D eepak Sood
Cell: 516-***-**** E -mail:
d ******@*****.***
Summa ry
• 7 years of strong knowledge in developing the web pages according to
I nformation architecture and Usability standards using O O JavaScript
f ramework, Ajax, jQuery, JSP, XM L, H T M L/ H T M L5, P HP, CSS/ CSS3,
Servlet and M VC framework .
• Extensive knowledge in O O JavaScript design pattern and J avaScript M VC
• Extensive experience in Web Application Development, In terface Web Design,
developing In terfaces for multiple browsers (Firefox, In ternet Explorer, Opera
etc.) Information Architecture, Planning and Implementing In ternet/Intranet
p roject, Graphic Design, working with the j Query L ibrary, Branding,
T ypography, web technologies.
• Experience with Firebug, IE Tester, Chrome and Safari D O M inspectors and
J avaScript debugging techniques.
• Experienced in developing web-applications using various design patterns,
i ncluding session facade, MVC, Data Access Object, Transfer Object, and
B usiness Delegate.
• Excellent Knowledge of multi- t ier Web Based application development.
• Experienced in using Wireframes/Comps to create cross-browser U I’s with table-
less CSS.
• Strong multi tasking abili ty.
• Designed and developed sophisticated, Data-Bound A jax applications and
f ramework using j Query components including: a tool for Menu creation using
Y U I t ree, context menu, drag and drop capabili ties to manipulate the menu t ree
and C ustom Ajax RPC protocol and J SON .
• Rapidly d esigned & built object-oriented, data-dr iven J avaScript working
p rototypes of applications. Implemented performance best practices to a web
s ite.
• Expert knowledge in knowledge of J avaScript, DO M, jQue ry and A jax .
• Expert in using J SON (JavaScript Object Notation) a l ightweight data-
interchange format to build collection of name/value pairs and ordered list of
• Extensive experience in testing including Accessibility, Usability and U I
Regression testing.
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills, self-starter and good team player.
• Self-starter always inclined to learn new technologies and Team Player with very
good communication, organizational and interpersonal skills
• Experienced in all phases of usability testing including user profiles and
personas, task analysis, contextual research, test moderation, and reporting.
Technical Skills
UI Web Technologies HTML5, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery,
JSON, JSP, CSS, CSS3, UI Concept Modeling/Wire
framing, DB2, Toad.
IDE, HTML Editor Eclipse IDE, Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver
Web/App Servers Apache Tomcat 5.0.25, HTTP Web Server
Operating Systems Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP (Prof),Win 7
Methodologies Agile, Rational Unified Process(RUP), UML
Back end Languages PHP, J2EE, ASP.NET
P rofessional Work Experience
Sr. Web Developer Jan 2011 to Current
Verizon - N J
Verizon Communications is the world leader in delivering innovation in
communications, mobility, information and entertainment. We provide superior
b roadband, video and other wireless and wireline services to consumers, businesses,
governments and wholesale customers across the globe.
• Developed a site-wide web 2.0 migration service using A jax f ramework using
j Query, J SP, and H T M L5 .
• Developed an A jax Based U I component to check the current online users and
a lso to send them an app request and periodically check an invite status.
• Developed A jax, J avaScript f unction to call “send” button each time we press
enter and to refresh the A jax Data Grid every t ime.
• Developed a shoutbox using J avaScript and J SP and also used A JAX to
exchange data with the server without any need to reload the entire page.
• Debugged the common code platform to remove bugs from several features of the
code using Eclipse IDE and Firebug tool.
• Developed U I library functions to increase the code reusability and support
s tandard coding practices.
• Used A JAX w ith j Query to parse J SON object to dynamically overlay contents
on web pages
• Implemented j Query p lugin that enables to display related information with the
hovered label and link
• Created CSS3 pop-up div’s with auto scrolling to a specific section in the div
using J avaScript .
• Buil t the JavaScript functions to manage forms, error management and
• Developed Application using Object Oriented Framework where each component
w ithin the application has its own component script w hich is reusable for other
• Developed a Customer Chat area auto scroll with the messages to increase the
usabili ty of the chat.
• Implemented a database to hold the current chat session, messages, chat request
pending and to allow users to enter the application session.
• Created expanding and collapsing the div in the form and worked row expansion
a rea using j Query .
Web Dev/Designer May 2008 to Dec 2010
WellPoint, L A, CA.
WellPoint is one of t he nation’s largest health benefits companies, with nearly 36
m illion members in i ts affiliated health plans and nearly 68 million individuals
served through its subsidiaries.
• Developed the User In teractive web pages in a professional manner with using
web technologies l ike H T M L, XHT M L, and CSS as per company’s standards.
• Developed client side validation code using J avaScript and J Query .
• Implemented design process upon client approval and built out all assets:
buttons, products shots, U I components, etc.
• Ut ilized various J QUERY p lugins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make
i t look more intui tive.
• Designed and developed the layouts of Customer Relations Module.
• Involved in team meetings with corporate webmaster’s U I team and end user
client for understanding needs in new implementation & Involved in daily team
meetings & weekly scrum meetings.
• Migrated content from existing website to a new, database driven website;
u tilized in house Content management System
• Worked one-on-one with client to develop layout, color scheme for his website
and implemented i t into a final interface design with the H T M L/CSS &
J avaScript using Dreamweaver CSS3.
• Identified the way to increase the search engine optimization (SEO) and
social media friendly.
• Guided team into developing an effective organic SEO campaign and key
p hrase selection strategy.
• Modified code in java agents which t ransfer the appraisal large attachment
f iles to Filenet.
• Buil t document library and list in Sharepoint site for collaboration.
• Developed forms in Infopath for Sharepoint website.
Web Developer Feb 2006 to Apr 2008
AT&T, Seattle, WA.
AT&T is the largest provider both of mobile Telephony as well as fixed telephony i n
t he U.S.A. and also provides b roadband subscription television services. Moreover,
A T&T is the third-largest company.
• Using j Query developed the tool that can easily in tegrate an advanced image
c ropping functionality directly into any web-based application without sacrificing
power and f lexibility. I t also features clean, well-organized code that works well
across most modern web browsers.
• Designed X M L schemas and parsers for scalable X M L documents used with Web
Services and real-t ime reporting.
• Implemented web animated slideshow gallery made with j Query t hat has
feature of 360 rotation of any particular picture. For example rotation of picture
of room in hotel.
• Designed web site mockups, navigation buttons, etc. using Adobe Photoshop.
• Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, DOM and hand coding of H T M L,
X H T M L, and CSS.
• Used U I Development using J SP, H T M L, and coded J ava Servlet components
t hat retrieve data using M ySQL database.
• Created new pages for each project using X H T M L, CSS, and J avaScript
• Implemented function to hover over the image and have it expand without
d isplacing the text. Also i t was included in every page during navigation.
• Implemented Lazy-loading in D H T M L t ree control.
• Coded page layouts from PSD provided using CSS i n a table less environment.
• Fixed all U I issues, coding issues, browser compatibility, content defects, image
issues and accessibility issues.
• Validate the site using W3C validation tool.
• Timely delivery of the assigned projects.
• Monitor site for any U I inconsistencies and fix all the U I bugs reported in the
test t rack.
• Thoroughly worked with Functional Specification documents, U I documents
checked all U I requirements and gathered all PSD’S according to the functional
requirement document.
• Worked on multiple projects simultaneously.
• Attended project meetings on a regular basis and helped to improve the Project