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Project Manager Management

Miami, FL
December 03, 2012

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**** ********* ****** ****

Boynton Beach, Florida 33473

561-***-**** (cell)

561-***-**** (home)



B.S. Geology, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

B.S. Geophysics, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Professional Registration

Licensure as a Professional Geologist in the State of Florida (PG 1237),

Illinois (196.001204), Wisconsin (1262-013), and Indiana (IN2263).

Professional Development

OSHA 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 40-

Hour Course

OSHA 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 8-

Hour Refresher

ASTM E1527-08 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments:

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process

ASTM E2600 Standard Practice for Assessment of Vapor Intrusion into


ASTM E2018-08 Standard Guide for Property Condition Assessments:

Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process

ASTM E1528-06 Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due

Diligence: Transaction Screen Process

Statement of General Experience

I offer 30 years of advanced, high-level environmental project management

experience in the private and regulatory sectors, using knowledge and

experience in the fields of petroleum, physical, and environmental sciences

to evaluate problems and offer solutions to complex environmental concerns

for clients and the regulated public. Project management challenges

included multiple demands, shifting priorities, ambiguity, and change.

Core skills include the organization, planning, performance, management,

and oversight of over one hundred site assessments and dozens of remedial

actions of varying nature and complexity. I am capable of working

independently with minimal supervision, or as a contributing member of a

project team and have extensive experience supervising and mentoring junior

staff. My excellent professional relationships with Clients, co-workers,

drilling, analytical, and a variety of other subcontractors have ensured

success on many projects. My computer skills began with Basic and Fortran

language programming, continued with operating Sperry Univac mainframe and

DEC mini seismic data processing mainframe computers, and has culminated

with mastery of the desktop PC. I am familiar with desktop hardware,

Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (XP, Vista, and 7), Office (1997, XP,

2003, 2007, 2010), Adobe Acrobat, and other software, which I use to work

more efficiently, communicate more effectively, and to be more productive.

2004 to 2012 Vice President, Solutech, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL

Scheduled and managed multiple concurrent environmental projects working

with a project team or independently, with short deadlines and conflicting

goals. Relevant experience included:

. Concurrency with County, State, and Federal environmental


. Preparation of proposal scopes of work, scope modifications, and

Change Orders;

. Collection of soil, surface and groundwater, soil gas, and air

quality data in high traffic and remote areas, under harsh weather


. Authored and reviewed hundreds of storage tank and RCRA closures,

hazardous and solid waste inspection reports, and petroleum and RCRA

site assessments of all types;

. Design, performance, and supervision of groundwater investigations,

vapor intrusion, and indoor air quality, radon, lead-based paint, and

asbestos screening assessments;

. Desktop reviews and evaluations of third party environmental reports;

. Site inspections for compliance with RCRA, NEPA, CWA, CAA, TSCA, and

other State and Federal environmental programs;

. Preparation and auditing of construction and operating air and water

permit applications;

. Property transaction due diligence investigations;

. Petroleum and dry cleaning solvent remedial actions;

. Preparation of partial and final project invoices;

. Review and evaluation of sensitive outgoing correspondence for

potential complications;

. Performance, supervision, and direction of environmental field work

using EPA and FDEP SOP to produce repeatable, consistent data to meet

data quality objectives for decision-making purposes. Evaluated

groundwater physical parameters for geochemical consistency;

. Designed and supervised installation of monitor, test, recovery, and

other well types;

. Provided expert testimony, environmental permit and operating

support, case guidance, and recommendations to legal and engineering

Clients. Competently represented Clients in meetings with legal,

regulatory, and environmental representatives, resulting in solutions

acceptable to all parties;

. Ability to maintain office sampling equipment, and keep detailed

field, instrument calibration, and maintenance logs;

. Trained and supervised employees and subcontractors to ensure

compliance with FDEP Standard Operating Procedures, regulatory

standards, protection of worker health, and compliance with safety

procedures; and

. Mentored junior and mid-level geologists, engineers, and

environmental specialists, and guided their professional development.

1992 to 2004 Project Manager, Glasgow Equipment Service, Inc.,

West Palm Beach, FL

Managed multiple storage tank installation, upgrade, replacement, and

removal projects for this leading Petroleum Storage System Specialty

Contractor. Relevant experience included:

. Performed numerous petroleum-related tank closure, site assessment,

and remedial actions;

. Authored environmental documents for Clients in accordance with EPA,

State regulations, and FDEP and County guidance documents;

. Reviewed the fueling needs of industrial and governmental clients, and

presented site-specific fueling and storage tank system solutions to

meet these needs;

. Provided Clients with design options, detailed cost estimates, and

managed the engineering, permitting, and construction of their fueling

system projects;

. Successfully bid on numerous fuel system construction and design-build

projects for private sector and governmental Clients;

. Oversaw subcontractors and employee field work;

. Implemented the Company safety, health, and quality training programs

including classroom instruction;

. Performed safety inspections and prepared reports for senior

management; and

. Prepared traffic control plans, confined space entry permits, and

Health and Safety Plans for Company operations.

1989 to 1992 Environmental Specialist and Professional Geologist,

Southeast District of the Florida Department of

Environmental Protection (FDEP), West Palm Beach, FL

Managed multiple permitting, compliance, and enforcement cases for the

Waste Management and Water Facilities Divisions of the State of Florida's

Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District office. Relevant

experience included:

. Hazardous waste compliance and enforcement inspections of permitted

and unpermitted hazardous waste generators;

. Performed site inspections, prepared inspection reports, communicated

Code requirements to the regulated public;

. Prepared Non-Compliance letters, Notices of Violation, Consent Orders,

and Case Reports for use in enforcement cases;

. Reviewed site assessments of all types, remedial action plans, and

groundwater monitoring proposals for compliance with regulations;

. Provided written review and guidance comments for signature by senior

District management;

. Conducted permit-related Underground Injection Control inspections of

Class I deep injection wells;

. Reviewed injection and monitor well construction and operating data

used to support permit applications, issued Request for Information

letters, and prepared permits for signature by the District Director;


. Member of the Florida Injection Well Technical Advisory Committee that

included FDEP, South Florida Water Management District, and U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency Region IV professional staff.

Other Experience:

Continental Netherlands Oil Company, Den Hague, The Netherlands

Designed field data acquisition programs, and interpreted geophysical and

geological data used for exploration and production of petroleum reservoirs

in the Dutch Sector of the North Sea. Generated subsurface structural maps

based on seismic, gravity, magnetic, well log, and other geophysical

information. Presented findings with recommendations to senior executives

and government representatives.

Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company, Houston, TX and Oklahoma City,


Designed and interpreted geophysical and geological data used for petroleum

exploration in the Michigan Basin and Eastern Overthrust Belt. Generated

subsurface structural maps based on seismic, gravity, magnetic, well log,

and other geological and geophysical information sources. Recommended and

used the first Landsat satellite images for exploration of

stratigraphically-controlled petroleum reservoirs in the Michigan Basin.

Proposed the first use of multi-disciplinary seismic interpretation and

data processing teams to look for stratigraphic traps in the Michigan

Basin. Completed Gulf Oil Corporation's Exploration Program of Instruction

for Senior Exploration Geophysicists and Geologists. Performed seismic

data processing using experimental algorithms and mainframe computers.

Student Internships: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

United Geophysical Corporation

New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources

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