Gerald Zymet
Tamarac, Florida 33321
Objective: Well qualified individual seeking full or part-time
Teller’s position
P rofile: Several years of Bank Operations know how
i ncluding
both major money center banks as well as smaller
i nstitutions. Very strong background in audit control,
monthly accounting reports and customer relations.
E ducation: Received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from CCNY
i n Finance and Economics. Completed many career
courses at the American Institute of Banking and
t aught
P rinciples of Bank Operations at the Miami chapter.
H istory: MetroBank(NAFHNB): 7 plus years as a P&R
handling all Teller procedures as well as balancing
t he
Teller's Area daily with the General Ledger.
F lorida National Bank: AVP 8 years supervising 15
Tellers in addition to platform duties of opening
and customer inquiries.
Personnel: In very good health and looking forward to many
P roductive years in Banking.