curriculum vitae
Personal information
Name Davide Moizo
Address Via De Amicis 6, 20063 Cernusco s/n (MI)
Telephone +393*********
E-mail ************@*******.**
Nationality Italian
Date of birth 2nd November 1985
Work experience
. Dates (from - to) From January 2010 to April 2010
. Name and address of Reconta Ernst & Young, via Della Chiusa 2, 20123 Milan
. Type of business or Auditing and Consulting
. Occupation or Junior Auditor (Internship)
position held
. Main activities and Check the coherence of the documentation supporting
responsibilities client's balance sheet and profit and loss with the
financial statement and the accounting policies.
. Dates (from - to) From July 2010 to Today
. Name and address of Reconta Ernst & Young, via Della Chiusa 2, 20123 Milan
. Type of business or Auditing and Consulting
. Occupation or Junior Auditor
position held
. Main activities and Check the coherence of the documentation supporting
responsibilities client's balance sheet and profit and loss with the
financial statement and the accounting policies.
. Dates (from - to) From September 2011
. Name and address of Reconta Ernst & Young, via Della Chiusa 2, 20123 Milan
. Type of business or Auditing and Consulting
. Occupation or Senior Auditor
position held
. Main activities and Check the coherence of the documentation supporting
responsibilities client's balance sheet and profit and loss with the
financial statement and the accounting policies.
Looking for the development of the resourses under my
responsibility, give them targets to reach and follow
them in their work. Produce documentation for the
engagement manager, such as SRM (Summary Review
Memorandum) or ASM (Audit Strategy Memorandum)
Education and training
. Dates (from - to) From October 2007 to October 2009
. Name and type of Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
organisation providing
education and training
. Title of Graduate Studies in "Business Strategy and Markets",
qualification awarded achieving 106/110
. Dates (from - to) From October 2004 to October 2007
. Name and type of Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
organisation providing
education and training
. Title of Bachelor Degree in "Management", achieving 100/110
qualification awarded
Personal skills
and competences
Acquired in the course
of life and career but
not necessarily
covered by formal
certificates and
Mother tongue Italian
Other languages
. Reading skills Excellent
. Writing skills Good
. Verbal skills Excellent
Social skills The work experiences carried out had consented me to
and competences develop skills like team working and problem solving
Living and working
with other people, in
environments, in
positions where
communication is
important and
situations where
teamwork is essential
(for example culture
and sports), etc.
Organisational skills The work experiences during my studies (like steward in
a lot of events) consented me to develop competences
and competences like coordination of people and management of achieving
Coordination and goals.
administration of
people, projects and
budgets; at work, in
voluntary work (for
example culture and
sports) and at home,
Technical skills windows, machintosh, office (especially word and
and competences excel), sap
With computers,
specific kinds of
equipment, machinery,
Driving licence(s) Car Driving Licence
Motivations I think that I can adapt myself to every given task
with a good speed in learning; moreover, I can say that
I apply myself as best as I can in the tasks given to
I can fill my lack of experience with a lot of
I authorize the use of my personal data in compliance with Legislative
Decree 196/03.