Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Editor of a medical journal and former professor with diverse experience,
seeking an editor position. Career skills in editing, research, writing,
reviewing, and administration. Additional strengths include organization,
leadership, independence, and a strong work ethic.
UroToday International Journal; Digital Science Press, Berkeley, CA
Editor, January 2009-present
University of Cincinnati; Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders,
Cincinnati, OH
Professor and Graduate Program Director
. Professor Emeritus, 2007-present
. Professor, 1995-2007
. Director of MA and PhD Programs, 1990-2007
. Associate Professor, 1987-1995
. Assistant Professor, 1982-1987
Editor (current position)
. Substantive/developmental editing (80% of manuscripts): consider the
manuscript's concept, content, organization, research design,
statistical analysis, and style; request author revisions or response
to my questions (eg, discrepancies between data in the text and
tables, missing information in the results, vague or incorrect
statistics that are important to the research design,
overinterpretation of the data); conduct final edit following author
. Copy/technical editing (20% of manuscripts): consider the manuscript's
mechanics of writing and internal consistency of presentation
. Oversee manuscript submission and production: provide technical
checks; monitor review process; communicate with html coders; create
pdf version of the manuscript; publish articles on website
. Other responsibilities: create website content; report and help
resolve issues such as plagiarism or other ethical and professional
violations; communicate with reviewers and potential authors; oversee
applications to database indexing sources; monitor websites such as
the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors for policy
changes; suggest changes to promote quality and growth
Editor (previous position)
. Editorial review board member for 3 leading international journals
(Cleft Palate Craniofacial J; J Speech Hear Res; Lang Speech Hear Serv
Sch) and 1 state journal (J Ohio Speech Hear Assoc)
. Grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health
. Reviewer of textbooks for Cengage Learning
. Advisor of 11 doctoral dissertations and 94 master's theses
. Evaluator of student essay examinations, research proposals, case
studies, and literature reviews
. Research articles in refereed professional journals and books (see
complete list below)
. Accreditation reports, handbooks, book chapters, program reviews,
catalogs, and website content
. Grant proposals for federal (National Institutes of Health; Department
of Health and Human Services), state (Ohio Board of Regents),
foundation (Andrus Foundation), and university funding agencies
. Website content
Administrator and Leader
. Managed all aspects of MA and PhD programs (78 and 32 students,
respectively). This included recruiting, advising, and overseeing all
stages of training. Acted as a liaison between students and faculty.
. Served on advisory boards for foundations, steering committees, and
national convention program committees
. Served as President of College Faculty; was chair or member of a wide
variety of university, college, and department committees
. Created a mentorship program for faculty at all career stages;
received Association for Women Faculty Award for this accomplishment
Researcher and Teacher
. Recipient of internal and external funding for research, including the
National Institutes of Health
. Teacher of on-campus and distance-learning MA and PhD students
. Presenter of over 90 professional papers at state, national, or
international conventions
Patient Care
. Provider of direct patient care in medical settings; specialized in
speech problems related to otolaryngology, neurology, oncology, and
pulmonology disorders
. Supervisor of graduate student therapists
. AMA and APA writing styles (also know MLA, AP, Chicago, and Turabian)
. Editorial Manager (Aries Systems Corp; North Andover, MA)
. Content Management Systems: Joomla (Open Source Matters, Inc; USA) and
Jentla (Joomla Enterprise Layer; Brisbane, Australia)
. Microsoft Office Word; Excel; PowerPoint (Microsoft; Redmond, WA)
. Adobe InDesign; Adobe Acrobat (Adobe Systems Inc; San Jose, CA)
. Database search engines; web browsers
. HTML coding; SEO principles
. Adobe Photoshop (Adobe Systems Inc; San Jose, CA)
. Electronic classrooms; streaming media
Degrees in Communication Sciences & Disorders
. PhD 1979; MS 1976 University of Wisconsin-Madison
. BS 1974 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (minor in English) Summa
Cum Laude; Phi Beta Kappa
. American Association of Medical Acupuncture, Second Place Research
Award, 2002
. College of Allied Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Research,
. Fellow of the American Speech and Hearing Association (127,000
members), 2000
. College of Allied Health Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching,
. Fellow of the Ohio Speech and Hearing Association (2800 members), 1999
. American Society of Dentistry for Children, First Place Journalism
Award, 1996
Gorman S, Weinrich B, Lee L, Stemple JC. Aerodynamic changes as a result of
vocal function exercises in elderly men. Laryngoscope. 2008;118(10):1900-
Krival K, Kelchner L, Weinrich B, Baker S, Lee L, Middendorf J, Zur K.
Vibratory source, vocal quality, and fundamental frequency following
pediatric laryngotracheal reconstruction. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol.
Zur K, Cotton S, Kelchner L, Baker S, Weinrich B, Lee L. Pediatric Voice
Handicap Index (pVHI): A new tool for evaluating pediatric dysphonia. Int
J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2007;71(1):77-82.
Gottliebson R, Lee L, Weinrich B, Sanders J. Voice problems of future
speech-language pathologists. J Voice. 2007;21(6):699-704.
Kelchner LN, Horne J, Lee L, et al. Reliability of speech-language
pathologist and otolaryngologist ratings of laryngeal signs of reflux in an
asymptomatic population using the reflux finding score. J Voice.
Kummer AW, Lee L, Stutz LS, Maroney A, Brandt JW. The prevalence of apraxia
characteristics in patients with velocardiofacial syndrome as compared with
other populations. Cleft Palate Craniofacial J. 2007;44(2):175-181.
Baker S, Kelchner L, Weinrich B, Lee L, Willging P, Cotton R, Zur K.
Pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis and airway reconstruction: a review of
voice outcomes, assessment, and treatment issues. J Voice 2006;20(4):631-
Musser J, Lee L, Maddox S, Stemple JC, Dal Vera R. Bioelectrical impedance
analysis and self-ratings during periods of normal and over hydration. Med
Probl Perform Art. 2006;21:177-182.
Kelchner LN, Toner MM, Lee L. Effects of prolonged loud reading on normal
adolescent male voices. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch. 2006;37(2):96-103.
Lee L, Stemple JC, Glaze L. Quick Screen for Voice. Gainesville, FL:
Communicare Publishing; 2005.
Lee L, Stemple JC, Glaze L, Kelchner LN. Quick screen for voice and
supplementary documents for identifying pediatric voice disorders. Lang
Speech Hear Serv Sch. 2004;35(4):308-319.
Kelchner L, Lee L, Stemple JC. Laryngeal function and vocal fatigue after
prolonged reading in individuals with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. J
Voice. 2003;17(4):513-528.
Kummer AW, Briggs M, Lee L. The relationship between the characteristics of
speech and velopharyngeal gap size. Cleft Palate Craniofac J.
Lee L, Daughton S, Scheer S, et al. Use of acupuncture for the treatment of
adductor spasmodic dysphonia: a preliminary investigation. J Voice.
Scheer S, Lee L. An acupuncture protocol for the treatment of adductor
spasmodic dysphonia. Med Acupunct. 2003;14(3):20-23.
Jacoby G, Lee L, Kummer AW, Levin L, Creaghead NA. The number of
individual treatment units necessary to facilitate functional communication
improvements in the speech and language of young children. Am J Speech Lang
Pathol. 2002;11(4):370-380.
Baker RM, Lee L, Evans MM, et al. The word fluency measure: normative
values for younger and older adults. J Med Speech Lang Pathol. 2001;9(1):63-
Lee L. Modification of speech breathing in a patient with chronic asthma.
In: Stemple JC, ed. Voice Therapy: Clinical Studies. 2nd ed. San Diego, CA:
Singular Press; 2000:248-251.
Lee L. Focusing laryngeal tone. In: Stemple JC, ed. Voice Therapy: Clinical
Studies. 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Singular Press; 2000:315-317.
Lee L. Research update: Measuring hydration. Am Speech Hear Assoc Division
3 Newsletter. 1999;9(3):4.
Lee L, Stemple JC, Kizer M. Consistency of acoustic and aerodynamic
measures of voice production over 28 days under various testing conditions.
J Voice. 1999;13(4):477-483.
Lee L, Stemple JC, Geiger D, Goldwasser R. Effects of environmental tobacco
smoke on objective measures of voice production. Laryngoscope.
Lee L. Assessment of dyspnea. Am Speech Hear Assoc Division 3 Newsletter.
Lee L, Pennington E, Stemple JC. Leading roles in a high school musical:
effects on objective and subjective measures of voice production. Med Probl
Perform Art. 1998;13:167-171.
Lee L, Friesen M, Lambert IR, Loudon RG. Evaluation of dyspnea during
physical and speech activities in patients with pulmonary disease. Chest.
Constantinidou F, Neils J, Bouman D, Lee L, Shuren J. Pictorial superiority
during verbal learning tasks in moderate to severe closed head injury:
additional evidence. J Gen Psychol. 1996;123(3):173-184.
Eustace CS, Stemple JC, Lee L. Objective measures of voice production in
patients complaining of laryngeal fatigue. J Voice. 1996;10(2):146-154.
Kummer AW, Lee L. Evaluation and treatment of resonance disorders. Invited
manuscript, clinical forum series. Lang Speech Hearing Serv Sch.
Weiner JB, Lee L, Cataland J, Stemple JC. An assessment of pitch matching
ability among speech pathology graduate students. Am J Speech Lang Pathol.
Gable TO, Kummer AW, Lee L, Creaghead NA. Premature loss of the primary
maxillary incisors: effect on speech production. ASDC J Dent Child.
Stemple JC, Stanley J, Lee L. Objective measures of voice production in
normal subjects following prolonged voice use. J Voice. 1995;9(2):127-133.
Sabol JW, Lee L, Stemple JC. The value of vocal function exercises in the
practice regimen of singers. J Voice. 1995;9(1):27-36.
Stemple JC, Lee L, D'Amico BA, Pickup B. Efficacy of vocal function
exercises as a method of improving voice production. J Voice. 1994;8(3):271-
Lee L, Loudon RG, Jacobson BH, Stuebing R. Speech breathing in patients
with lung disease. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1993;147(5):1199-1206.
Lee L. Gee, my voice is tired today [invited article]. Southwest Ohio
Speech Hear Assoc Newsletter. 1993;Fall:26-31.
Lee L. Focusing laryngeal tone. In: Stemple JC, ed. Voice Therapy: Clinical
Studies. Chicago, IL: Mosby Yearbook; 1993:250-252.
Kummer AW, Curtis C, Wiggs M, Lee L, Strife JL. Comparison of
velopharyngeal gap size in patients with hypernasality, hypernasality and
nasal emission, or nasal turbulence (rustle) as the primary speech
characteristic. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 1992;29(2)152-156.
Kent RD, Forner [Lee] L. Developmental study of vowel formant frequencies
in an imitation task. In: Baken RJ, Daniloff RG, eds. Readings in Clinical
Spectrography of Speech. San Diego, CA: Singular Pub; 1991:88-101.
Lee L. Book review: Communicative Disorders Related to Cleft Lip and
Palate. J Ohio Speech Hear Assoc. 1990;Spring:67.
Dobres R, Lee L, Stemple JC, Kummer AW, Kretschmer LW. Description of
laryngeal pathologies in children evaluated by otolaryngologists. J Speech
Hearing Disord. 1990;55(3):526-532.
Huntress LM, Lee L, Creaghead NA, Wheeler DA, Braverman K. Aphasic
subjects' comprehension of synthetic and natural speech. J Speech Hear
Disord. 1990;55(1):21-27.
Kummer AW, Strife JL, Grau WH, Creaghead NA, Lee L. The effects of LeFort I
osteotomy with maxillary movement on articulation, resonance, and
velopharyngeal function. Cleft Palate J. 1989;26(3):193-199; discussion 199-
Loudon RG, Lee L, Holcomb BJ. Volumes and breathing patterns during speech
in healthy and asthmatic subjects. J Speech Hear Res. 1988;31(2)219-227.
Lee L, Glore JD, Stemple JC, Loudon RG. Contrastive stress in sentences
produced by subjects with restrictive lung disease. J Ohio Speech Hear
Assoc. 1988;Spring:34-39.
Lee L, Chamberlain LG, Loudon RG, Stemple JC. Speech segment durations
produced by healthy and asthmatic subjects. J Speech Hear Disord.
Herrington-Hall BL, Lee L, Stemple JC, Niemi K, Miller M. Description of
laryngeal pathologies by age, sex, and occupation in a treatment-seeking
sample. J Speech Hear Disord. 1988;53(1):57-64.
Forner [Lee] L, Hixon TJ. Respiratory kinematics in profoundly hearing-
impaired speakers. In: Hixon TJ, ed. Respiratory Function in Speech and
Song. Boston, MA: College Hill Press; 1987:73-108.
Byles P, Forner [Lee] L, Stemple J. Communication apprehension in
esophageal and tracheoesophageal speakers. J Speech Hear Disord.
1985;50(2):114-119. Abstract in Otolaryngol Rhinol Laryngol Digest. Feb,
Forner [Lee] L. Speech segment durations produced by five and six year old
speakers with and without cleft palates. Cleft Palate J. 1983;20(3)185-198.
Kent RD, Forner [Lee] L. Speech segment durations in sentence recitations
by children and adults. J Phon. 1980;8(2)157-168.
Kent RD, Forner [Lee] L. Developmental study of vowel formant frequencies
in an imitation task. J Acoust Soc Am. 1979;65(1):208-217.
Forner [Lee] L, Hixon TJ. Respiratory kinematics in profoundly hearing-
impaired speakers. J Speech Hear Res. 1977;20(2):373-408.
Forner [Lee] L. Speech Segment Durations Produced by Five- and Six-Year-Old
Speakers With and Without Cleft Palates [dissertation]. Madison: University
of Wisconsin; 1979.
Forner [Lee] L. Respiratory Kinematics in Profoundly Hearing-Impaired
Speakers [master's thesis]. Madison: University of Wisconsin; 1976.
*References available on request