F - ** Safari Boulevard, P hase I
G ulistan - e - Joher, Block 15, Karachi
P hone: 021 - 37646847
C ell: 92 - 333 - 2439580
m ***************@****.***
e ********@*****.***
M uhammad Ali Khan
P ersonal Statement
I always want to be at the top and perform to the best of my ability. I would like to be a part of
a dynamic and fast growing organization which provides equal opportunities to its employees.
I am an individual with a mind set of not just meeting targets but going beyond them to set
records in the challenging environment of the today’s market. I would perform to the best of
my knowledge and experience with honesty and dedication to pursue for a bright future. I see
problems as opportunities and I am always willing to develop knowledge and experience.
O bjective
Keen on being a part of a growth oriented organization where advancement and earnings are
based upon performance and achievements. Also, to exploit and utilize the knowledge and
skills, pertaining to metallurgical & process engineering.
E xperience
M arch 2012 AL Abbas S teels
C urrently working as a J unior E ngineer
Job involves the maintenance and operation of Utilities of plant which include water
Treatment unit, Reverse osmosis plant, Compressors, LPG and Industrial gasses.
Job involves the Site Co-ordination at the Project ABBAS Metals Ltd. Site at Port Qasim.
Planning, Designing and Execution of Process Piping.
In charge of the water treatment cycle for the Steel Making Plant including Induction Furnaces,
Continuous Casting Machines, Ladle Furnace and Electric Arc Furnaces.
Inventory control and Material co-ordination.
Assembling and Erection of 500T, 300T and 150T Cooling Towers.
Erection and Piping design of the Reverse Osmosis Plant, Hi-speed Filters, and Chemical De-oiler
for the Water Treatment Cycle.
Errection and commissioning of LPG and Compressors.
Management of Store.
J une 2010 D awood Yamaha Limited
A s An I nternee
I nternship included working in the sand casting shop, Pressure die casting
F orging and Quality control department.
J une 2009 P akistan Steel Mills
A s An Internee
I nternship Include working in Raw Material H andling,Coke oven,Sintering,
I ron making and Steel Making department respectively.
E ducation
2 008 - 2011 N ED U niversity of Engineering & Technology
B . E ., M etallurgical Engineering
F irst Division, 3.4 CGPA
Final Year Project: To study and analyze Titanium Implants used in Medical Field .
2 006 - 2007 D J Sindh Government Science College
I ntermediate Education - Karachi Board., Pre - Engineering
F irst Division, 7 4%
2 004 - 2005 C hiniot Islamia School and College
S econdary Education - Karachi Board., General Science
C ertified Courses
S eptember 2011
C ertified course on “ Boiler M aintenance and O peration” f rom NEDUET.
O ctober 2011
C ertified course on “ Vacuum Science and T echnology” f rom NINVAST Islamabad.
A chievements
F irst Position i n All Sindh Quiz Competition – N EDUET Representative 2009 .
F ourth Position i n All Pakistan Quiz Competition – NEDUET Representative 2010 .
G eneral Secretary o f Metallurgical E ngineering S ociety – M ES - NEDUET – 2 009 - 10.
T eam Member o f the best video in All Pakistan Video Competition – FILMETZ’ 10 .
S kills
F luent in English & Urdu I nternet Savvy, MS Office 2007
T eam Player Q uick L earner
C ommunication and L eadership
I nterests
R eading and Playing Cricket
R eferences
R eferences will be furnished upon request .