Larry Luckett
Communications Specialist Objective:
To contribute design, communication and marketing expertise to create ground breaking compositions and unique ways to share with others the
314-***-**** beauty of art and design through a variety of media.
graphic design • web design • print • advertising
Technical Skills Education:
Drake University Des Moines, Iowa
Bachelors of Arts: Graphic Design (2007)
In Design CS4
Bachelors of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communications:
Photoshop CS4 Advertising (Management) (2007) (G.P.A. 3.26)
Illustrator CS4
Work Experience:
Flash CS4
Dreamweaver CS4 L2 Design (2009-Present)
Graphic Design/Web Design/Marketing
Fireworks CS4
Microsoft Office • Turtle Bee Productions (Print, Web, and Marketing Strategies) using
Action Script Adobe Illustrator, In Design, and Photoshop
HTML • Promotions for First Friday’s Entertainment (Advertisement, Marketing)
created flyers and brochures using Adobe Illustrator and In Design
• Successfully completed web site, and e-blast using effective Java Script
and ASP to create fluid and functional compositions
Laser Printer • Used Word Press, and PHP to design two blogs sites that help users and
Java Script clients interact with each other through different media
Word Press
PC Efficient
Saint Louis, Missouri
MAC Efficient
JWT Advertising Agency (2007-2009)
Graphic Designer/Production Artist/Client Relationships
• Coordinated web projects with the design and account teams to create
standard compliant web pages, applications and print material for
The Boeing Company
• Created and produced print and web advertisement using Adobe In
Design, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver
• Senior Production Artist for multiple accounts
• Was a strong contributor to the Microsoft “View My World” table-
less web site. Created web content for the site using XHTML and
CSS components
• Print Production Specialist for multiple accounts
5540 Pershing Ave. Saint Louis, Missouri 63112
Larry Luckett
Communications Specialist Des Moines, Iowa MCAdvantages (2005-2007)
Assistant Communications Director
• Assisted the Head Director in creating a variety of marketing and
graphic design • web design • print • advertising
advertising strategies to successfully meet the goals of
multiple clients
Technical Skills
• Specialized in Search Engine Optimization, specifically with the
Google search engine in mind
In Design CS4
Photoshop CS4
Awards and Accomplishments
Illustrator CS4
• JWT Employee of the month (November 2008)
• The Boeing Company Head Graphic Designer (JWT)
Flash CS4
• Advertising Professionals of Des Moines (Member)
Dreamweaver CS4
• Drake University Advertising (Creative Producer 2007)
Fireworks CS4 • Honor Student in Advertising and Graphic Design
Microsoft Office • Mentor for Youth Programs (Drake University)
Action Script • Drake University Fine Art Award Finalist (2006)
Laser Printer
Java Script
Word Press
PC Efficient
MAC Efficient
Reference available upon request
5540 Pershing Ave. Saint Louis, Missouri 63112