{graphic designer/photographer} 209-***-**** e *************@***.***
C alifornia State University Northridge 2010
B .A. Graphic Design & Photography
B .A. Psychology
- Northridge, California
M erced College 2005
A ssociate In Arts
- Merced, California
L incoln High School 2003
- Stockton, California
D eans List
Freelance Graphic Designer • 2 008-Current
Freelance Photographer • 2 004-Current
P ortraiture and landscape photography. Various locations.
Production Assistant • M arch 2011
Sorella Swim
A ssisted in Sorella Swim’s first photoshoot on sight in Malibu, California. Various
d uties that ranged from photography assistant to set arrangement.
Graphic Design Intern • A ugust-December 2010
Assisted the art director, senior photographer/graphic designer, and
{graphic designer/photographer} 209-***-****
e *************@***.***
p roduction manager in daily tasks, special events, promotions, and photography.
Private Child Care Provider • 2 004-Current
I p rovide in house care for private families with children of all ages ranging from 0+.
C are that includes but not limited to; feeding, play, scheduling of activities, household
c hores, instructional education, and outings.
Swim Instructor • M ay 2007-Current
Happy Swimmers
I nstructed private swim lessons, life saving techniques, and diving lessons to
c hildren of all ages. Including proper stroke and kick form and safety rules.
Various locations.
Software Skills
A dobe Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, Flash, and Dreamweaver.
M icrosoft Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point. PC & MAC proficient.
C al State Northridge Womens Swim team (Athletic scholarship 2006-2008)
S an Jose State Womens Water Polo team (2005-2006)
M erced College Womens Water Polo, Swimming, & Diving team (2003-2005)