M ark Lewis *
My name is Mark Lewis, and I’m looking for a job. I’m 21 years old, and
I ’m engaged to the love of my life. Together, we have a beautiful baby girl, and I
consider myself incredibly lucky in life indeed. This letter is going to tell you all
about me, and why I’ll be the perfect candidate for the position you have open.
I t’s my time to shine, so here goes..!
I am looking for a change in lifestyle. My partner (Samantha) and I made the
bold decision to move down to the big city (Brisbane) from her hometown Hervey Bay.
We had decided that it was better for both career prospects and a more youth injected
l ifestyle. That was early in 2010, and we made a good go at i t for two and a half years. I
became known for my hard work ethic and energetic attitude towards the workplace. I
was promoted several t imes throughout my career with Hungry Jacks, and am now
v iewed as a key member within the team. A t rusted and heavily relied on team player, I
possess a strong desire to exceed expectations, and am strongly motivated by my own
f inancial and progressional situation.
I work ha rd for my promotion, and for my money. I’d like to earn those things from
U rangan State H igh School
Graduated Yr. 12 in 2008. Passed all subjects.
Excelled in English and D rama. Pa rticipated in the school’s Yearbook in 2006.
M ark Lewis 2
Although this is something that will ultimately hinder my prospective chances, I
t hought I should probably come clean about my schooling. Life was less than ordinary at
home, so I decided to move out and become independent. This was partway through
G rade 12 (age 16) and, as one would assume, this life changing choice severely
jeopardised my studies. I secured a unit, bought a cat, and t r ied juggling school and
work for about three months. I was a promising student at school, and i t was really very
d isappointing for me to eventually choose income over school. I left school with four
months remaining, and went into more full t ime work with Hungry Jacks.
U nfortunately, I never revisited education, as my general living expenses far outweighed
(at the t ime) the benefits of schooling. This brings me to my next topic…
Hungry Jacks He rvey Bay
I’ve only ever been employed by the one company; Hungry Jacks. I was
employed on the 7th October, 2007, as a crew member for the new store opening in
H ervey Bay. I excelled in many different areas within the company. Let me show you.
I excelled quickly here. Working hard for every dollar, I
became T eam Leader w ithin two months of the store
opening. I was regularly rostered on the closing (and
w hen I became available during school hours) and
opening shifts. I was known for my hard work ethic, keen
eye for detail, and good relationships with all team
M ark Lewis 3
I t did not take me long to get noticed here. Within two
months of ar riving, I’d been offered a position in
management. I took the C adetship, and started excelling
i mmediately. I quickly got myself promoted to T rainee
M anager (four months ahead of schedule), and it took
only one more month to be promoted to Assistant
M anager Level Three (AM3 ).
Springwood FIX UP STORE
As an AM3, I was asked to come and help my superiors
t u rn around a store that was really out of sorts. I was the
perfect candidate for this role, as I had already achieved
results at Annerley. Within the eight months I was there,
t he store went from being in the bottom sector of the
country, to the top ten in the count ry. I did enjoy the
bonus’ that came with the ‘job well done’, but it was the
i mmense amount of pride that made me happy at the end
of the day. I also got promoted twice more during this
t ime (to A M2, and then to A M1 ).
A nnerley BACK AGAIN
So this time I’m back as the Second in Charge. I control
most aspects of the store, and while I’m not the
Restaurant Manager, I am in t raining to be, so a lot of
t he responsibilities associated with the role are on my
shoulders. Achieving results are my G&O’s, and I work
hard to ensure that my team achieves them. Motivation
and thorough ‘correct’ t raining are necessary
requirements of my day to day work, and I believe I am
excellent at providing both.
M ark Lewis 4
• Excellent spoken and writ ten English; I use words to my
• Sound knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, LSS, Outlook, JRMS
• Strong motivational presence; ability to pump for results
• Fantastic t raining techniques
• Great sense of loyalty, dedication and perseverance
• Possession of swift initiative
• Clear headed and calm under pressure and in stressful
• Creative and open minded; new ideas and structures are
• Ability to post rosters within labour budgets (VISA and Child
L abour rules, overtime, holiday and annual leave, RTO’s, sick
pay), and to match sales, constraints and targets
• Knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Rules and
• Ability to work out order sheets and delivery quantities
• Experience recruiting, interviewing, hi ring, inducting and
conducting store orientations. Also experienced in terminations
and warning procedures
M ark Lewis 5
• Able to read Profit and Loss reports, and create action plans
w here necessary
• H ighly energetic and enthusiastic when undertaking tasks
• Able to take criticism constructively and utilise information for
i mprovement
• H ighly motivated by personal and company goals; I strive for
results and am always keen on moving up the ladder
Daniel Short Hungry Jacks R M
Trainer, Boss 043*-***-***
Paul Owen Hungry Jacks AM2
Colleague 041*-***-***
Shannan Vesey Hungry Jacks RT M
Boss 041*-***-***
M ark Lewis 6
Gar ry Knight He rvey Bay Removals
( Owner)
Father in Law 042*-***-***