Randee L. Sobel
*** ******* ****, ***** *******, PA 19002
Phone: 215-***-**** • E mail: r ******@*****.***
Extensive experience in Clinical trial management including compliance and quality
control of Regulatory Documentation, ICH /GCP practices, feasibility for trial site
selection, operational engagement, trial maintenance and regulatory documentation
f iling.
Business Development University, Ambler, PA 2012-Present
M arketing Coordinator
• Executive Administrative functions to CEO and COO.
• Coordinate teleconferences with marketing staff and C- level executives
• Coordinate various vendors including computer consultants, graphic designers video
p roduction and facilities for t raining classes
• Streamlined office functions to improve efficiencies resulting in dramatic operational
i mprovements
ReSearch Pharmaceutical Services, I nc. F t Washington, PA 2009 –
I nvestigator Document Associate
• Processing of essential clinical t r ial documents to facilitate study startup.
• Assemble components required from Start-Up to completion of study.
• Conduct Q uality Assurance reviews across all Therapeutic a reas and maintained
appropriate audit t rails for key documents through the life of the t r ial.
Received 5 Peer Awards for ability to provide information and guidance
to group members
Sponsor Award for contributions to crucial tr ial; completed ahead of
study timelines.
Chairman of I nterview Committee
Pharmanet, L LC, Blue Bell, PA 2005 –
Sr. Clinical Research Assistant (2006 – 2009)
Clinical T rial Assistant ( 2005 – 2006)
• Coordinate with senior staff with all in-house activit ies for Phase I I I to IV clinical
t r ials
• Reviewed regulatory and administrative documents from all trial sites
• Coordinated t he clinical project team w ith regard to regulatory documentation for
clinical t r ials
• Assure currency of required clinical t r ial documents within Central Files (i.e. CV’s,
FDA 1572, Lab Certifications and Normals, Financial Disclosures)
• Collect and disburse all SAE’s to sites and Pharmanet Global.
Windows XP, W indows 7, M S Office products (including M icrosoft Outlook Word, Excel,
Powerpoint, Outlook), PROMIS, Cognos Reporting, CTMS, Impact, Documentum,
Sharepoint. F irst Doc, WordPress, eroom
Bachelor of Arts - Temple University - Philadelphia, PA