Christopher A. Weidow, M.S.
**** ***** ***** • Jacksonville, Florida, 32210 • ********@*******.*** • 904-***-****
Currently seeking opportunities to work with any business, agency, or organization dedicated to research
and development in the field of environmental sciences with a focus on microbiology. With a strong
background in environmental microbiology, I believe that I have the professional tools required to adapt
and excel in any field, whether it be experimental research or outreach and education.
Master of Science in Soil and Water Sciences, May 2013
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Specialization: Microbial Ecology/Environmental Microbiology
GPA: 3.90/4.00
Thesis Title: Diversity and Distribution of Aromatic Ring Dioxygenases among Soil Actinobacteria
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Cell Science, December 2008
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Minors in Chemistry and Religion
GPA: 3.60/4.00
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Florida, August 2009 – May 2013
• Researched and developed experimental methods for conducting environmental
phylogenetics study
• Cooperated with post-doctoral personnel to develop experimental PCR primers and
modify molecular-based techniques for research purposes
• Utilized modified molecular-based techniques (DNA extraction/PCR/cloning) to survey
multiple soils for DNA sequences related to the degradation of aromatic compounds by
• Compiled clone library sequence data and utilized specialized software to determine
phylogenetic associations of clone DNA sequences with known reference organisms
• Identified soil percent organic matter (OM), pH and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
content as the principle factors driving the distribution of Actinobacterial aromatic ring
oxygenases in experimental soils
• Experience obtaining and processing submerged soil samples from Everglades WCA-2A
(F1, F4, and U3 sites)
Radiation Safety Officer, University of Florida, August 2009 – May 2013
• Performed monthly safety checks of workspaces dedicated to radiation-based analyses
• Inventoried and analyzed radioactive materials stored in the lab
• Coordinated with Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) staff for waste management
• Maintained and submitted records of radioactive materials and authorized radiation personnel
• Instructed and supervised new radiation personnel on proper handling and cleanup of radioactive
Teaching Assistant, University of Florida, August 2009 – May 2013
• Assisted laboratory manager in teaching the laboratory portion of Soil Microbial Ecology course
(SWS5305C) (2 semesters)
• Prepared experimental media and materials for all students both under the supervision, and
independently, of the laboratory manager
• Coordinated in organizing materials and workspace for student use
• Supervised and counseled students in performing basic laboratory techniques
• Provided additional counsel and instruction to students, outside of class
Laboratory: PowerSoil DNA extraction kit (MO BIO); GoTaq Green Master Mix PCR system
pCR4-TOPO vector cloning system (Invitrogen); PCR product purification and Gel Extraction
kit (QIAGEN); Basic laboratory maintenance; Equipment experience [autoclave, microscope,
thermocycler (Bio-Rad), gel electrophoresis, GelDoc imaging device, sterile hood and fume
Radiological: Equipment experience (Beckman-Coulter Liquid Scintillation Counter)
Analytical Software: Genbank/BLASTn; Sequin; ClustalX2; MEGA 5.0; BioEdit; UniFrac and Fast
UniFrac; DOTUR; “R” and vegan
Computer: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)