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Assistant Electrical

Schaumburg, IL
October 03, 2013

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K anchan Vardhe

Address: ****, ******* ****, * ******.******@****.***

Apt 104, Aurora, IL 60564 Phone: +1-630-***-****

P rofessional Summa ry

• Broad experience in the algorithm design, analysis and performance

evaluation of physical layer and link layer of complex communications systems.

• Strong research background in coding and signal processing for multiuser

communications, M I MO/OFDM systems, wireless relay networks, femto cells with

applications including wireless sensor networks, vehicular communication networks,

smart grid, etc.

• Knowledge of w i reless technologies and standards i ncluding CDMA,

GSM, LTE, Bluetooth, Zig-Bee, IEEE 802.11, DVB.

• Experience in i mplementing cross-layer wi reless protocols using C+

+/Linux platform.

Software Skills

Matlab, C, C++, LATEX, Macromedia Dreamweaver, M.S. Office.


• Ph.D. i n Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, U.S.A. GPA :

3.92/4.0 A ug. 2009

Advisor: D r. Daryl Reynolds

Dissertation: Cooperative Wireless Communications: Protocol Design and Performance

A nalysis.

• M.S. i n Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, U.S.A. GPA :

3.92/4.0 Dec. 2005

Advisor: D r. Daryl Reynolds

Thesis: Cooperative Diversity for the Cellular Uplink: Sharing Strategies,

Performance Analysis and

Receiver Design.

• B.E. i n Electronics and Telecom. Engineering, University of Pune, India.

D istinction A ug. 2002

Honors and Awards

• Lane Graduate Fellowship, West Virginia University, USA, 2005-2008.

Work Experience

National Merit Scholarship, Government of India, 1998

• LTE Software Engineer, Nokia Solutions and Networks, Arlington Heights, I L

J uly 2013-Present

• Assistant Prof., ISB& M School of Technology, Pune, India

Nov. 2011- April 2013

• Sr. Research Associate, I l linois Institute of Technology, Chicago, I L, USA

J an. 2010 - April 2011

• Engineering In tern, QUALCOMM, Corp R&D Division, San Diego, CA, USA

J an. 2008 - June 2008

• Graduate Research Assistant, West Virginia University, WV, USA

M ay 2004 - May 2009

• Graduate Teaching Assistant, West Virginia University, WV, USA

A ug. 2004 - Dec. 2007

Research Experience

N okia Solutions and Networ ks, Arlington Heights, I L, USA

J uly 2013-Present

• Responsible for development of large scale system level simulator to realize new

r adio resource management design concepts in advanced mobile radio networks such


Tools Used : C++, OPNET

I llinois I nstitute of Technology, Chicago, I L, USA J an.

2010-April 2011

• Developed network coding algorithms for multiuser cellular networks

• Investigated the fundamental t rade-off between energy efficiency and link

reliability of sensor networks employing multistage cooperation protocol

• Was involved in the preparation of research funding proposals and supervision of

P hD student activities

Tools Used : M ATLAB

QUALCO M M, Corp R & D D ivision, San Diego, CA, USA J an.

2008 - June 2008

• Developed and analyzed interference management algorithms for the

heterogeneous network deployments with mixed macro-pico-femto cell layouts in 3GPP

s tandard proposal

• Evaluated the performance of the proposed in terference management

schemes th rough system simulations (using C++) for the 3GPP-LTE user plane under

realistic deployment scenarios for pico/femto cells

Tools Used : M ATLAB & C++

West Vi rginia University, WV, USA J an.

2006 - May 2009

• Proposed energy and bandwidth efficient cooperative protocols for multi-

terminal wireless networks. In particular, developed a bandwidth efficient multiuser

decode-and-forward cooperative diversity protocol that operates in an asynchronous

CDMA cellular uplink while relaxing the in ter-user orthogonality constraint.

• Proposed a joint power allocation and relay selection algorithm for multiuser

decode-and-forward cooperative wireless communication that leads to an energy

efficient system design.

• Developed a multistage cooperation scheme and investigated a new t rade-off

between increased received SNR and decreased spectral efficiency with increase in the

n umber of cooperation stages. Also analyzed the power-limited and bandwidth-limi ted

regimes of the multistage cooperative wireless network under different network


• Contributed to a National Science Foundation (NSF) project proposal on

modeling and optimization of cooperative wireless networks.

T ools Used : M ATLAB

Graduate Student Research Advising at I I T-Chicago, M ar

2010 - April 2011

Responsibilities include the project definition, advising students during the course of

t he project,

evaluating the achieved results, and guiding the students in wri ting the final reports.

B. Guo (Ph.D student of Prof. Zhou at I IT-Chicago), “Network coding for

w ireless networks.”

Teaching Experience

S. Mohammad (Ph.D student of Prof. Zhou at I IT-Chicago), “Resource Allocation in

OFDMA wireless networks.”

Assistant P rofessor, I SB & M School of Technology, India Nov 2011-

April 2013

• Taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in communications and

s ignal processing area. Specific Courses Taught : Signals and Systems, Circuit

S imulations and Tools, Communication Theory, Digital Communication, Signal

Coding and Estimation Theory.

• Served as an active member of the faculty executive board contributing to the

overall leadership and management of the faculty in E&TC department.

• Responsibilities include setting and advancing the academic strategy of the

department in line with faculty and university strategic plans and direction.


Graduate Teaching Assistant, West Vi rginia University, WV A ug.

2004 -Dec. 2007

• Presented guest lecturers for the Electrical Circuits and the L inear Control

Systems course.

• Supervised four teaching assistants and coordinated ten laboratory sections

of the Electrical Circuits course in the capacity of Head Teaching Assistant.

• Graded student assignments and exams, organized help sessions for the

E lectrical Circuits and Digital Electronics courses

• Developed and revised syllabus and experiments for the laboratory sections of

t he above courses.

Refer red I n te rnational Jou rnal Publications

• K. Vardhe and C. Zhou, “Performance Improvement in Multiuser CDMA

Cellular Systems th rough Analog Network Coding,” I EEE Transactions on Mobile

Computing, to be submitted.

• K. Vardhe, D. Reynolds, and B. D. Woerner, “Joint power allocation and relay

selection for multiuser cooperative communication,” I EEE Transactions on Wireless

Communications, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1255-1260, April 2010. (Citation count: 62)

• K. Vardhe, D. Reynolds, and M. C. Valenti, “The performance of mulit-user

cooperative diversity in an asynchronous CDMA uplink,” I EEE Transactions on

W ireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1420-1430, May 2008. (Citation count: 37)

• K. Vardhe and D. Reynolds, “User Cooperation in an Asynchronous Cellular

U plink”, S ignal Processing Journal, Elsevier, vol. 87, no. 7, pp. 1799-1807, July 2007.

(Citation Count: 2)

I n te rnational Conference Publications

• K. Vardhe, C. Zhou, and D. Reynolds, “On the energy efficiency of multistage

cooperation in sensor

networks,” in P roc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), FL, Dec. 2010.

• B. Guo, K . Vardhe, Y. L iu, C. Zhou, Y. Cheng, “Outage performance of DF

Network Coded (DFNC)

multi-User cooperative diversity in orthogonal uplink channels,” in P roc. IEEE Global

Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), (Miami, FL), Dec. 2010.

• K. Vardhe, D. Reynolds, and B. D.Woerner, “Power allocation and relay

selection in cooperative wireless networks,” in P roc. IEEE M i l itary Commun. Conf.

( MILCOM), CA, Nov. 2010.

• K. Vardhe and D. Reynolds, “On the performance of mul tistage cooperative

networks,” in P roc. Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,

I L, Oct. 2010.

• K. Vardhe, D. Reynolds, and M. C. Valenti, “Outage probability of a multi-

user cooperation protocol in an asynchronous CDMA cellular uplink,” in P roc. Conf. on

I nfo. Sci. and Sys. (CISS), (Baltimore, MD), Mar. 2007. (Citation count: 10)

• K. Vardhe and D. Reynolds, “The performance of Space-Time Coded

Cooperative Diversity in an Asynchronous Cellular Uplink,” in P roc. IEEE M i l itary

Commun. Conf. (MILCOM), (Washington DC), Oct. 2006. (Citation count: 4)

Recent Talks

“ Relay-based Wireless Networks”, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai

J iao Tong University, (Shanghai, China), Dec. 11, 2012.

“ Heterogeneous Networks: A 4G Technology”, Invi ted Seminar, Department of

E lectrical and Computer Engineering, I l linois Institu te of Technology, Chicago, May

10, 2013.


• Insti tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2006

• Eta Kappa Nu since 2006.

P rofessional Service

• Peer reviewer for several international conferences including VTC, SPAWC,


• Peer reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

• Peer reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

• Peer reviewer for IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

• Peer reviewer for IEEE Communication Letters

• Peer reviewer for EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing.

• Peer reviewer for European Journal of Telecommunications.

Citizenship and Visa Status

I ndian citizenship, V isa sponsorship not requi red to wor k in the US (on L2

v isa).


Available upon request.

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