A D D R E S S : *** L A K E L I L L I A N D R I V E, P E R RY, G E O RG I A 31069
P H O N E : 40 4.434.6089 E M A I L : DAV I D S C H M I T T 1@Y A H O O . C O M
Focus: Manufacturing and Operations
Qualifications Prof ile
Accomplished, multi faceted, and motivated professional, with proven track record in business development and
facilities management. Experienced in streamlining operations while effectively developing and leading a cross
functional team, ensuring the achievement of productivity targets in a well organized manner. Acquired extensive
research and development experience. Experience with ISO 9001 certification and compliance. Extensive experience
with new product development. Skilled at overseeing work to optimize and improve productivity and maximize bottom
line results. Global business Experience. Areas of expertise include:
Plant and Production Management Manufacturing Facility Turnarounds
Quality management systems Process control and continuous improvement
Problem Resolution and Decision Making Superior Interpersonal and Presentation Skills
Articulate Oral and Written Communication Multitasking in Fast Paced Environments
Strong problem solving ability New process development
Professional Experience
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) BIOTECH MILLS,INC., SNOW HILL, NC: 2006–2012
Performed thorough analysis of people, process, and technology in the company’s existing business
Full P&L responsibility
Prepared and controlled plant budget
Developed quality management system to insure quality standards were met
Demonstrated expertise in corrective action and root cause analysis
Reviewed operation of the plant to meet OSHA and EPA regulations
Oversight of all HR functions as well as safety and training of plant personnel
Delivered keen oversight in all facets of day to day operations of the manufacturing facility
Carried out various responsibilities which included evaluation of monthly profit and loss statements;
management and supervision of plant wide production; installation of new equipment; as well as direction of
the Material Processing, Maintenance, and Quality Control departments and machine shop
Conducted effective implementation of plant wide safety program while handling inventory control and
purchasing management
Operations Manager US PLASTIC LUMBER, CHICAGO, IL: 2002–2003
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A D D R E S S : 217 L A K E L I L L I A N D R I V E, P E R RY, G E O RG I A 31069
P H O N E : 40 4.434.6089 E M A I L : DAV I D S C H M I T T 1@Y A H O O . C O M
Played a major role in conducting daily operations management of 45 profile extrusion lines with more than
360 employees and management
Accurately evaluated monthly profit and loss statements
Oversaw and monitored plant wide production procedures and new equipment installation
Supervised the Maintenance and Quality Control departments as well as the machine shop
Spearheaded the development and implementation of a cost effective scrap reclamation program, supervisor
and operator training program, as well as plant wide safety program
Achieved ISO 9001 certification
Plant Manager CSR POLYPIPE, SANDERSVILLE, GA: 2000–2001
Assumed an integral role in improving operation efficiency and profitability through thorough evaluation of
processing procedures and elimination of repetitive steps, resulting in the expansion of plant productivity from
1.5 million to 2.5 million pounds per month
Eliminated loss time accidents and produced significant work related claims cost savings of more than $40K by
redesigning the safety program
Led the development of highly effective operations training program
Forged active involvement in the entire facets of manufacturing, which included production lines monitoring,
equipment maintenance, shipping and receiving, inventory management, supervision, as well as cross training
and mentoring of production supervisors and various team members
Demonstrated success in overseeing daily administrative functions, which included human resources
Responsible for monthly profit and loss reports and developed annual budgets
Project Engineer JM MANUFACTURING, ADEL, GA: 2000
Initiated and launched polyethylene production to solely PVC operation
Maximized plant production and efficiencies within less than six months through productive purchasing and
installation of efficient extrusion equipment
Functioned as facilities manager and provided direction to human resource related activities which included
recruitment, interviewing, selection, and training of key personnel
Handled the negotiation of material cost and product pricing with various vendors
Earlier Career
Technical Manager Production Supervision Shift Foreman Lead Man Line Operator
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