J effrey S. Kantor
Mokena, I l l inois, 60448
Cell: 708-***-****
Email Address: j ********@*******.***
Objectives: Dedicated, effective, d isciplined, and highly-skilled p rofessional
w ith extensive experience in the investment industry seeks a challenging and
dynamic position within a fast-paced a nd growth-oriented organization.
Work Experience:
M F Global I nc. C hicago, I llinois
B roker/Floor Manager
A ugust 1995 to December 2010
• Developed and administered t rading and managed desk
for CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) and Volatili ty Index
(VIX) products.
• Managed and oversaw hi ring, billing, compliance, r isk
management, and supervision of personal for Chicago
Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and CFE.
• Serviced insti tutional and retail customers to provide
value-added price-discovery, liquidity, and execution.
• Provided complete and superior technical and
administrative support for retail online platform.
• Examined front-end platforms for use in our t rading
• Served as Broker and Floor Manager at CBOE.
• Developed billing procedures for different profit centers
on CBOE f loor.
• Supervised brokers on the handling orders to meet
exchange and industry rules.
• Handle the fi rms and brokers registration for CBOE,
CFE, BOX, AMEX, ISE, and NASQ OMX exchanges.
• Oversaw the audits conducted by the CBOE and CFE.
• Reviewed front-end systems for application on t rading
Shearson Smith Ba rney
C hicago, I llinois
Runner/Wire Cler k/Telephone Clerk
November 1980 to August 1995
• Supervised retail and institutional orders as they came to
t rading desk.
• Developed procedures for routing and prioritizing orders.
• Assisted brokers in the execution of orders.
• Reviewed specifics of all orders for quality of executions.
• Managed t rading issues that arose during execution of
• Relayed reports and executions to retail and institutional
Member F i r m Operating Committee - CBOE
• Advised CBOE on how various system developments may
effect t rading on the CBOE f loor.
• Researched and scrutinized rule changes to ascertain how
t hey will in fluence the order f low of Member Fi rms.
• Formally voiced the collective opinion of the Member Fi rm
Community to the CBOE.
• Advised exchange on the quality performance of the DPM
B est Execution Committee – M F Global I nc.
• Examined the quality of executions for both equity and
option t rading.
• Developed effective procedures to meet the changing
regulatory environment.
• Examined exchange data on executions and their
conformi ty to exchange regulatory rules.
Education: Southern I l l inois University
M ajor: Economics
Licenses: Series 3, 4, 7, 24, 55, and 63.
CRD #2355979
N FA ID #0326888
Technical Skills: P roficient in MicroSoft Office products (Outlook, Word,
E xcel, PowerPoint), Beta, Betalink, I LX, Floor-Broker workstation, NASDAQ-
workstation, Onechicago, CBOEdirect
References: Personal and/or professional references available upon request.