**** ******** ****** ****** ***. 696.6772
W ake Forest, NC 27587 aw@windstream .net
Business leader with over 12 years of com bined achievem ent in procurem ent, supplier m anagem ent,
and strategic business management providing com prehensive solutions to organizations of all sizes.
Adept at work ing with cross functional team s to leverage advertising dollars, planning and execution of
integrated supplier and categor y m anagem ent plans to leverage spend and m axim ize savings for global
• • •
Strategic Procurem ent Category Managem ent Contract Negotiation/Im plem entation
• • •
Project Managem ent Spend Optim ization External Supplier Managem ent
2012 – 2013
Lenovo, North Am erican Headquarters, Morrisville, NC
$35 billion Fortune 500, personal technology company currently ranked #2 in worldwide PC sales, #1 in
Notebook and Commercial Notebook sales worldwide, and #3 worldwide in “smart connected dev ices ”
which includes PCs, smartphones, and tablets
Global Category M anager, General Procurement, North America
Perform ed strategic sourcing, m anagem ent, and optim ization of the purchase of goods and services for
North Am erica Region requestor aligned categories inc luding Business Services, Facilities/Office
Services, Hum an Resource Services, Research and Developm ent Services, and Mark eting. Served as
the tower representative responsible for overall review and reporting of North Am erican spend totaling
$333.7 m illion with $64.3 m illion (16%) savings. Directly m anaged requestor aligned categories with total
spend of $16.6 m illion with $7.3 m illion (44%) savings.
• Developed strong work ing relationships with bus iness unit/budget owner (Lenovo internal
stak eholders) to determ ine appropriate spend strateg y, including industr y trend anal ys is.
• Leveraged strong contract and cost negotiation sk ills to m anage and optim ize Lenovo’s spend with
external suppliers, generating procurem ent value-add (savings and cost-avoidanc e) for Lenovo.
• Drove custom er satisfaction (serviceabilit y) for internal executives and operations team s through
supplier selection, m anagem ent, and engagem ent.
• Ensured adequate busines s controls are in place surrounding sourcing, contracts, spending, and
supplier m anagem ent.
• Drove best practices and transform ation activities to ensure continuous im provem ent.
• Established contracts with select suppliers to help ensure both deliverables and risk avoidance.
• Managed supplier perform ance via stak eholder feedback and perform ance-based m etrics.
• Achieved Lean Six Sigm a (LSS) Yellow Belt Certification through the im plem entation of the Mark eting
Collateral Order Management and Autom ation project creating operational efficiencies, resulting in
$.5 m illion in savings.
2011 – 2012
Critical Thinking Company, Car y, NC
Unique, outcomes-focused training firm that helps leading life-sciences companies develop highly
productiv e sales professionals and build successful brands. Clients include a blue-chip list of
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device firms of all s izes.
Account/Project Manager
Served as the prim ary business contact for the c lient and was responsible for client satisfaction.
Consistentl y provided excellent custom er service to accounts, and represented client needs and goals
within the organization to ensure qualit y. Built relationships with clients to encourage new and repeat
business opportunities. Responsible for all client communications, conflict resolution, and com pliance on
client deliverables and revenue.
ANDREW S. WILSON - **@**********.*** P AGE TWO
• Reviewed all m ajor deliverables (i.e. strategic brief, function spec, tech spec, etc.) to ensure qualit y
standards and c lient expectations were m et.
• W ork ed closely with the project team in order to m aintain continuous k nowledge of project status in
order to identif y potential is sues and/or opportunities within or related to the projec t.
• Ensured that all processes and procedures were com pleted, qualit y standards were m et, and that
projects were profitable.
• Provided regular two-wa y c omm unication between the client and team, in order to provide strong
team representation and set proper c lient expectations.
2010 – 2011
S AS, Global Headquarters, Car y, NC
The largest global independent software vendor in the business analytics and business intelligence
market with more than $2 billion in annual revenue. Ranked #1 on Fortune ’s 100 Best Companies in
2010 and 2011.
Field Marketing Specialist (Contract), Customer Loyalty and Retention
Perform ed strategic activities associated with the planning and im plem entation of field m ark eting efforts
aligned to SAS’ overall sales and m ark eting strateg y. W ork individually and with a team to develop a
com prehensive m ark eting plan that includes: integrated cam paigns, regional and national events, lead
generation, lead acceleration, awareness and retention m ark eting efforts. Increased custom er retention
in 2010 to 94% from 92% in 2009.
• Led m ark eting efforts designed to accelerate revenue and productivit y for the field through an
integrated approach aligned to the focus areas of the business unit, industr y, or initiative.
• Developed and executed integrated m ark eting cam paigns com prised of lead generation, lead
acceleration, awareness and retention elem ents intended to m axim ize a m ulti-channel approach.
• Provided cam paign planning and strateg y associated to a topic or industr y; developed the program
details, designed and exec uted on the recruitm ent strateg y, and comm unicated the effort accordingl y.
• Defined the appropriate m ark eting channels, elem ents and strategies associated with m ark eting
goals of the cam paign.
• W ork ed as a k ey liaison to m ultiple organizations across SAS, inc luding world- wide strateg y, field
strateg y, sales, corporate c omm unications, custom er interaction center, etc.
• Comm unicated cam paign results, evaluated overall success and return on investm ent.
North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Research Triangle Park, NC Fall 2010
The world ’s first state-funded entity dedicated to developing the biotechnology industry. For more than 25
years the Center has worked statewide building a firm foundation of research, business, education and
Mar keting/Communicatio ns Intern
Coordinated the center’s presence at events and trade shows that support the econom ic developm ent
outreach efforts.
• W ork ed individuall y and with the corporate comm unications team to coordinate mark eting efforts
including integrated m ulti-channel cam paigns, lead generation, awareness and regional/national
• Managed third part y vendors dealing with sponsorship, exhibition, advertising, and logistics details.
• Com piled, input and communicated relevant m ark eting and event inform ation to Center staff
m em bers, sponsors and partners.
S AS, Global Headquarters, Car y, NC Summer 2010
Global Alliances and Channels Intern
Program Overview: One of four interns hired out of 100+ candidates. Formally structured internship
program focused on solving high-priority business issues. Project consisted of Analysis, Design &
Construction phases. Professional development focus areas inc luded project management, public
speaking and business writing skills improvement.
ANDREW S. WILSON - **@**********.*** P AGE THREE
Project: Im prove pipeline and contact m anagem ent system for $130 m illion Alliances Division.
• Created detailed anal ysis identif ying a 20% efficienc y im provem ent for strategic partner pipeline and
contact m anagem ent.
• Prioritized and designed new s ys tem enhancem ents and process changes with top SAS partner
team s – Teradata, IBM, HP, Oracle, Accenture.
• Constructed Stage 1 rollout s ystem features and processes for $50 m illion SAS/Teradata partnership.
• Led a four m em ber m ulti-cultural team as project m anager.
• Delivered three form al executive presentations and k ey findings reports to senior level m anagem ent.
2000 – 2009
Pro M arketing, W ak e Forest, NC
International value-added reseller of promotional products and printed marketing collateral. Consulted
with c lients to develop, implement and manage marketing projects to achieve awareness, sales growth,
and profitability in their target markets.
Founded start-up business in 2000. Managed all aspects of daily operations including marketing,
business development, project management, client relationship management, external supplier
management, budgeting, and procurement.
• Developed and im plem ented integrated, m ulti-channel m ark eting program s (em ail m ark eting, event
m ark eting, advertis ing, web presence, direct m ark eting) to drive business growth and profitabilit y.
• Drove custom er satisfaction and reduced custom er spend through effective supplier selection and
engagem ent.
• Hired, m anaged, and enabled a team of sales representatives.
• Managed client m ark eting projects and coordinated external suppliers to m eet qualit y, deliver y, and
spend requirem ents.
• Increased client accounts and corporate profitabilit y via m ark eting, network ing, cold-calling, and
m ergers and acquisitions.
• Designed and im plem ented logo, website, e-newsletter, and m ark eting collateral resulting in 45%
reduction of internal m ark eting expenses.
North Carolina State University, Jenk ins Graduate School of Managem ent Raleigh, NC – Ma y 2012
M BA, Concentrations: Mark eting Managem ent & Innovation Managem ent
Johnson & Wales University, Providenc e, RI – 1997
Bachelor of Science in Sports/Facilities Managem ent
Associate of Science in Recreation/Leisure Managem ent
Centurion Award, Increas ed Pro Mark eting sales m ore than $100,000 in one year - 2006
FY12/13 2H Top Team Aw ard, SRM US/EMEA Deploym ent Team Involvem ent, GP - 2012/13
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification - 2013
Proficient in Spanish, La Lim a, Honduras (1971-1975), Lim a, Peru (1982-1983)
St. Baldrick’s Foundation, Shaving the W ay To Conquer Kids ’ Cancer, Shavee 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012