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Manager Project

New York, NY, 10010
August 27, 2011

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*** **** **** ****** ** t *RE Steven_G arnek

New York, N ew York 10010 C ell: 303-***-****



Razorfish, N ew York, NY 2009-P resen t

Financial Analy st: Op era tions East R egion

Co-manag e rev enue recognition, forecasting, expense analysis, budgeting and contract pipeline m anagement fo r R azorfish’s

$100M Eastern division

Oversee fin ance and operations fo r N ew Yo rk, Philad elphia and Latin American offices

o Lead month ly team m eetings and d evelop fin ancial performan ce packages for the Pharmaceu ticals, Media &

Entertainment, and Consumer P ack age Goods busin ess lines

o Train incom ing program m anag ers on th e project man agem ent p rocess, sp ecifically in cluding resource m anag em ent

and revenue forecasting based on estab lished th resholds and operating margin targets

Create and update dynamic fin ancial models for R evenue Forecasting, Profit & Loss Trend Analysis, Client Profitability R eviews

and Busin ess D evelopment Initiatives

Present busin ess overviews to sen ior executiv es to summ arize k ey financial m etrics, highlight poten tial risks and identify

opportunities for improvem ent

WHITE & CASE LLP, N ew York, NY 2009

Financial Analy st: Planning & Analysis

Modeled and analyzed Key Perform an ce Metrics to exam ine on-going business p erform ance and ev aluate key g rowth areas

Mined company databases to provide summ aries o f m ajor revenue sources sorted by client, service, and geography

Created a R eduction in Force Analysis wh ich h ighlighted $14.2 million in potential co st savings as w ell as other potential co st

reduction in itiatives

Conducted global variance analyses for th e monthly clo se process for 34 separate offices to interp ret regional differen ces in

operating perfo rman ce

Perfo rm ed FX Analysis in ord er to quantify FX exposure, ev alu ate significant risks and explore h edging opportunities

TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES (TNS), N ew Yo rk, NY 2007-2008

Manager: Financia l and Strategic Planning

Reported directly to the V ice President o f Fin ancial and Strategic Planning, coord inating the validation and conso lidation of th e

annual budget and monthly forecast process

Manag ed, budgeted, and fo recasted $40 m illion acro ss seven corporate dep artm ents

Created Excel financial mod els and perform ed ad hoc analysis to support C level executiv es with strategic planning initiatives

Worked cro ss-functionally on beh alf of finan ce and corporate dep artment lead ers to create processes and implemen t policies to

ensure expenditu re control and forecast achievem ent

Developed financial contro ls to link Human R esources Manag em ent to the accounting system

Evaluated strateg ic altern ativ es and corporate overhead as a member of the “P ropulsion” restru cturing project

ACCENTURE, D enver, CO 2005-2007

Organization and Change Managem ent Consultant

Led 15 person Communication and Ch ange Man agem ent team resp onsible for dev eloping all project communication plans

Conducted and d elivered a stakehold er analysis for Pacific G as & E lectric’s IT dep artmen t

Created Change Manag emen t Strategy for Junior Achievement’s CIO to support a new en terprise so ftw are p latform imp lem entation,

which in cluded a “road m ap” for guiding th e org anization through the “chang e journ ey,” a top/down communication plan, a detailed

training plan, and training m aterials

Designed and developed training course conten t on asset m anag ement, corporate govern ance and environment configuration through

partn ering with functional and technical leads and client subject m atter experts

Perfo rm ed root-cause analysis to id entify coding errors which resulted in an 85% reduction in errant em ail notification s

Created an ROI co st-benefit analy sis to support the $10 million enterprise so ftw are platform busin ess case

Coordinated in augural Denv er o ffice Bowl-A -Thon fundraiser to support a multinational non-profit org anization for underprivileg ed

children and ex ceeded target mon etary goal by th ree tim es th e forecasted amount

Manag ed, coordinated, and scheduled 200+ enterp rise environments fo r a company-w ide Bu siness Transform ation initiativ e


UNIVERSITY OF C OLORADO, Boulder, CO 2000-2004

Leed s S chool of Bu sin ess

B.S., Major: Finan ce / Management

National Dean’s List: Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2003, m ember of th e Ro cky Mountain Investm ent Club

Graduated Cum Laude with 3.63 GPA

UNIVERSITY OF NE W SOUT H WALES, Sydney, Au stralia Sp ring 2004



Strateg ic planning, Finan cial modeling, Forecasting, Budgeting, Data mining, Comp etitiv e b enchmarking, Ch ange m anag em ent, Stak eholder

manag emen t, P roject m anagement, Six sigma, Pro cess docum entation, Training content creation and deliv ery


SAP FI, SAP SR M, O racle, Salesforce, Cognos, P eopleSoft, Rem ed y Asset Manag emen t 7.0, Micro soft: Word, Ex cel, A ccess, Qu ery, Visio,

SharePoin t, Pow erPoint and Outlook, HTML, Act!, Macrom edia C aptiv ate, On Dem and, C larity System s, Elite D ata Warehouse

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