J ohn F. Sorrentino
* * ***** ****, ******* CT * 6811
H : 2 03 - 790 - 1126 C : 2 03 - 417 - 8624
E mail: *.**************@***.***
E xtensive G eneral L edger a nd Cost A ccounting experience, i n a 1 00% Oracle m anufacturing environment,
d emonstrat ing i ncreas ing r esponsibility and accomplishment w ith defense contractor s m anufacturing h ighly
e ngineered products . R esponsibilities i ncluded a ll aspects of r elated f inancial reporting u sing ; O racle P rojects,
G /L, A /P, A /R, F /A and I nventory .
R evenue – F inancial S tatements – A ccount R econciliations – F ixed Assets – B udget V ariance Reports –
O verhead R ates – J ournal E ntries F orecasts – P rogram P erformance A nalysis – S arbanes - Oxley I mplementation –
O racle Super User O racle i mplementation s – C ontract C loseouts – K nowledge of C ost A ccounting S tandards a nd
F ederal A cquisition R egulations – S tandard Cost Accounting – A ppropriation Requests – U se Tax – P roperty Tax
C onsolidated C ontrols, Inc . Danbury, C T 1 990 t o 2 013
S enior Accountant ( DRS_CCI) 2005 t o 2 013
R econcile Revenue
P repare contract closeouts, f ixed assets accounting, sales and use tax returns, p roperty tax returns . B illings
i ncluding p erformance b ased p ayments. Incurred cost s ubmissions using the ICE format.
M igrated to Oracle R12 . M ost accounting functions returned to Danbury with the hiring of an onsite controller
f rom a different division who filled positions that were handled off site since 2006.
D eveloped departmental budgets with monthly budget variance reporting and Overhead Rate Development and
r eporting
P articipated in a full Oracle implementation including Projects, AR, AP, Inventory, and GL. Migrated history for
a ctive contracts between leg acy AS/400 and Oracle. Began to prepare on - line Use Tax return supported
d evelopment of Oracle and Primavera based program reporting system, anticipated to evolve to a full earned value
r eporting system.
M ost of financial accounting migrated out of state. T he Local accounting department was reduced from 9 people
t o 3. Responsible for accounting support and m onthly p rogram variance analysis of some 60 contracts including
p rogress billings, liquidation and contract closeout.
L ead Financial A ccountant 1 995 t o 2 000
R econcile reserves and other accounts maintained by off - site accounting. Trained accountants and accounting
s pecialists on our systems. Developed many additional account reconciliations to establish compliance with
S arbanes - Oxley requirements i ncluding $20 million inventory reconciliation, a $15 million payroll to labor
d istribution reconciliation, and $5 million un - billed receivables reconciliation. Other existing responsibilities
i nclude system analysis, accounting for bids & proposal; appro priation requests and fixed assets . T he company’s
o wnership went from Eaton to DRS. We migrated from Oracle general ledger and McCormack Dodge accounts
r eceivables system to Glovia general ledger and from AS/400 inventory, payables and M cCormack Dodge
r e ceivables to Glovia accounts receivables and payables . D esigned new departmental budgets providing managers
w ith total Salaries and Wages o n the B udget Variance Report. That line included direct and indirect labor. This
w as a ccomplished using a single a utomated labor distribution entry. T he data for the entry was exported to Excel
f rom the AS/400 and booked by Oracle ADI journal entry to the department’s expenses. A credit to a new direct
l abor absorption account eliminating direct labor from departmen tal expense was on that entry as well. Direct
l abor was eliminated from the departmental expenses to not duplicate the direct labor booked to inventory. Labor
a bsorption appeared below all the expenses on the Budget Variance Report. T his permitted t he to tal on the report
f or each department to agree to the trial balance. L ead financial ERP implementation team member for Oracle
s ystem. We interfaced the AS/400 Purchasing & Inventory sub - ledgers to centralized A.P. Implemented Oracle’s
G eneral Ledger whic h replaced McCormack Dodge’s FIRS Plus G/L System, in place since 1986.Aerospace and
N avy were split at the corporate reporting level. Split Navy Ledger into DOD business and Commercial business
w ith variance reporting from budget variance report. Split 1 l edger into 3 which separated 2 strategic business
u nits Aerospace & Navy. The Navy Ledger was split into DOD and Commercial. The DOD and Commercial Navy
b usiness unit that I belong to was sold by Eaton to DRS in 2002.
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J ohn F. Sorrentino
6 B arnum Road, Danbury CT 06811
H : 203 - 790 - 1126 C: 203 - 417 - 8624
E mail: *.**************@***.***
R esponsible for financial close f rom 1 995 through 2004. T hat included a ll journal entries, a nalytical Income
S tatements with Balance Sheet s a nd P osition of Cash Flows. M aintained all accrued reserves including vacation,
h oliday, warranty, workers compensation, inventory and tax w ith account reconciliations.
F inancial Analyst 1 990 t o 1 995
H ired 1990 to automate program reporting effort. Reported on 6 0 projects with $ 150 million order value $50
m illion balance o ver the years, I d id that f rom 1990 through 2000. I trained a cost accountant to do that. C apital
B udgeting and Capital Appropriation Re quests processing with DCF analysis, Leases (FASB 13)
T echnipower, Inc. Danbury, CT 1 987 to 1 989
C ost Accountant 1 987 to 1 989
P rovided all Cost Accounting Functions fo r $15 Million DOD organization. T his was a multi - product manufacture
w ith a hybrid costing including actual and standard cost .
P repared all cost accounting Journal entries
S upervised semi - annual physical inventory
P rocessed all material and labor cost inputs to sub - ledger and general ledger
D eveloped various software enhancements to f acilitate process
C oca - Cola Bottling Co. of New York, Greenwich, CT
S r. C ost Analyst 1 982 t o 1 986
S tandard Cost Variance A nalysis for $500 million b ottling company
M .B.A., Saint John’s University, Queens, NY;
B .A., New York University, New York, NY;
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