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Human Resources High School

Birmingham, AL, 35211
August 04, 2011

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* Excellent communication and computer skills

* Extremely organized and resourceful

* Strong ability to work in diverse settings as a participant and as

a leader

* Able to work independently efficiently

* Known for being dependable, thorough, detailed and time-oriented


The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama


Master of Social Work

The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama


Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Psychology Minor


Licensed Master Social Work, State of Alabama

License #: 2830G; Expiration: January 2013


Senior Social Worker, State of Alabama, Birmingham, AL


* Investigate alleged child abuse and neglect

* Complete home evaluations and comprehensive family assessments

* Provide immediate crisis intervention

* Facilitate individual service plans and participate in discharge

planning with surrounding hospitals

* Assess needs, identify barriers and determine the delivery of

appropriate services

* Advocate for clients through case staffing and multi-needs panel

* Refer clients to community resources and partnership with providers to

initiate services

Family and Child Specialist, Gateway Alliance, Birmingham, AL


* Assessed needs and determined the best long-term permanent plan

* Facilitated reunification with biological family

* Provided intensive in-home services

* Assisted families with utilization of community resources

Program Assistant, Sasha Bruce Youthwork (SBY), Washington, DC


* Conducted interviews with individuals seeking employment for various


* Coordinated therapeutic, educational and recreational activities for

Summer Enrichment program

* Developed detailed budget for Summer Enrichment program

* Supervised a group of 25 youth ages 12-17 during Summer Enrichment


* Managed 5 summer workers ages 14-21

* Assisted in event planning to raise awareness for homeless youth

* Co-facilitated etiquette and business classes

* Managed bi-weekly meetings and community projects for SBY's Youth

Advisory Board

* Recruited, organized and presented information regarding Project Safe

Place to middle and high school students within DC area

M.S.W. Intern, Sasha Bruce Youthwork (SBY), Washington, DC


* Assisted in developing new initiatives such as curfew violation

reduction within the community

* Provided leadership in restructuring and implementing SBY's Youth

Advisory Board

* Assisted in investigating confidential matters involving alleged staff


* Conducted initial interviews with potential staff for counselor and

director positions

* Facilitated surveys relating to neighborhood crime and effectiveness

of public school education

* Provided support to the development and human resources departments

in preparing proposals for funding and documents for the residential

re-licensing process

* Aided in organizing and planning special events within organization

* Provided support to SBY programs by developing a work-plan,

restructuring caregiver support group, and preparing monthly and

quarterly reports

B.S.W Intern, Jefferson County Department of Human Resources, Birmingham,

AL 01/08-05/08

* Collected confidential information from the community reporting child

abuse and neglect

* Conducted assessments regarding alleged child abuse and neglect

* Utilized resources within the community relating to shelter,

childcare, and transportation

* Arranged fundraiser to collect items for children in custody


* Targeted Case Management Certification Training - 2010

* Adult, Child and Infant CPR/First Aid - 2010

* Managing Crisis Safely Training - 2010

* Healthy Interventions Training - 2010

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