Tony Covarrubias
Y u m a, A rizo n a 8 53 6 4
P h o ne : (9 2 8) 5 0 3 -1 3 84
E -M a il: t c c ova s@ ya h oo .c o m
**** - **** ******* * ****** College Yum a, AZ
Associate of Arts in General Studies
1 973 - 1977 Kofa High School Yum a, AZ
Diplom a in General Studies
J an 2006 – Aug. 2009 Yum a Valley Contractors Yum a, AZ
Project Superintendent
City of San Luis: Youth Center, City Hall, Police Dept., Fire Dept.,
Call Center, Yum a County Library (San Luis Branch) and Som erton
Senior Center.
Dec. 2003 – Jan. 2006 FCI Constructors Yum a, AZ
Project Superintendent
Ed Pastor Elem entary School, Som erton Middle School, Valle del
Encanta Elem entary School, Tierra del Sol Elem entary School
( Modifications).
Coordinate with sub-contractors for construction tim eline.
Apr. 2001 – Nov. 2003 M. Greenberg Construction Yum a, AZ
Project Superintendent
Com m unity center and 21 hom es (W interhaven, CA)
W oods Canyon Lake grounds site (Payson, AZ)
W ikenm an, S.F.B., project (Oracle, AZ)
Canyon de Shea, Forest Dept. of Interiior-8 units (Chinle, AZ)
Payson Unified Schools – 5 sites (Payson, AZ)
Feb. 1993 – Mar. 2001 Phoenix National Contractors Phoenix, AZ
Project Superintendent
Project HUD Housing – 28 hom es
Project Borrego Springs California, S.F.B. project, and Borrego
Springs Unified School – 6 classroom s and new gym nasium .
Jan. 1997 – Dec. 1998 Isanti Contractors Pine Ridge, SD
Project Superintendent
HUD housing – 144 hom es
Proficient in writing, reading, and speaking in Spanish.