M udit Gupta *** Vinoba Basti, Sri Ganganagar
B K Birla I nstitute of Engineering & Rajasthan
T echnology M obile : +91-
Pilani, Rajasthan 756-***-****
**, ****, * **** ***** : ************@*****.***
E ducation
Class Board
M a r ks
B. Tech., ECE Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
X I I th C BSE
X th C BSE
Technical Skills
P rogramming Languages C, C++
Operating Systems Windows XP/Vista/7
Software MS Word, MS PowerPoint
I ndustrial Experience
Jun, 2011 - Jul,
Embedded Systems - A BTRC,Pilani
Developed a SWI TC H CONTROL LED WHEE L CHA I R using M icrocontroller
P 89V51RD2. The program was w r itten in C language using KE I L compiler.
PROJECT GU I D E- Mr.Dinesh Soni
Academic P rojects
Jan, 2012 - May,
Electronically Secured Locking Device - M r. D inesh Soni
The lock of a safe deposit or a door is controlled by a P89V51RD2 M ic ro-controller.
T he user is provided with a LCD screen and a keypad to enter the cor rect
p assword and operate the lock. Coding was done in Keil Vision 3.
A utomatic Power Saver And Visitor Counter - M r. Gau rav Oct, 2011 - Dec,
S ahu 2011
This project counts the number of visitors in the room and controls the supply
g iven to the room using micro-controller. This project can be used where power
saving and counting of visitors is prefer red.
Aug, 2010 - Sep,
F M TRANSM I T TER - M r. Gaurav Sahu
Developed a t ransmitter that t ransmittted F M signals upto the distance of 2 km.
Team Size- 2
I ndustrial Automation T raining
• P LCs: A llen Bradley (Micrologix1000, SLC 5/03), Siemens (S7-200, S7-300),
M odicon (TSX M icro 3705) & M i tsubishi (FX-series)
Ladder & Logic Development Wir ing & T roubleshooting.
• SCADA: Wonder wa re’s I n touch, RS View, Application & Development.
• P rocess I nstrumentation: R TDS, The rmocouples, Level Sensor, Flow sensor,
P roximity Sensors, Relays, Contactors, The rmal overload relays.
• Motors/ Starte rs/ Control Circuits: I nduction Motors, Torque/ Speed
characte ristics, Star Delta Sta rters, DOL Star ters, Reversing starters,
i nterlocking circuits, Wiring. Knowledge of PLC wi r ing, source & sink
• Variable Speed D r ive: K nowledge of P rogramming, its Variable speed &
T orque Characte ristics, Energy saving concepts.
• H M I (panel View 300 M icro): C reating Applications, Downloading /
U ploading P rogram, Communication w ith PLC.
• DCS: F lexlogix, I n t roduction to DCS H a rdwa re, Application and hands on
p ractical on DCS.
• Panel Designing: Contactor sizing and Bus bar sizing, Load calculation and
P anel protections etc.
• Auto Cad
• Pa rticipated in cricket premier league in the college.
Cultu ral
• Pa rticipated in various events held du ring the annual cultural fest BASANT.
Other I nformation
• Attended U D M I T TA JAGR I T I SIVAR b y Depa rtment of Science and
T echnology, Rajasthan Government du r ing 6-8 October, 2010.
• Certificate of Me r i t from H C L - CDC, Jaipu r for ASP.Net
• Certificate of Me r i t in C Language from "Aptech Computer Education"
• Certificate of Pa r ticipation in C++ Language from "Aptech Computer
E ducation"
• Attended workshop on Mobile Robotics from "Robhatah Robotic Solutions
P vt. Ltd."
• Member of ACM.
Mudit Gupta
S/o Sh. Rajesh Gupta
618 Vinoba Basti,
Sri Ganganagar (Raj.)