Craig Wessel
Graphic Design
Personal Graphic Designer with experience in multimedia, marketing,
Statement: print, and web design, seeking an entry level position in an
environment providing me with creative growth
Experience: Four years experience as a student working toward a BFA
specializing in Communication Design with a minor
in Marketing and Art History gaining a working knowledge of:
Logo Design, Product Design, Branding, Web Design,
Typography, Illustration, Motion Graphics, Packaging, Print
Minds Eye Graphics Group, Communication Design, School of Art
and Design, 2010-2011
Education: BFA in Art, School of Art and Design.
Specialization: Communication Design
Minors in Marketing and Art History
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL, 2011
Software Skills: Proficient in the Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photo Shop,
In Design, Flash, Dream Weaver, After Effects, Sound Booth)
Comprehensive knowledge ofMac and PC systems
Knowledgable in HTML and action script coding
Capabilities: Extensive experience dealing with clients while managing multiple
projects. Able to perform analytical research to focus on positive
solutions, team player, and appreciative of constructive criticism.
Organizations: Member of the St. Louis Chapter of AIGA since 2010
References Available upon request.