S haundra Johnson
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
E DUCAT ION B achelor of Arts i n Communication and I nformation Sciences, May
T he University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
M ajor: Advertising M inor: English
S tudent Summer Aide, June 2010-September 2010
June 2009-August 2009
M ay 2008-September 2008,
J une 2006-September 2006
Social Security Administration, Birmingham, AL
Contacted attorneys and clients regarding various issues
Faxed correspondence items to attorneys
M ailed updated Disability documents to clients
I ntern, J une 2009-December 2009
Uhaps.com, Lexington, KY
Represented Budweiser in the T uscaloosa, AL a rea
Took photos at various events
Published event photos on website
P roduct Specialist, June 2007-September 2008
B lue B uffalo, G reat Plains Leasing L LC, Wilton, CT
I n t roduced customers at various retail locations to Blue Buffalo
p roducts
Set up product display table at retail locations
E ncouraged purchase of Blue Buffalo products
D ay Care Provider, January 2006-June 2006
New Hope Child Development Center, Bessemer, AL
P rovided care for children 6 weeks to 18 months
Fed, administered medicine to, and changed diapers of children
` T itle Clerk Assistant, May 2005-October 2005
J im Burke Automotive, Birmingham, AL
I nput information regarding recently acquired vehicles
F illed out application for ti t les
Contacted customers regarding ti t les
C ustomer Service Representative, December 2003-May 2004
Teletech, Fairfield, AL
Assisted consumers with DSL connectivity issues
Helped consumers set up e-mail accounts
V OLUNTEER Camp Fire USA, Links Up Mentoring, 2006-2007
ACT IV I T I ES B ig Brothers Big Sisters of Birmingham, AL, 2007-2010
S KILLS M icrosoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, LAN
10-key proficient, Mail Meter, Type 60 wpm
A dobe Photoshop, Adobe I llustrator, Adobe InDesign