E l isabeth L iza r r aga
San Diego, Ca. 92154
August 20, 2011
To whom this may concern,
I am seeking an opportunity where both my prospective employer and I
can benefit from the training which I have gained in the last few years.
I a m extremely eager to share everything I have learned, for the
challenge to continue my professional growth, and learning new things
w ithin your company.
A few of my skills include being bilingual in English & Spanish, I am a
very friendly, caring person, motivated and outgoing. I have always
been a hard worker and never stop trying.
You can find more detailed information regarding my skills and
t raining in the resume attached below. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.
Elisabeth L izarraga
E lisabeth Liza r r aga
757 Thermal Ave.
San Diego, Ca. 92154
Career Objective:
Trained and experienced in various positions for office purposes
especially in administration. I am now seeking a challenging
opportunity of employment and growth within your company.
Skil ls & Qual if ications:
6 year+ experience in the following: Customer Service, Bil l ing, Filing,
a nswering phones, Advertisement, Accounting, Management and more.
Work Experience:
ARS & El Gallo Auto Sales Crosland’s Rehab & Health
Care Center
M anager-Customer Rep CAN (Certified Nursing
10 /2004-present 03 /2004-10 /2004
$200.00wk-$500wk $8.00hr-$8.50hr
Supervisor: Alva Huizar (owner) Supervisor: Robert Greenburg
( manager)
Pima Medical Institute Clearfield Job Corps Center
780 Bay Boulevard suite 101 HOTS (health
Occupational Trade Studies)
Chula Vista, Ca. 91910 Clearfield City, UT
Status: Graduation date 05 /27 /2011 Status: Graduated 04 /2003
G reat Basin H igh Status: Graduated with GED
01 /2003
Additional T r a in ing and achievements:
CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) MAA (Medical Administration
Assistant) Substitute Teacher (Passed exam, not certified), Notary
Public (Status: Seal in proses), Appreciation awards from the Air Force,
Secretary / Treasurer for the H ispanic Support group at CJCC, Dorm
Leader and Ambassador at CJCC, L icensed as a Vehicle Sales Agent.
References: P rovided upon request.