Bryane D. Shepherd
Jonesboro, GA 30236
e-mail: ******.********@*****.***
June 2011 to Present – Unified Consultants Group
Performs as Senior Antiterrorism Analyst for US Army Central Command (Forward). Duties include reviewing
Terrorist Threat Warning Analysis Information, reviewing Vulnerability Assessment Methodology and Physical
Security Planning for theater forces. Recommends use of technology and procedures to mitigate known vulnerabilities;
utilizes Core Vulnerability Assessment Manage Program (CVAMP) to monitor corrective action and allocate resources
to combat terrorism for deployed forces. Conducts vulnerability assessments. Advises leadership on key issues
concerning Antiterrorism/Force Protection program management.
May 2010-May 2011 – Northrop Grumman
Performs as Security Forces Trainer for USAF Security Forces deployed in the Air Force Central Command Area of
Responsibility. Duties include conducting in-processing, Use of Force and localized training for newly assigned
security and force protection personnel. Monitors career up-grade training and conducts airfield/off-base driving
training/testing. Performs as Unit Safety Representative and Wing Exercise Evaluation Team Member.
September 2009 – May 2010 Allied Barton Security Services
Responsible for circulation control, site surveillance and protection of classified materials and secure rooms for the
Georgia Tech Research Institute at the Cobb County Research Facility, Smyrna, GA.
January 2007- June 2009 - Culpepper and Associates Security Services.
Account Manager. Responsible for the day-to-day management of courtesy officers assigned to the Atlanta Hartsfield-
Jackson International Airport. Duties include staffing, training, scheduling, planning and supervision of 90 officers.
Served as company representative to the Department of Aviation and Parking Company of America for all matters
involving courtesy officer operations. Monitored Wand system to track performance of employees. Ensured safe
operation of Segway vehicles and bicycles. Informed Parking Company of America of any incidents affecting daily
December 2004 - December 2006 Culpepper and Associates Security Services,
Position: Security Site Supervisor at Center for Disease
Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, Cincinnati, Ohio. Responsible for duty
schedules, supervision and training of 14 Level II Security (armed)
officers protecting three geographically separated
May 2004- December 2004
Aegis Protective Security Services, Cincinnati, Ohio. Site Security
Supervisor .Responsible for the supervision of nine security officers providing
plant security for NuTone Inc.
United States Air Force Security Forces
Jun 1978-Dec 2003
October 2002-December 2003
1st Security Forces Squadron, Langley AFB VA
Superintendent Reports and Administration Flight- Senior Master Sergeant (E-8)
Responsible for the supervision of six civilian and two military personnel
providing Information, Personnel and Industrial Security as well as report and
incident processing for military, civilian contractors and dependents for the 1st
Fighter Wing and the Air Combat Command Headquarters. During Operation Iraqi
Freedom served as the senior enlisted security force member for 300 USAF security
forces and 145 US Army National Guard security contingent.
October 1998-October 2002
Headquarters Air Combat Command Inspector General Team, Langley AFB VA
Security Forces Inspector- Senior Master Sergeant (E-8)
Assigned as a member of the Air Combat Command Inspector General Team. Conducted
Operational Readiness Inspections (ORIs), Nuclear Surety Inspections (NSIs) and
Unit Compliance Inspections (UCIs) for the United States Air Force largest combat
command. Authored inspection criteria and wrote exercise scenarios to evaluate
security squadrons effectiveness in base defense and survivability in nuclear,
chemical and biological environments. Evaluated security forces in aircraft,
information, industrial security and resource protection as well as combat arms
training, military working dogs, armory operations and antiterrorism/force
protection. Additional duties involved reviewing inspection reports for accuracy
and arranging travel for over 150 team members. Served as the senior
antiterrorism advisor in Kyrgyzstan during Operation Enduring Freedom.
September 1996 - October 1998.
12th Air Force Chief, Security Forces Inspector, Davis-Monthan AFB AZ
Security Forces Inspector - Master Sergeant (E-7)
Directed Operation Readiness Inspections (ORI), Quality Air Force Assessments
(QAFA), Unit Compliance Inspections (UCI) and Staff Assistance Visits for 12th
Air Force gained and active duty security force units. Augmented 8thAF security
force inspectors during several ORIs. Augmented 12th AF Support Planners
conducting force protection vulnerability assessments for USSOUTHCOM resources.
Additional duty of security manager responsible for ensuring clearance updates
were met and protection of classified material.
July 1995- September 1996
355th Security Forces Squadron, Davis-Monthan AFB AZ
Weapons Systems Security Superintendent - Master Sergeant (E-7)
Coordinated security operations for eight permanent restricted areas containing
aircraft, command and control, and communications assets. Authored the
installation contingency and security plans. Directed the wing’s security
program. Supervised five staff personnel.
March 1993-June 1995
10th Security Police Squadron, RAF Alconbury, United Kingdom
Law Enforcement, Superintendent and Superintendent Resources and Training Flight.
Master Sergeant (E-7)
Supervised resource protection/law enforcement operations for three
geographically separated bases. Supervised 100 personnel. Responsible for
securing travel routes for the British Prime Minister, John Major. Developed unit
plans for wing draw down ensuring prompt distribution of military working dogs,
mobility equipment and real property.
July 1989-March 1993
377th Security Police Squadron, Kirtland AFB NM
Flight Sergeant, Master Sergeant (E-7)
Supervised 100 personnel and developed security response procedures for the
initial opening of the Kirtland Underground Munitions Complex. Performed as
on-scene commander during all events involving securing the most complex nuclear
weapons storage area in the United States. Directed weapons movements to close
the Manzano weapons storage area.
June 1986- July 1989
7401st Security Police Squadron, Rimini AFD, Italy (E-6)
NCOIC, Custody Branch Training and NCOIC, Quality Control
Developed lesson plans and conducted recurring and ancillary training.
Responsible for training the security force and augmenters to secure nuclear
weapons. Responsible for scheduling and conducting weapons qualifications.
Conducted quality control examinations and performed as the senior US
representative during nuclear weapon movements. Supervised 2 personnel.
June 1985-June 1986
13th Missile Warning Squadron Clear AFS, Alaska
NCOIC Training/NCOIC Quality Control Staff Sergeant (E-5)
Conducted training for newly assigned security members, responsible for monthly
and collective training. Participated on the wing exercise evaluation team.
Conducted training evaluations, authored evaluation guidelines and inspection
standards. Supervised 2 personnel.
June 1982-June 1985
1608th Security Police Squadron, Kirtland AFB NM
Fire Team Leader/Sector Supervisor Staff Sergeant (E-5)
Responded to security incidents/alarms for Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area.
Performed as weapons movement supervisor. Flight OJT Monitor and airbase defense
fire team leader. Supervised 6 personnel.
Break in Service April 1982- June 1982
January 1980- April 1982
91st Missile Security Squadron, Minot AFB ND
Flight Security Controller and Security Response Team Leader Sergeant ( E-4)
Dispatched alarm response teams and monitored all personnel movement within
assigned missile sector.
August 1978- December 1979
43rd Security Police Squadron, Andersen AFB Guam
Security Specialist (E-2, E- 3)
Performed duties as Close-In Sentry, Close Boundary Sentry and Fire Team member.
Responsible for entry control and surveillance for alert nuclear bomber aircraft.
Provided security for transient cargo aircraft.
United States Air Force Ground Combat Skills
United States Air Force Principles of Instruction
United States Air Force Non Commissioned Officer Academy
United States Air Force Antiterrorism Level II Course
United States Air Force Air Base Defense Level III Course
Department of Defense Dynamics of International Antiterrorism Course
United States Air Force Senior Non Commissioned Officer Academy
United States Air Force Contingency War Planning Course
Ohio Peace Officer Private Security Firearms Training Program
Defense Security Service Academy Basic Information Security Course
Defense Security Service Academy Basic Industrial Security for User Agency
Emergency Management Institute Introduction to the Incident Command System Course
Allied Barton Security Officer Basic Course
Allied Barton Fire Safety Training
Allied Barton Ready Response Emergency Prevention and Preparation Training
Defense Security Service Academy Marking Classified Information Course
Defense Security Service Academy Safeguarding Material in the National Industrial Security Program
Defense Security Service Academy Introduction to Physical Security Course
Defense Security Service Academy Operations Security Fundamentals Course
Defense Security Service Academy Introduction to Personnel Security Course
Defense Security Service Academy Introduction to DoD Personnel Security Adjudications
Defense Security Service Academy Risk Management for DoD Security Programs
Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from the Community College of the Air
Computer Skills
Skilled in using Microsoft Office Applications.
Security Clearance