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Computer Science Assistant

Los Angeles, CA
October 04, 2013

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Derya Özkan

***** ********** *****, ***** *****, CA, 90094

Webpage: e-mail: *****@***.***.***, Phone: +1-213-***-****

Keywords: Machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, image retrieval


Ph.D. in Computer Science University of Southern California 07/2007-Present

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Louis-Philippe Morency Expected: 10/2013

Title: Computational Models for Human Nonverbal


M.S. in Computer Engineering Bilkent University (Turkey) 09/2004-06/2006

Advisor: Dr. Pınar Duygulu 02/2007-07/2007

Title: A Graph Based Approach for Finding People in News

B.S. in Computer Engineering Bilkent University (Turkey) 06/2000-06/2006

Summer School Attendee Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS'2005) 16-27 May 2005

Toyota Technological Institute- Chicago, USA


Intern AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ 06/2011 -08/2011

Voice and IP Services Lab

Task: Prototyped multimodal interface for the next

generation smart home systems based on Kinect motion

capturing sensor and AT&T Watson technology.

Intern Siemens Cooperate Research, Princeton, NJ 06/2006 -02/2007

Medical Imaging Department

Task: Vessel Segmentation from MRI images based on a

graph cut algorithm.

06/2002 – 07/2002

Summer Trainee TUBITAK

The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey

Task: Built a Restaurant Reservation System

08/2007 – 05/2009

Teaching Assistant University of Southern California

- CSCI 351: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

- CSCI 574: Computer Vision

- CSCI 576: Multimedia Systems Design

09/2004 – 06/2006

Teaching Assistant Bilkent University

- CS 202: Fundamental Structures of Computer Science II

- CS 101: Algorithms & Programming I

- CS 111: Introduction to Computing in Eng and Science

- CS 315: Programming Languages

- CS 121: Introduction to Computing for Social Sciences


Book Chapters:

Pinar Duygulu, Muhammet Bastan and Derya Ozkan, "Integrating image and text for semantic labeling of images and

videos", In Machine Learning for Multimedia, Editor: Matthieu Cord, Publisher: Springer -Verlag.


Derya Ozkan, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts” In IEEE Transactions of Multimedia,

Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 326-338, 2013.

Derya Ozkan, Pinar Duygulu, “Interest'ing Faces: A Graph Based Approach for Finding People” . In Pattern Recognition.

Volume 43, Issue 5, pages: 1717-1735., May 2010.


Derya Ozkan, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Prediction of Visual Backchannels in the Absence of Visual Context”, In 13th

International Conf. on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), UK, August 2013.

Derya Ozkan, Stefan Scherer, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Step-wise Emotion Recognition Using Concatenated-HMM”, In 2nd

Int Audio/Visual Emotion Challange and Workshop (AVEC), in conj. with ICMI, October 2012.

Derya Ozkan, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Modeling Wisdom of Crowds Using Latent Mixture of Experts”, In Association of

Computational Linguistics (ACL), June, 2011.

Iwan de Kok, Derya Ozkan, Dirk Heylen, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Learning and Evaluating Response Prediction Models

using Parallel Listener Consensus”. In International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), November, 2010.

Derya Ozkan, Kenji Sagae, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts for Multimodal Prediction

Modeling”. In International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), August, 2010.

Derya Ozkan, Louis-Philippe Morency, “Self-Based Feature Selection for Nonverbal Behavior Analysis”. In Workshop on

Human Behavior Understanding, in conj with International Conference on Pattern Recognition ( ICPR), August, 2010.

Hilal Zitouni, Sare Gul Sevil, Derya Ozkan, Pinar Duygulu, “Re-ranking of Image Search Results Using a Graph Algorithm”,

In the proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), December 2008.

Derya Ozkan, Pinar Duygulu, "Finding People Frequently Appearing in News", In Proceedings of International Conference

on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, July 13-15 2006. Also published in Lecture

Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4071/2006.

Derya Ozkan, Pinar Duygulu, "A Graph Based Approach for Naming Faces in News Photos", In Proceedings of IEEE

Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June, 2006.

Computing Skills/Projects

Languages: Java, C++, Matlab, C, LaTeX, HTML

Implemented a stochastic gradient descent method for probabilistic graphical models with C++.

Implemented a stereo matching system using dynamic programing in C++.

Built a multimodal interaction system based on Kinect software in C++.

PCA based face recognition method implemented using Matlab.

Built a restaurant reservation system in Java.

Built a Star Wars Game using object oriented design t echniques in Java.


Ranked 2nd at 2nd Int. Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC’12) in word -level sub-challenge.

Winner of the Best Poster for Technical Strength at USC CS Annual Research Review 2011.

University of Southern Californ ia Full Academic Scholarship during graduate studies.

Bilkent University Full Academic Scholarship (tuition + stipend) during undergraduate and graduate studies.


System and method for continuous multimodal speech and gesture interaction. Michael Johnston and Derya Ozkan.

Application number: US-13/308,846. Filing Date: Dec, 1, 2011.

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