Amy L. Huber
Blue Springs, MO 64015
To obtain a position within a health care system where I can utilize my
knowledge, help people strengthen to the best of their ability and grow with
the company.
Island Sun Tanning Spa, LLC
Assistant Manager
April 2008 to February 2011
Worked closely with the public
Assured that clients were satisfied with services
Most aspects of a retail shop
Children’s World Learning Center
2 Year Old Lead Teacher
December 2006 to March 2008 ( Business Closed)
Worked with 2 yr olds teaching in a structured environment
Assistant Dog Groomer
May 2004 to December 2006
Worked with the public
Assisted in bathing and grooming pets
Answered phones/made appointments
MEDS – Medical Education Development Support
Completed CNA course and required100 hours of clinicals
Graduated with CNA certification May 2011
Blue Springs South High School
References available upon request