EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs from the University
of Nebraska and a Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Supply Chain Logistics
Management from Penn State.
SKILLS: Leadership in logistics and supply management.
April 2008-Present
Logistics analyst in support of Marine Forces Pacific program management.
Oversaw, directed, and coordinated day to day support operations to bases
and stations in the Pacific Area of Command.
. Collateral equipment program manager and senior logistics analyst for
the stand up Marine Corps Base Guam.
. Coordinated budget cycle and submission of over ten programs to ensure
proper budget procedures were adhered to during all phases.
. Served as interim Bachelor and Family Housing Director for the
oversight of seventeen bases and stations.
. Assist in the planning in the rewrite of operations plan and associated
July 2005 - April 2008
Directly responsible for all aspects of leadership of a 120 person
organization. Managed, regulated, and coordinated supply support
operations to Marine elements operations in and around the Hawaiian
Islands chain and elsewhere as directed.
. Established a Material Distribution Center in order to decrease Order
Ship Time to using units to decrease repair cycle time and increase
equipment readiness. Order Ship Time was reduced from 7.2 days to 1
. Coordinated the integration of the Maintenance Operation Section and a
supply cell from Supply Company into one organization to establish a
material issue point within Maintenance Company to streamline parts
ordering process, decrease parts issuing time, and decrease maintenance
repair cycle time.
. Established and coordinated a Logistics Modernization Working Group and
implemented new polices, procedures, and equipment aboard Marine Corps
Base Hawaii.
. Reduced on hand material stockage in the General Account storage
warehouse from 1,300 to 750 items through the effective coordination of
supply chain policies and procedures.
. Implemented an in-house training program which resulted in five honor
graduates from Corporal's Course, four Marines and three NCO's of the
quarter, and two individuals who pinned on meritorious Sergeant.
June 2002 - July 2005
Served as Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton logistics subject matter expert
and coordinated logistical support in supply, contracting, ground
transportation, and food service functions to Marine Corps elements aboard
Camp Pendleton, CA.
. Coordinated the re-implementation of the correct requisitioning
procedures between base command units and tenant organizations
streamlining the parts ordering process.
. Implemented the procedures for all external requests for individual
augmentees reporting aboard Camp Pendleton to receive their individual
combat equipment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation
Enduring Freedom ensuring all individual augmentees were properly
equipped for deployment.
. Provided administrative and logistical support to strategic and
operational initiatives for the training of Iraqi Ministry of Defense
and Ministry of Interior intelligence forces.
. Acquired and delivered over $5 million worth of equipment for the
establishment of three military intelligence courses of instruction,
instrumental to the reestablishment of an Iraq military intelligence
. Sourced and delivered over $3 million worth of equipment for the stand-
up of Iraqi intelligence teams.
. Provided deliberate planning guidance for the task organization of
units in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom by forming three combat
service support battalions, a combat service support company, and a
Health Services Battalion.
. Developed the task organization tables of organization and tables of
equipment for the deployment of forces in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom in which all units were effectively established and combat
. Coordinated the force protection of over fifty combat service support
convoys to support operational units during Operation Iraqi Freedom
ensuring the proper distribution of supplies and materials.
May 1996 - June 2002
Oversaw the formulation, submission, and execution of command annual
budget of $1.2 million dollar budget and monitored weekly expenditures to
preclude over obligations and to ensure compliance with fiscal directives.
. Formulated and oversaw a $1.3 million budget in support of Combine Arms
exercises for the successful completion of all training objectives.
. Achieved a 98.5% obligation rate for Fiscal Year 2001 and ensured no
over expenditures occurred.
. Maintained strict accountablility for a $17 million ground supply
. Implemented a supply management inspection program and achieved 100%
accountablity for nine geographical seperated supply accounts.
. Acquired over $400,000 in free issue of equipment by the proper
utilization of the Defense Reutilzation Marketing Office.
October 1992 - April 1996 ASSITANT
Formulated, submitted, and oversaw day-to-day operations of air defense
operations in support of training objectives.
. Selected as detachment commander for the TPS-59 radar test
demonstrations ensuring all operational and logistical support was
provided for required upgrades.
. Served as detachment commander for two field exercises at San Clemente
Island for the continued operational testing of radar links and
improving the unit's standard operational procedures.
. Oversaw daily training schedule and increased scheduled training events
by 40% by direct coordination with supported commands.