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.NET Developer

Dubai, DU, United Arab Emirates
Min 8000 AED
December 07, 2012

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Saad Rauf Ghauri


Email:- *************@*****.***

Address:- Al Nahda 2, SS Lootah Building 3, beside NMC

hospital, flat 302, Dubai

Contact:- 052-*******

Alternate Contact:- 050-*******

Visa Status:- Visit Visa (9 Oct, 2012 – 07 Jan, 2013)

Availability:- Immediate

E xperience Summa ry

• More than 2 years of total work experience on web development using Microsoft .NET technologies

• More than 1.5 years of experiecne as a Teaching assistant and Lab Instructor

• BS in Computer Science (CGPA: 3.17)

Technical Skil ls

Languages: C#,C++/C, ASP.NET, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, SQL, XML, HTML,AJAX, Java

Platforms: MS Visual Studio 2008/2010, Net Beans, Dreamweaver, Erwin

Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows XP, Windows 7

Database Systems: MS SQL Server 2005/2008

Design: OOD, UML

Misc.: MS Project, SVN Subversion

Professional Experience

Project SW3PIP (.NET Framework 4.0 and Enti ty Framework)

Company Xavor Pvt L td (Lahore, Pakistan) w

Role Team member (Web Developer)

Tools & MS Visual Studio 2010,MS SQL Server 2008, ASP.NET 4.0,Entity Framework, C#,

Technologies J Query, HTM L, CSS, XML, JSON, AJAX, Web Services

It was my last project at Xavor. I was part of 3 team members. My major role was development of UI and the backend functionality.

Web Services are the major part in this project. Almost each UI operation gets completed after interaction with Web Services. So I

also worked on this part most often.

P roject ContactSync Contact Management

Company Xavor Pvt L td (Lahore, Pakistan) w

Role Team member (Web Developer)

Tools & Technologies M S Visual Studio 2010,MS SQL Server 2008, ASP.NET 4.0, C#, JQuery, HTM L, CSS,


I t was my first project which I have done from scratch. I was also part of the init ial phases of requirements

gathering, analysis and design. The main purpose of the ContactSync application is to enable the users to manage

t heir M icrosoft Outlook contacts using user fr iendly web interface. The application pulls all the personnel details

f rom Data warehouse on daily basis using SSIS packages. The stored contacts can be further synched with client

devices l ike BlackBerry. I was involved in each phase of this project. E.g. U I design, DB Design, functionality

i mplementation and build promotions etc.

Project M igration from 1.1 to 4.0

Company Xavor Pvt L td (Lahore, Pakistan) w

Role Team member (Migrator)

Tools & Technologies M S Visual Studio 2010,MS SQL Server 2008, ASP.NET 1.1 -- 4.0, C#

I have done migration of the different legacy applications from .Net 1.1 to 4.0.

Project H tml to PDF Converter (Customization of EVO H tml to PDF Converter)

Company Xavor Pvt L td (Lahore, Pakistan) w

Role Individual

Tools & Technologies M S Visual Studio 2010, Windows form, .NET Framework 2.0 – 4.0

EVO HTM L to PDF Converter for .NET is a l ibrary that can be easily integrated in any type of .NET applications

to convert web pages, HTM L strings and streams to PDF or to image. The l ibrary is built for .NET 2.0 and .NET

4.0 and can be used in Windows Azure cloud applications. The product does not require installation or any third

party tools. I customized it to client requirements.

Project Manufacturers In terstate Take back System (MITS)

Company Xavor Pvt L td (Lahore, Pakistan) w

Role Team member (Web Developer)

Tools & Technologies M S Visual Studio 2010,MS SQL Server 2008, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, C#,

J Query, HTM L, CSS

I t was my first industrial project. I was part of 4 team members. The whole system was developed in ASP.NET

M VC. My major role was simple U I and back end development. I was also responsible for documentation.

Worked as Teaching Assistant and Lab Inst ructor (August, 2011 – June, 2012)

Institue: N ational University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (Lahore, Pakistan)


Courses: Computer Organization and Assembly Language, Object Oriented Analysis and

D esign


1. BS in Computer Science (2006 – 2010)

CGPA: 3.17/4.00

P resident Sports Society

U niversity Cricket Team member

Outreach Scholarship Holder

N ational University Of Computers and Emerging Sciences (Lahore, Pakistan)


2. I ntermediate in Pre-Engineering (2003 – 2005)

Ma r ks: 898/1100 (82%)

Captain of college cricket team

I MS I T Computer College (Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan)

3. Mat r iculation in Science Group (2001 – 2003)

Ma r ks: 725/850 (85%)

Class Representative

C aptain of School C ricket Team

L ittle Scholars Boys Seconda ry School (Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan)

Academic Experience

P roject E-Evaluation and E-Feedback System in Moodle

Role Project Team Lead

Tools & Technologies Dreamweaver, Erwin, PHP

Course Final Year Project

As a final year project, we implemented E-Evaluation and E-Feedback System in Moodle (renowned course

management site). User modeling technique was used for user profiling and users/students are evaluated based on

t heir model. User modeling technique made the system intelligent enough to provide the users practice test and exam

based on their model (Easy, Normal, Expert).

P roject O nline DVD Pu rchasing System

Role Individual Project

Tools & Technologies Dreamweaver, PHP

Course Web Programming

The whole project was developed using languages PHP, JavaScript, XHTML. Layered approach was used in the

development of the project. AJAX was also the part of the project. The main features of the system were Shopping cart,

l isting of the DVDs (Most popular, most recent etc.) and listing of the DVDs on the basis of Best actor, actress,

p roducer and director.

P roject OSAF Management System

Role Team member

Tools & Technologies JBuilder, Erwin, Visio, Oracle

Course Database Systems

We developed a system for the Old student association of FAST. ER-Modeling and Data Modeling were the main

phases of the project. We use JSP, Oracle, and JBuilder for the development purpose. The Database schema and the

E R-Model were built using Microsoft Visio and Erwin.

Project L ibra ry M anagement System

Role Team member

Tools & Technologies Erwin, Visio, MS Project

Course Software Engineering

T he software engineering approach was used in this project. We used RAD Model life cycle for our project. There were

four phases in the project: Requirement specification, Functional Specification and architectural design, Project plan

and Risk Management and finally the test plan. Tools which we used during the project were Microsoft Visio, Erwin

and Microsoft project.

P roject Compiler of a subset of C++ Language

Role Team member

Tools & Technologies C++, MS Visual Basic

Course Complier Construction

This was an individual project for the course Compiler Construction. In this project I built a complete working

compiler for C- - (subset of C++) language in C++. The project included 3 phases which were Lexical Analysis phase,

Syntax and Semantic Analysis phase with type checking and Code Generation phase. The tool used for this project

was Microsoft Visual Basic.


• Other interests include reading, cricket and online gaming.


• Can be provided upon request

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