The Graduate School
University of West Georgia
Applicants must be admitted to the Graduate School in order to be considered as candidates for graduate assistantships. The completed application
for admission and supporting documents (e.g. a resume) are needed and will be used when this form is evaluated. Submit your application to the
department(s) in which you are applying. If you are applying to more than one department, a separate application and resume’ is required.
Date_______________________ UWG 917 ID Number or Last 4 digits of Social Security Number__________________________
Full Name of Student__________________________________________________________________________________________
Present Mailing Address________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (Home)______________________________________ (Work)____________________________________________
E-mail Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Degree Sought____________________________ Major___________________________________________________________
Department(s) Offering Position(s) _______________________________________________________________________________
(If you are only applying to the department offering your degree/major, please indicate N/A.)
Semester (s) which you are applying: Fall________ Spring________ Summer_______ 20____________
Have you ever received a graduate assistantship/graduate research assistantship? _____NO _____YES
If yes, when? ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Term(s) / Year(s) (e.g., Spring 2010)
Present Occupation_____________________________________________________________________________
All Work Experience (give dates, places, types of work). Attach a current copy of your resume in response to this question.
Special Skills (such as typing, shorthand, supervising)
Briefly explain your reason for applying for an assistantship:
Space Below for Official Use Only
Degree Status: Non-Degree______ Provisional______ Regular_______
Departmerntal Recommendation: Do Not Recommend_____ Recommend for following semester (s): Fall ___ Spring ___ Summer ___
Date Applicant Notified of Action:
Applicant’s Response: Rejected_____ Accepted_____ Returned Supporting Documents_____
Rev 04/05/10