Curriculum Vitae
Ann Valerie Hedrick
Work Address Home Address
Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior 2420 Elendil Lane
One Shields Avenue Davis, California 95616
University of California 530-***-****
Davis, California 95616
e-mail: *********@*******.***
1987 Ph.D. in Zoology, University of California, Davis
Thesis: Female choice and the heritability of attractive male traits in a field
cricket, Gryllus integer.
1984 M.S. in Zoology, University of California, Davis
Thesis: Sexual selection in the longear sunfish, Lepomis megalotis.
1977 B.A. in Biology with High Honors, University of Virginia
(Echols Scholar Honors Program)
Professional Positions
2008- Associate Adjunct Professor
present Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior, University of California, Davis
2001- Assistant Adjunct Professor
2007 Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior, University of California, Davis
1996- Assistant Research Biologist
2001 Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior, University of California, Davis
1993- Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Reed College
1991- Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Insect Science and Dept. of Ecology &
1992 Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona
1989- NATO/National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, NSERC-
1991 Canada International Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University
Ann V. Hedrick
1987- NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Tennessee
Awards, Fellowships and Grants
2007- NSF grant, “The integrated behavioral phenotype: links among functionally different
2012 behavioral traits” (IOS-0716332, Animal Behavior Program, $364,283)
2000- NSF grant, “Exploring the links between anti-predator behavior and mating behavior”
2005 (IBN-0076484, Animal Behavior Program, $200,225)
1998- NSF grant, “Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and
2000 (IBN-9806038, Animal Behavior Program, $75,000)
1995, Travel Awards, International Congress of Neuroethology
1992 (Cambridge, England and Montreal, Canada)
1993 Hughes Faculty Development Fund Award ($22,548), Reed College
1993 Max Planck Society Research Award for research at the Max-Planck-Institut fur
Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen, Germany
1991 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Insect Science, University of Arizona
1990 NSERC-Canada International Postdoctoral Fellowship
1990 President's Research Grant, Simon Fraser University (with L.M. Dill)
1989 Founder's Memorial Award, Animal Behavior Society, Best Poster
1989 NATO-NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
1989 Travel Award, International Ethological Congress (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
1987 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Tennessee
1984 Josephine de Karman Memorial Fellowship ($3000), Aerojet Corporation
1984 NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
1979 NSF Predoctoral Fellowship
Ann V. Hedrick
Wilson, D.S. & A.V. Hedrick. 1982. Speciation and the economics of mate choice.
Evolutionary Theory 6: 15-24.
Hedrick, A.V. 1986. Female preferences for male calling bout duration in a field cricket.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 19: 73-77.
Hedrick, A.V. 1988. Female choice and the heritability of attractive male traits: an empirical
study. The American Naturalist 132: 267-276.
Hedrick, A.V. & E.J. Temeles. 1989. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in animals:
hypotheses and tests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4: 136-138.
Hedrick, A.V. & S.E. Riechert. 1989. Genetically-based differences between populations
in the foraging behavior of a spider. Oecologia 80: 533-539.
Riechert, S.E. & A. V. Hedrick. 1990. Levels of predation and genetically based anti- predator
behavior in the spider, Agelenopsis aperta. Animal Behaviour 40: 679-687.
Hedrick, A.V. & L.M. Dill. 1993. Mate choice by female crickets is influenced by predation risk.
Animal Behaviour 46: 193-196.
Riechert, S.E. & A.V. Hedrick. 1993. A test for correlations among fitness-linked behavioural
traits in the spider Agelenopsis aperta (Araneae, Agelenidae). Animal Behaviour 46:
Hedrick, A.V. 1994. The heritability of mate-attractive traits: a case study on field crickets. pp.
228-250 in C. Boake, ed. Quantitative genetic studies of behavioral evolution.
University of Chicago Press.
Hedrick, A.V. 1995. Biotic selection on mate choice for acoustic stimuli in insects and frogs. p.
81 in M. Burrows, T. Matheson, P.L. Newland and H. Schuppe, eds. Nervous systems
and behaviour. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
Hedrick, A.V. & T. Weber. 1998. Variance in female responses to the fine structure of male song
in the field cricket, Gryllus integer. Behavioral Ecology 9:582-591.
Dill L.M., A.V. Hedrick & A. Fraser. 1999. Male mating strategies under predation risk: do
females call the shots? Behavioral Ecology 10:452-461.
*Hedrick, A.V. 2000. Crickets with extravagant mating songs compensate for predation risk
with extra caution. Proceedings, Royal Society of London B 267:671-675.
*Featured in “Editor’s Choice”, Science 288: 401-403.
Ann V. Hedrick
Hedrick, A.V., D. Perez, N. Lichti & J. Yew. 2002. Temperature preferences of male field
crickets (Gryllus integer) alter their mating calls. Journal of Comparative Physiology
A.188: 799-805.
Hedrick, A.V. 2002. Acoustic communication in insects and anurans: common problems and
diverse solutions. (Book Review). Journal of Integrative Biology and Physiology
Hedrick, A.V. & B. Mulloney. 2004. A multichannel electronic monitor of acoustic behaviors,
and software to parse individual channels. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 133:201-
Kortet, R.K. & A.V. Hedrick. 2004. Detection of the spider predator, Hololena nedra, by naïve
juvenile field crickets (Gryllus integer) using indirect cues. Behaviour 141:1189-1196.
Hedrick, A.V. 2005. Environmental condition-dependent effects on a heritable, preferred
male trait. Animal Behaviour 70:1121-1124.
Luong, L., R. Kortet & A. Hedrick. 2005. Prevalence and intensity of Cephalobium
microbivorum (Nematoda: Diplogasterida) infection in three species of Gryllus field
crickets. Parasitology Research 97: 336-339.
Kortet, R.K. & A.V. Hedrick. 2005. The scent of dominance: Female field crickets use odour to
predict the outcome of male competition. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 59:77-83.
Hedrick, A.V. & R.K. Kortet. 2006. Hiding behaviour in two cricket populations that differ in
predation pressure. Animal Behaviour 72:1111-1118.
Hedrick, A.V., M. Hisada & B. Mulloney. 2007. Tama-kugel: hardware and software for
measuring direction, distance and velocity of locomotion by insects. Journal of
Neuroscience Methods 164: 86-92.
Kortet, R., Rantala, M.J. & A. Hedrick. 2007. Boldness in anti-predator behavior and immune
defense in field crickets. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:185-197.
Kortet, R.K. & A.V. Hedrick. 2007. A behavioral syndrome in the field cricket Gryllus integer:
intrasexual aggression is correlated with activity in a novel environment. Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society 91:475-482.
Leonard, A.S. & A.V. Hedrick 2009. Single versus multiple cues in mate discrimination by
males and females. Animal Behaviour 77: 151-159.
Leonard, A.S. & A.V. Hedrick. 2009. Male and female crickets use different decision rules in
response to mating signals. Behavioral Ecology 20:1175- 1184.
Ann V. Hedrick
Leonard, A.S. & A.V. Hedrick. 2010. Long-distance signals influence assessment of close range
mating displays in the field cricket, Gryllus integer. Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society 100: 856-865.
Kortet, R.K., A.V. Hedrick & A. Vainikka. 2010. Predation, parasitism and the evolution of
animal personalities. Ecology Letters 13:1449-1458.
Niemela, P., A. Vainikka, A. Hedrick and R. Kortet. 2011. Integrating behavior with life history:
boldness of the field cricket, Gryllus integer, during ontogeny. Functional Ecology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01939.
Hedrick, A.V. & R. Kortet. 2012. Sex differences in the repeatability of boldness over
metamorphosis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 407-412.
Hedrick, A.V. & R. Kortet. 2012. Effects of body size on selectivity for mating cues in different
sensory modalities. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105:160-168.
Niemela, P., DiRienzo, N. & A.V. Hedrick. 2012. Predator-induced changes in the boldness of
naïve field crickets, Gryllus integer, depends on behavioural type. Animal Behaviour 84:
DiRienzo, N., Pruitt, J. & A.V. Hedrick. 2012. Juvenile exposure to acoustic signals from
conspecifics alters developmental trajectory and adult personality. Animal Behaviour 84:
Polkki, M., Kortet, K., Hedrick, A. & Rantala, M. In press. Dominance is not always an honest
signal of quality but females may be able to detect the dishonesty. Biology Letters.
Professional Service
Federal Advisory Committee Service
NSF, Animal Behavior Panel (2012)
NSF, Animal Behavior Panel (2011)
NSF, Animal Behavior Panel, Doctoral Dissertation Grants (2007, 2008)
NSF, Animal Behavior Panel (1999-2002)
Editorial Board
Animal Behavior (Associate Editor June 2000-June 2003)
University Service
Admissions and Fellowship Committee, Animal Behavior Graduate Group, UC-Davis
(2002-2004, 2010-2013)
Executive Committee (Elected Member), Animal Behavior Graduate Group (2007-2009)
Chair, Admissions and Fellowship Committee, Animal Behavior Graduate Group, UC-
Davis (2003)
Ann V. Hedrick
Other Service
Career Awards Committee, Animal Behavior Society (1992-1995)
Student Research Grants Committee, Animal Behavior Society (2000-2003)
Reviewer for:
National Science Foundation
National Science and Engineering Counsel, Canada
Swiss National Science Foundation
Norton Press (Dugatkin, Principles of Animal Behavior)
McGraw-Hill Press (Drickamer, Vessey & Jakob, Animal Behavior)
Sinauer Press (Alcock, Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Animal Behaviour
American Naturalist
Evolutionary Ecology
Behavioral Ecology
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
Journal of Insect Behavior
Ecological Entomology
Reviewer for promotions at other universities:
Dalhousie University
Michigan State University
Georgia Southern University
Professional Societies
Animal Behavior Society
Society for the Study of Evolution
International Society of Behavioural Ecology
Sigma Xi
Invited Talks (since 2001)
Invited Talk, University of California, Berkeley (2013)
Invited Talk, International Society for Behavioral Ecology (Perth, Australia), 2010
Invited Talk, University of Oulu, Finland (2009)
Invited Talk, International Society for Behavioral Ecology (Jyvaskyla, Finland), 2004
Teaching Experience
1996- Courses taught at University of California, Davis
2012 Animal Behavior
Ann V. Hedrick
Current Issues in Animal Behavior (seminar)
Frontiers in Animal Behavior (seminar series)
Undergraduate and Graduate Research
Ann V. Hedrick
Graduate Students, UCD
Anne Leonard (Ph.D.)
Jennifer Tsuruda (Ph.D.)
Tadashi Nakatani (M.S.)
Laura Berger (M.S.)
Jamie Bunting (Ph.D.)
Nicholas DiRienzo (Ph.D.)
Postdoctoral Fellow, UCD
Dr. Raine Kortet (Finnish Academy of Sciences)
Qualifying Examinations for the Ph.D., UCD
Lori Miyasato
Jason Watters
Jeremy Davis
Lien Luong
Alison Bell
John Hammond
Barbara Clucas
Soledad Villamil
Hanayo Arimoto
Jessica Yorzinski
Conor Taff
Anna Perry
Leslie Saul
Thesis Committees, UCD
Jason Watters
Lien Luong
John Hammond
Anne Leonard
Laura Berger
Jennifer Tsuruda
Soledad Villamil
Jessica Yorzinski
Conor Taff
Jamie Bunting
Nick DiRienzo
Ann Chang
Thesis Committees, other institutions
Jonathan Storm, Indiana State University