Dog Training

Advanced Searching Techniques for V-bids and H-bids

E-voc Training per Qatar Regulations

Basic understanding in Human Trafficking and Protection

Training in driving in Sandy Terrain

(Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: GSS Long)

Secureguard Incorporated 2/2004 - 10/2007

Kings Bay, Georgia US

Salary: 15.00 USD Per Hour

Hours per week: 40+

Security Officer

I secured the premises on Kings Bay Navy Base. I was responsible for

Checking IDs and Badges as people enter the premises. Some of my Responsibilities

i ncluded searching cars, licenses and registration papers. I assist in Domestic

D isturbances, Fires and more when needed. I am also qualified to assist in Random

D UI Steps. My Job also includes joint security in securing nuclear assets. Some of

my recognitions I have received while working for Secureguard are, Expert in 9mm

and 12 gauge shotgun Certificate. I have also received recognition for guarding the

G8 Summit in 2004. I received my Certificate of Training in Weapons, Tactical and

OC/Baton Certification in 2004


9mm Handgun


12 Guage Shotgun

OC/Retractable Baton

DUI Steps (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Carl Currin, Supervisor's

Phone: 912-***-****)

Cornell Corrections 2/2003 - 2/2004

Folkston, Georgia US

Salary: 10.00 USD Per Hour

Hours per week: 40+

Corrections Officer

My Job included Securing Premises and Doing Routine building Checks. I

was required to count inmates at any given time. I was required to guard inmates

during meals. I was required to brake up fights and settle disputes in anyway

possible. I had to escort inmates to medical on a daily basis for their every day

needs. Due to my actions the Corrections Facility was able to run more proficiently.


Corrections Officer Certificate in 2003

.38 Hand Gun

12 Gauge Shotgun (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Capt. Crews)

EDUCATION Gordon College

Barnesville, Georgia US

Some College Coursework Completed - 5/2002

34 Semester Hours

Major: Theatre/Fine Arts

GPA: 3.0 out of 4.0

Camden County High School

Kingsland, Georgia US

High School or equivalent - 5/1999

Major: General

Brunswick Community College

Brunswick, Georgia US

Some College Coursework Completed

Major: Public Speaking

GPA: 3.0 out of 4.0

FCCJ of Jacksonville

Jacksonville, Flordia US

Some College Coursework Completed

Major: Computer Science

GPA: 4.0 out of 4.0

JOB RELATED TRAINING Advanced Weapons Training, Sandy Terrain Training

and Human Trafficking Training, with the English Airforce in London. This training

was a course offered by Dyncorp. hummve and usareur drivers lic.

REFERENCES Anne Blakely Macon High School Retired/High School


Phone Number: 912-***-****

Reference Type: Professional

Marilyn Alexander Retired/Secretary

Phone Number: 912-***-****

Reference Type: Professional

Don Wolfgang United Methodist Church Pastor

Phone Number: 912-***-****

Email Address: ***********@***.***

Reference Type: Professional

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Corrections, Certification# PBC0030742S Date:

08/09/2003 and 2008. OC Spray Level 1 and 2, 9mm, M16, 12 gauge Shotgun, Armed

and Unarmed Combat, ASP Paton Qualification and also CPR and First Aid

Certified. All received in 2004 and again in 2007

Received Certificate for G8 Summit in 2004

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