Riverside CA, 92505
Phone :714-***-****
I am willing to take on new jobs and utilize my former skills and experience in a
full time or part time positions to help benefit my employer in whatever job or task
that is given.
Inspector, Water Tester, Stocking, Merchandise Loader
Job Title: Engineering Inspector
Employer: Ambit Engineering, Santa Ana, CA
Length 2 years 2 months
Duties: Measuring parts with calibrator, segregate parts, inspect parts for damage,
seal and label boxes.
Job title: Water tester
Employer: L.A. spas, Anaheim, CA
Length: Check for water efficiency, maintaining spas, people interaction
Job Title: Warehouse stocking
Employer: Food for Less, Anaheim, A
Length: 2 years 3months
Duties: Pricing, power jack, stock merchandise, box boy, remove cars from lot.
Education: High School Graduate, interest in sports, and School activates.
References: Available on request