Angelica Butler
***-** ****** **, *******, NY ***34
| |
exceptionally |Professional Profile |
|energetic and |Non-profit organization professional eager to begin a career |
|enthusiastic team |in the healthcare field. |
|worker...projects |Solid educational background in the Hospitality Field. |
|charisma and |Compelling Communicator who uses solid people skills to build |
|care...demonstrated |long-lasting community partnerships and networks. |
|excellent time |High Energy Leader with a positive attitude and powerful work |
|management and |ethic who is committed to the highest quality of patient care.|
|organizational | |
|skills | |
|Brandi Khan |Education and Certifications |
|current supervisor |Associate in Health Sciences |
always willing |Queens Borough Community College, Bayside, NY. - Present |
|to offer her |Associate in Liberal Arts |
|assistance...She was|Queens Borough Community College, Bayside, NY. 2011 |
|a great asset to our| |
|organization and |CPR Certifications |
|handled our concerns|NY State 2012 - 2013 |
|with outmost care |SCIP-R Certification |
|and clarity...I |OPWDD. 2006-2013 |
|recommend her with |Employment |
|the highest |Gateway Counseling Center Inc. |
|regard |Quality Assurance Assistant |
|Greta Petro |Present Review OPWDD documentation for compliance with |
|MSC supervisor |regulatory and agency standards and to ensure they reflect a |
| |high level of care. Assist service delivery staff in |
| |completing documentation for over 100 clients. Monitor the |
| |accuracy of records, documents, and billing and complete |
| |reconciliation of services as needed. Participate in required |
| |QA meetings with all employees. Prepare and provide accurate |
deeply involved |weekly status reports by provider to the Executive Director of|
|in learning about |Treatment and Clinical Directors. Report compliance concerns |
|new ways to aid our |to the Quality Assurance Supervisor, Executive Director of |
|organization |Treatment and Clinical Directors in a timely manner. |
|maintain |Habilitation Specialist |
|compliance...I look |2008- Present Performed patient assessment and care |
|forward to the time |planning not limited to writing day independent living, |
|when Angelica will |adaptive behaviors, socialization, recreation and activities |
|bring her love for |of daily living. Ensured health, safety & welfare of clients. |
|others, enthusiasm, |Supervised clients in the community, using various experiences|
|initiative, and |to reinforce skills being taught in group session while |
|intelligence into |ensuring their safety. Provided annual and semi-annual |
|the hospitality |progress reports regarding valued outcomes. Assessed the needs|
|field" |of lower functioning and/or non-verbal consumers through |
|Thomas Alvarez |observations and evaluations. Developed valued outcomes. |
| |Provided input and ensures compliance with the valued outcomes|
| |in the ISP and Day Habilitation Plan. Provided weekly |
| |documentation of outcomes being worked towards with each |
| |individual in accordance with his/her Day Habilitation Plan. |
| |Administrative Assistant |
| |2006-2008 Coordinated patient tours and site visits for new |
| |and prospective clients. Created and prepared promotional |
| |mailers and marketing materials. Handled program communication|
| |and inquires via telephone, email, and face to face. Build |
| |relationships with families and other service providers. |
| |Assured office is neat, and stocked with necessary tools for |
| |functionality. Member management, including email reminders, |
| |member roster, and records of financial dues. |
| | |
| |Day Care Provider |
| |2004-2006 |
| |Managed and lead play activities, distributed toys and play |
| |materials. Implemented lesson plans for the education |
| |activities and arranged play material. Interacted with |
| |children so as to improve their growth and development. |
| |Conducted every day health checks on children. Laid children |
| |to bed for rest periods. Prepared and Served meals and snacks |
| |and helped children with meal service. Maintained a secure and|
| |healthy environment. Performed basic housekeeping tasks |
| |Volunteer Experience |
| |V.I.P - Very Important Person Tutoring Program |
| |2003-2005 |
| |Assisted second grade students with completing |
| |Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development |
| | |
| |Key Qualifications |
| |Outstanding leadership attributes with exemplary |
| |interpersonal, communication and team-building skills. |
| |Resourceful decision-maker and critical thinker with strong |
| |problem-solving and organizational skills. |
| |Excel at taking others' perspectives and effectively utilizing|
| |criticism while maintaining the broader picture to reach a |
| |successful conclusion. |
| |Demonstrated ability to smoothly manage complex and |
| |conflicting needs in a variety of dynamic environments. |
| |Computer Skills |
| |Competent in Microsoft Office |
| |Working knowledge of the Internet |
| |Quick learner |
| | |