F ull Name : MEENA KRISHNAN S tatus:
Address: ** ****** *****
N J-08536
Tel.no: 732-***-****
Email : **********@*****.***
Objective : Seeking a position as R eceptionist / H R Specialist / I T R ecruiter to apply
my skill set in a growth oriented organization.
E mployment H istory :
. N ine months of experience in cash register at 7eleven.
. O ne year work experience as Montessori school teacher.
. O ne and half year experience as a Office Assistant for an I T Recruiting fi rm.
S kills:
• E xcellent verbal and w ritten communication skills
• A bility to work I ndependently and Quick learner
• A bility to achieve targets
E ducation :
. B achelor in Corporate Secretaryship.(IND IA)
. QA Testing course completed in NJ.