Catherine E. Edmondson
Petaluma, CA 94952
**** *.*., ********** ** Maryland
College Park, MD
**** *.*., Georgetown University Law Center
Washington, DC
Office Experience
2/12-10/12 Executive Assistant
Golden Gate Salmon Association
1370 Auto Center Dr.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Working for this California based 501(c)(3) nonprofit, I performed all tasks necessary to
develop and keep the office working, which included coordinating meetings of the Board of
Directors, and using Microsoft Office, Excel, WordPress (maintaining an online website), and
FilePro (membership and volunteer records). I also assisted with researching, composing,
processing, and mailing newsletters, maintaining member databases, and fostering fundraising
efforts. I interacted daily with the president, board of directors, membership, volunteers, staff,
and contributors to help keep all running smoothly.
Collier Shannon Rill & Scott
Washington, DC
Legal Secretary
US Attorney’s Office
Eastern District of Virginia
Southern District of California
Legal Secretary, Civil Division (EDVA)
Seceretary, Collections Unit (SDC)
US Army Audit Agency
The Pentagon
Alexandria, VA
Legal Intern, Office of General Counsel
Secretary, Office of The Auditor General
Education Experience
12/10-2/12 Tutor
Professional Tutors of America, Inc.
3350 E. Birch St., Ste. 108
Brea, CA 92821
In the Spring of 2011 I tutored six 5th - 8th graders after school under an assistance
program contracted through PTA, Inc. The position required extensive use of computer based
tutoring and tracking programs. In the Fall semester of 2011 I tutored three students in Novato
under the PTA, Inc. program, and I privately tutored a McNear student on recommendation from
her 6th grade teacher, Kathy Bockhold.
2011-2/12 Noon Supervisor
Sonoma Co. Office of Education
Petaluma City Schools
McNear Elementary
Petaluma, CA
This was a classified employee position, for which I satisfied a SCOE fingerprint and
background check. I followed school protocols for supervising and interacting with K-6 students
during lunch and recess. Activities included fostering healthy play activities, conflict resolution,
discipline, illness, occasional first aid.
2008-2009 Substitute Art Instructor
Spring Semesters
St. Vincent de Paul
College Preparatory High School
Petaluma, CA
Each semester I taught as a full time substitute for each art instructor, in turn, on
maternity leave. I followed school protocols for handling student attendance, discipline, illness,
and occaisional first aid. I was responsible for tracking and recording grades in the schoolwide
automated system, and with communicating with parents and staff regarding indivdual students,
including consulting and coordinating responses to discipline issues as they arose. I satisfied
SCOE livescan fingerprinting and the mandatory diocese training and test for recognizing,
preventing and reporting child abuse.
2004-2007 Noon Supervisor
Sonoma Co. Office of Education
Petaluma City Schools
McNear Elementary
Petaluma, CA
2004-2008 Art docent
Petaluma City Schools
2001-2008 Classroom Art Volunteer and Schoolwide Arts Coordinator
McNear Elementary, Petaluma
Projects included Young American Poetry Digest (2007), Audubon Bird Art Competition
(2003 & 2004), Sonoma-Marin Fair Student Art Competition (2004), McNear Art Center
founder & coordinator (2005-2006), McNear Art Show coordinator (2007), Recess Open Studio
coordinator (2007).
2005-2007 After School Enrichment Program instructor
McNear Elementary
2004-2007 Summer art instructor, home studio
While my children attended McNear, I also sat on the McNear Site Council, participated
in PTA, and initiated and participated in a myriad of fundraising projects.
Seminars Attended
2007 Arts Integration in the Classroom Workshops
Sonoma County Arts Council
Wells Fargo Center for the Arts
2006 Reggio Emelia Education Arts Seminar
The Presidio, San Francisco
Legal Experience (retired)
1994 - 1996 Wright Robinson McCammon Osthimer & Tatum
Washington, DC
1990 - 1994 McKenna & Cuneo
Washington, DC
Law Clerk
Victor Gonella, President Jason Sutter, Principal
Golden Gate Salmon Association McNear Elementary School
1370 Auto Center Dr. 605 Sunnyslope Ave.
Petaluma, CA 94952 Petaluma, CA 94952
John E.Walker, Ph.D. Susan G. Rodkin, Principal (retired)
Principal McNear Elementary School
St. Vincent de Paul High School 112 Terrace Ct.
849 Keokuk St. Petaluma, CA 94952
Petaluma, CA 94952 707-***-****
Lynn Haggerty King Alyse Breece
Volunteer Coordinator Art Docent Coordinator
H2C - Healthy Community Consortium Petaluma City Schools
Petaluma, CA 94952 *******@***.***.**.**