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Engineer Manager

Greenville, SC
October 04, 2013

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Steve Sekely

*** ****** **

Roebuck, SC *****


Cell: 864-***-****

Summary of Qualifications

Journeyman tool and die maker with experience in building, maintaining

and repairing line, transfer, blanking and progressive dies.

Experienced troubleshooter for all types of dies in the press to ensure

minimal downtime percentages. 15 years experience in a production

environment. Heading of engineering changes in order to get dies to run

better runtime percentages and to run faster. Working closely with

customers to ensure quality met there standards.

Core competencies:

> Training apprentices

> Lead Engineering Changes

> welder

> Manage teams

> 5 S manufacturing

> Material reduction

> Circle Grid Analysis

> 15 year Class A

> Class A welding

> Quality Manager

> CAD/CAM programmer

Professional Experience

Draxlmaier, Duncan SC 1/12 - present

Cmm programmer/ metrologist

Generating new part programs from GD&T. Generating reports, fixture

validations, PPAP and capability studies using PC-DMIS and DATA PAGE

software. Also, generating special programs per customer and engineer

requests .

. Programming CMM machine using PC-Dmis software (ver. 2012).

. Assisting in continuous quality improvement.

. Using GD&T to insure parts are programmed and tolerenced correctly.

. Using Team Center.

. Using SAP

Gestamp, South Carolina


Tool and die Maker

Journeyman tool and die maker. Troubleshoot and repair line dies in the

press. Run all typical tool room equipment.

. Maintain and repair of all types of line dies and transfer dies

. Class A die repair and maintenance.

. MIG, Tig, ARC welder.

. Engineering changes.

. Troubleshoot problems in press and repair.

Rubbermaid, Akron Ohio 6/09 - 4/10

Cmm programmer/ Quality Manager

Lead CMM programmer and operator for quality department. Generating

programs for the industry using PCDMIS software. Creating matrix from

data analyses to increase production. Running flow tests on all material

to ensure it is the right consistency and strength. Linking multiple

companies together to ensure the right programs were being used.

. Programming CMM machine using PC-Dmis software (ver. 2009).

. Assisting in continuous quality improvement.

. Using GD&T to insure parts are to dimension.

. Strength testing on GRACO parts.

. Analyses matrixes and studies

McAfee Tool and Die, Akron Ohio 04/08 - 06/09

Tool and die maker

Journeyman tool and die maker. Job shop tool and die maker. Build and

repair of aviation dies. Holding very tight tolerances for fast

production runs. Ran all tool room machinery, including but not limited

to 3 axis prototrac. NC and manual grinders.

. Build and repair of high tolerance aviation dies.

. Press line setup

. Optimization of tooling.

. Heat treating and welding of various materials.

. Building of any job that came into the shop

Soundwich Inc., Cleveland Ohio 02/07 - 04/08

Class A Tool and Die Maker

Trouble shoot line, progressive dies and transfer dies. Repaired line,

transfer, progressive and blanking dies. Repair all dies on strict time

lines. Worked closely with engineers to solve issues and make changes.

Programmer and operator of CNC machinery as needed.

. Excelled in troubleshooting and problem solving highly technical


. Welder and heat treat of all types of tool steels

. Class A Die maker

. Completed engineering changes to CMM data

. CNC machinist

. PED welder maintenance and problem solver

. Nutting die maintence and problem solver

Sekely Ind., Salem Ohio 08/96 - 01/07

Class A Tool and Die Maker

Build of line dies and progressive dies from start to finish. 2nd shift

lead man. Run all typical tool room machinery including but not limited

to, programming and operation of 3 and 5 axis CNC machinery, NC and

manual surface grinders. Programming/operating of CMM machine using

Browne & Sharpe machinery and PC-DMIS software. Unigraphix and catia

design to re-engineer dies and cnc cutter routes.

. Weld and heat treat of all types of tool steels

. cad/cam programmer

. CNC programmer/ operator

. CMM programmer/ operator


ITT Technical College

2009 - 2010

CDD (Computer Drafting and Design)

Hexagon Metrology

PC-DMIS Programming Training Level 1


PC-DMIS Programming Training Level 2


Salem Ohio Apprenticeship 1997 - 2001

Tool and Die Apprenticeship Program

Technical Skills

Welding (mig,tig,arc) CAD/CAM

Blue Print Reading

Prototrac operations

Heavy Crane Operations

Heavy Fork Lift Operations

GD&T certified

SPC certified

Preventive Maintenance Programs

CMM programmer/operator

CNC Programmer/operator

Computer Skills

Windows applications

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook)

Internet navigation and research

AutoCAD 2008 & 2010

PC-Dmis software (v3.5, v3.7, v2009, v2011, v2012)

Google Sketch up

Virtual Gibbs cam (up to 2009)

Smirt die shop software

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