Sparks, NV. 89441
Currently L icensed N HA in TX & MA. Ability to quickly access, analyze, and
u nderstand needs of facility. In tensive immediate focus on cost control and revenue
enhancement to quickly improve revenues and net income for the healthcare
Employment H istory
Covenant Dove SNF Administrator 8/12 to 12/12
Fort ress Health and Rehab College Station, TX.
• I nher ited distressed facility 432 page survey 30 F and K Tags 7 of
t hem I J Tags
• C leared all Tags Facility back in substantial compliance w ith
l icensing regulations
P M/Advanced Health Care Solutions 6/09 to 12/11
I n terim Administrator at several of their 38 snf’s all located in TX.
P roduced Deficiency F ree Nu rsing survey at Lubbock Health Care Center
Landmar k/Golden Living 3/06 to 6/09
I nterim Administrator
• E xecutive over-sight of skilled nursing facilities.
. Conducted monthly financial analysis of business operations, NOI, and Net
I ncome.
• A nalysis of business operations to promote cost control and revenue optimization.
• Performed Survey Readiness Preparation and promoted regulatory compliance.
• P rovided owners with analytical decision support relative to key business metrics.
. Received letter of commendation from Governor of West Virginia.
H ighland Manor of Fallon I n te rim Administrator 12/04 to
I nstitute for Quality Resource Management; Reno, N V 6/04 to 12/04 & 6/05
t o 3/06
Senior Business Consultant
• SNF, LTAC, and hospital reimbursement analysis and optimization
• Revenue projections and development of pro forma profit models
• Development and analysis of wound care protocols
• Wound care outcomes effectiveness research
• Hospital, SNF, and LTAC total quality management and process improvement
. Left position due to illness of company CEO and loss of clients
Evergreen Healthcare 3/04 – 6/04 Regional Operations M anager
• Responsible for 7 Healthcare Facili ties in NV and UT
• P & L responsibili ty $ 30,000,000
• Ασσιστεδ ιν δ εϖελοπ µ ε ντ οφ προχεσσ µ ο νιτοριν γ ανδ ι µ προϖε µ ε ντ τοολσ.
. εϖελοπεδ σιν γλε φαχιλιτψ ανδ ρε γιοναλ οπ ερατιν γ ανδ χαπιταλ βυδ γ ετσ.
Tandem Healthcare (purchased from HealthPR I M E) 5/03 – 2/04
D ivision Vice President
• Responsible for 30 SNF’s and 5 Assisted L iving Properties in NJ, PA, VA, TN
• Responsible for $ 110,000,000 in revenues and expenses.
• M y division generated 76 % of company profits in long term care.
• I mproved Division Operating Income by over $ 100,000 monthly.
. Participated in development of Division’s Strategic Plans.
. Authored numerous formal reports and presentations to deliver business
analytical findings and recommendations suggesting future actions to optimize
business performance and NOI.
. Position down-sized due during reorganization.
HealthPR I M E 4/00 – 5/03 D i rector of Operations
• 13 SNF’s located in TX, CO, AL, TN, VA, GA
• Responsible for hi ring, t raining, management development for 13 Administrators
• Facilities generated net revenue of $59,153,000 with EBDIT of $10,351,000 or 17.5
. Responsible for development of operating and capital budgets.
. Revised and Improved Region’s Cash Collection Tools and Procedures improving
Regional Cash f low by over $ 2,000,000.
. Developed and Implemented Cash Management Tools to project and monitor
sources and uses of Cash used to fund operations of managed nursing homes.
• Responsible for oversight of several SNF renovation and construction projects.
. Left to pursue promotion to Division VP
Employment H istory Beyond past 10 while serving as snf and/or hospital
administrator is available upon request.
Masters of Healthcare Administration;
Washington University, School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Masters of Science P rogram, Neurophysiology
N ortheastern University; Boston, MA
Bachelors of Science in Biology
S t. Law rence University; Canton, NY
Six-Sigma, Black Belt Certification
K apl an University