Stanley Frank Lesikar
Huntsville, TX. 77320
Birthday: 9/14/53
TX driver license no. 07171233
SS #: ***-**-****
Graduated Waller High School 1972
Southwestern School of Business University 1975 (Associate degree)
Certified Arbitrator -The National Center for Dispute Settlement
Work Experience:
3/21/2011 through 5/18/2011 Polk County Tractor Livingston, Texas-
Equipment Tech
7/28/2010 through 2/28/2010 Atkinson Toyota Bryan/Madisonville- Service
9/1/2009 through 1/31/2010 Wiesner Huntsville, TX - Service Advisor
3/1/2005 through 8/31/2009 Frank's Garage in Tomball, TX. -owner
6/1/1984 through 2/28/2005 Frank's Garage in Tomball, TX- manager
Skills: Computer, Xerox, Calculator, Telephone, Fax
Beth Burt
117 Royal Oaks
Huntsville, TX 77320
Ben Hoyt
8719 Seber Ln.
Tomball, TX. 77375
David Martin
14011 Park Dr. Ste. 109
Tomball, TX. 77375
1995 State President of the Texas Young Farmers
Lifetime Member of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Lifetime Committeeman of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Past Treasurer of the Waller County Fair Association
Charter member of the Knights of Columbus Council #12672 Hempstead, TX
Secretary of Waller County Lions Club