Donna Sedlak
Danville, VA *4541
OBJECT IVE A challenging position as a Customer Service Representative
QUAL I F ICAT IONS & SKILLS Strong customer relations skills with 14 years as a restaurant
owner/operator and 6 years of customer service experience. Extremely productive in a high volume,
h igh stress environment. Knowledge of Quick Books.
JANUARY 1997 – APR I L 2011 President – Owner/operator
Bagels On The H i ll, Bagel Bakery & Deli, Chapel H ill, North Carolina
• Manage and maintain all aspects of restaurant retail, wholesale and catering business.
• Skills include: customer relations, planning, employee hiring and t raining, purchasing,
merchandising, advertising, budgeting, bookkeeping, A/R, A/P, inventory control and adhering
to company standards.
• All administrative facets of running a small business.
• All operating/manufacturing facets of running a bagel bakery & deli.
DECE MBER 1989 – JANUARY 1997 Stay At Home Mother
M ARCH 1987 – December 1989 Customer Service Representative/Assistant to
P roduction Manager
Ausimont, USA, I nc., Mo r r istown, New Jersey
• Represented products for a distributor of a multi-national specialty chemical manufacturer
based in I taly.
• Managed U.S. inventory, consignment warehouses and purchase orders to I talian
• Assisted Product Manager with monthly purchase forecast.
• Processed customer orders and credits.
• Conveyed to customer in a reassuring manner the ability to resolve all application issues.
• Liaison between field sales personnel and manufacturer.
APR IL 1985 – MARCH 1987 Senior Customer Service Representative
Knoll Pha rmaceuticals, A unit of BASF Corp., Whippany, New Jersey
JANUARY 1985 – APR I L 1985 Customer Service Representative (Call Center)
Pu rolator Courier, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
FEBRUARY 1984 – JANUARY 1985 Customer Service Representative
M axell Corporation of America, Moonachie, New Jersey
JUNE 1983 – FEBRUARY 1984 Assistant Production Manager
Metal Cutting Corporation, Cedar Grove, New Jersey
Plymouth State University, Plymouth, New H ampshire
B.S., Business Administration
1983 G raduate