Hidayov Olim *
Hidayov Olim
****, (E*-*), Nano-ICE Laboratory, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro (373-1 Guseong-dong),
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea, 305-701
Phone: +82-042-***-****, Mobile: 010-****-****
E-mail: ****@*****.**.**
EDUCATION 2008/09 - 2013/08 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
PhD in Electrical Engineering, KAIST, 2013. Specialized in CMOS/RF/Analog
circuit design. Design of small-area, on-chip, wide-band and narrow-band RF
Advisor: Sang-Gug Lee
Dissertation: A 0.7-2.7 GHz Wide-band CMOS Low Noise Amplifier and Active
Mixer for LTE Application
2006/ 03 - 2008/08 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
M. Sc. in Information & Communication Engineering, 2006. Wireless
Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Digitial Signal Processing
(DSP),( Matlab Simulink)
Advisor: Sang-Gug Lee
Thesis: Signal processing algorithms in piecewise polynomial basis
1994/09 - 1999/08 Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekista n
BA in Communication Engineering, 1999.
Advisor: Sultanov Khurshid Bakhadirovich
Thesis: Database Design for Library Management System.
2009 – 2010: (ETRI, ITSoC project) ., Korea
Graduate Student Researcher
Development of RF receiver for LTE Application in 0.18 µm CMOS technology.
Wide-band Low Noise Amplifier
Circuit Design: Reduced-gain with low-noise and minimum 0dBm linearity
LNA design. To achieve reduced-gain with low-noise LNA, the technology
scaling for input transistors and on-chip inter-cascode inductors have been
utilized to get input matching and low-noise operation.
Operation: Low Noise Amplifier operation frequency range of 0.7GHz to
2.7GHz which covers all LTE operation band.
PCB Design: Evaluation Board Design for LN A.
Hidayov Olim 2
Measurement: S-parameter with Frequency Analyzer, Noise measurement with
Noise Analyzer.
2010-2012: Nano Integrated Circuit Expertise Laboratory (NICE), KAIST, Korea
Graduate Student Researcher
Development of low power RF receiver for LTE Application in 0.13µm CMOS
Wide-band Active Mixer (Front-end)
Circuit Design: Low-noise and high linearity, with high conversion gain. To
design of low-noise and high linearity Current bleeding circuit as noise and
distortion cancellation, on-chip inter RF and LO inductors have been
utilized to reduce the flicker noise and overall noise performance of mixer,
improved along with high linearity.
Operation: RF frequency range of 0.7GHz to 2.7GHz and supports flexible
data rates with channel bandwidth varied from 1.4MHz to 20MHz.
PCB Design: Evaluation Board Design for Active Mixer.
Measurement: S-parameter with Frequency Analyzer, Noise measurement
with Noise Analyzer.
2012-Present, (ERC project) at Nano Integrated Circuit Expertise Laboratory (NICE),
KAIST, Korea
Graduate Student Researcher
Development of Single WLAN/WPAN Transceiver
Multi-band Multi-mode Low Noise Amplifier.
Circuit design: Single-chip Reconfigurable Multi-band Multi-mode (RMM)
LNA design.
Operation: Low Noise Amplifier operation frequency 2.4-5.2GHz.
2007 - 2008: RIC/TIC Project (UCGA-TIC; Techo. Innovation Center, Busan) Korea
Graduate student
Developing algorithm for sensor network
Method of approach of functional dependences systems piecewise -linear
and piecewise-quadratic basic functions Piecewise & Piecewise-basic
functions received on the basis of rectangular orthogonal bases
Simulation in Matlab, Simulink
Hidayov Olim 3
1999 – 2002: Tashkent Telecom Joint Stock company
Project leader
Responsibility: Maintenance, installation and deploying of telecomm
devices (Siemens Routers, Huawei/ZTE Digital Switches (ZXJ10),
SDH Multiplexer, STM-16) for Metropolitan City and Tashkent
Regional Telecomm Branch Offices
2002 – 2006: Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan
Planning and teaching lab experiments on IT and Electronics
Taking Lab experiment classes
Development and planning of experiment class materials
Lectures taught: Internet Technologies, Basics of Microprocessor (8080),
Basics of Electronics, Web Programming
HTML, Matlab, Simulink
SKILLS Working knowledge of EDA tools (Front-end, Back-end)
Circuit Simulator (Cadence Spectre, 5 years)
Layout Editor (Cadence Virtuoso, 5 years)
Layout Verification (Cadence Diva/Assura, 5 years)
Layout Verification (Mentor Calibre, 3.5 year)
Agilent ADS : 2 years
Working knowledge of Full Custom Design
RF and baseband measurement : 3 years
Working knowledge of Libraries & Design-kits for TSMC, IBM
Hardware design tools
Cadence: 5 year
ADS :2year
Software design
Matlab, Simulink
Hidayov Olim 4
Thorough knowledge on IC development, troubleshooting & verification, design &
fabrication, layout, modeling & packaging, PCB design and measurement. Familiar with
CMOS processes.
Commercial IC product design experience & practical IC design projects from research
institutes and industrial companies.
Self-driven and independent, hard working, scrupulous, capable of working individually
or in group.
Experienced in test systems, devices and equipments.
Creative and quick analysis and problem-solving capability in all cases.
Technical presentation: ICI’07, ICI’08, IWSSIP’08, ICACT’10, IMWS-IRFPT’11,
MAIN RFIC design, Analog Circuit design, VLSI Design, System on Chip (SoC) design.
Aug. 2008 ITTP Scholarship for PhD in KAIST
Feb. 2006 ITTP Scholarship for Master Degree in KAIST
Aug. 1994 Full scholarship with stipend for Bachelor Degree
Uzbek (Native)
English (Fluent)
Comfortable in communication. Long experience working with native and
non-native English speakers.
Russian (Fluent)
o Comfortable with technical and conversational, and full understanding of
the conversation.
Korean (Conversational).
o Casual conversation and understanding of some technical discussions.
Olim Hidayov, Dhananjay Singh, Hakimjon Zaynidinov, Sang-Gug Lee,
“Modeling of Algorithms and Structures of Specialized Processor
for Digital Processing in Piecewise-polynomial Bases”, submitted to Elsevier
Editorial System(tm) for Digital Signal Processing, 2012.
Olim Hidayov, Justin Cartwight, Seok Kyun Han, Sang-Gug Lee, “A Wide-band
CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for LTE Application”, submitted to IEEE Electronics
Letters, 2013.
3. Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, K.-S. Choi, Olim Hidayov, J. Sangirov, M. H. Cho, T.-
Hidayov Olim 5
W. Lee, and H.-H. park, “Small Area and High Inductance Semi -Stacked Spiral
Inductor with High Q Factor,” IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Journal,
vol.6, pp 880-883, June 2012
4. Olim Hidayov, Hakimjon Zaynuddinov, Hyung Chul Park, Kondekar Pravin, Sang -
Gug Lee, “Method of Computing Spectral Factors in Piecewise -Quadratic Bases and
its Application in Problems of Digital Signal Processing” Proceedings 15th
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2008,
Bratislava, Slovakia
5. Olim Hidayov, Ikechi Augustin, Hakimjon Zaynidinov, Sang -Gug Lee,
“Comparative analysis of piecewise-polynomial of local bases” ICACT'10
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Advanced communication
technology. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5427-3
6. Olim Hidayov, D. Singh, and B. Gohel, "A Simulink-Model of Specialized
Processor on the Piecewise-Polynomial Bases",ICACT2011 (International
Conference on Advance Communication and Technology), Phoenix Park, Korea,
IEEE Communication Society, 02/201
7. Hakim Zaynidinov, Eeljin Chae, Olim Hidayov “Development and Animation of
Functioning of High-Efficiency Computing Structure for Restoration of Signals” The
2008 International Conference on Multimedia, Information Technology and its
Applications, 2008
8. Olim Hidayov, Il Hoon Jang, Seok Kyun Han, Sang-Gug Lee and Justin Cartwight
“A Wide-band CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for LTE Application” 2011 IEEE MTT-
S International Microwave Workshop Series on Intelligent Radio for Future
Personal Terminals IEEE CAT. NO. CFP11RFP-PRT ISBN 978-1-4577-0962-3. 24-
25 August
9. Javohir Azizov, Olim Hidayov and Dipnarayan Guha, “Content-driven UWB-based
Location-aware Networking” ICI 2008 Conference 23 September, Tashkent
10. Javohir Azizov, Olim Hidoev, Jamshid Sangirov, Dilshod Rahmatov, “Impact of
Application-driven Multi-radio Emulation in Embedded Devices on IETF LoWPAN
Standards”, ICI2007, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 26 September.
Prof. Jae Jeung Rho
(Director of IT IT Technology Program (ITTP) Telephone :+82-10-631*-****
Technology Program) Department of Management Science E-mail : *****@*****.**.**
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Office Phone: +82-42-350-****
Prof. Sang-Gug Lee Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering Korea
(Ph.D. supervisor) Fax : +82-42-350-****
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, #3243, E3 bld.,
E-mail: *****@**.*****.**.**
Nano-ICE Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, 373-1,
Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Dae-jeon, Republic of Korea.
Head of Global Division of Information Technology Department of
Prof. Dhananjay Telephone: +82-31-330-****
Electronics Engineering, Hankuk (Korea) University of Freign
Singh Mobile no: +82-10-584*-****
(Co-supervisor) Students, 89, Wangsan-ri, Mohyeon-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si,
E-mail : ******@****.**.**
Gyeonggi-do, 449-791, South Korea.
I hereby certify that all the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Olim Hidayov