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Project Manager

August 24, 2013

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Md. Nafiz Mahmood

Phone No: +880**********(cell), +88-02-892****(home),

E-mail: *****.*******.**@*****.***

Experiences with Huawei Technologies Ltd.:

v Currently working for HUAWEI Technologies Bangladesh Ltd. from 16th March, 2008 to till date

as Engineer –III (C&Q level -3), Network planning & design, Network integration & service dept.

v Have worked with three different RF technologies – WCDMA, WiMax & GSM.

Project experiences at Huawei:

From October’12 – till date (3G-WCDMA):

Working as the Team leader/ optimization project delivery manager for Teletalk 3G rollout project.

Radio Network Optimization responsibilities:

Ø Monitoring RNC daily KPI, Analyzing worst performing cells for CS, PS & HSPA services - RRC/RAB

setup failures, UL/DL CE congestions, UL power congestions, IRAT handover failures, Call drop

due to different reasons and providing necessary solutions to improve.

Ø checking and optimization for different poor KPI problems, preparing weekly worst cells list and

suggesting solutions to improve worst cell’s performance.

Ø RNC traffic statistics collection from M2000, processing raw data by Omstar tool and generate

RNC daily KPI report.

Ø Analyzing PCHR data by NPmaster to detect the major causes of poor KPI problems.

Ø Issuing capacity upgrade requests (HSPDCH code, CE, IUB bandwidth) based on congestion


Ø Cluster RF optimization & drive test tasks coordinating, DT report checking,

Ø Detecting the poor coverage/quality areas from DT log files, leading and supervising the

optimization team to provide coverage improvement solutions (antenna azimuth, tilt, CPICH

power, Neighbor relationship tuning etc.).

Ø Arranging site access permission for implementing the recommended changes and thus leading

the team to achieve the target KPI for acceptance.

Ø Co-coordinating the SSV DT teams and troubleshooting the SSV DT related problems from OMC.

– Like alarms/hardware related/feeder swap issues, poor throughput, frequent disconnection,

improper handover configuration etc.

Ø Single site verification report checking, detecting coverage and hardware related problems and

forward to BSS team for rectification.

Ø Monthly parameter audit – 3G & 2G external cells definition checking, monthly neighbor

optimization – missing intrafrequency, Interfrequency, IRAT and 2G-3G neighbor analysis,

deleting unnecessary neighbors by the help of handover attempt and drive test result.

Ø Preparing all kinds of parameter modification scripts (neighbor add/delete, handover parameter

changes, LDR/timer changes etc.) to execute in RNC by M2000 for optimization changes.

Ø Handling customer complaints from operators and provide solution with proper explanation

report by analyzing DT report, user call trace & cell traffic statistics.

Radio Network Planning responsibilities:

New nodeB’s nominal planning,


Primary Scrambling Code planning, HSPA Code dimensioning


CPICH power planning,


CE dimensioning,


IUB capacity designing,


IntraFrequency/ inter frequency/ IRAT/ 2G-3G neighbor planning.


Responsibilities as Team leader:

Regular meeting with operator’s RNO managers/high management to provide necessary


updates for ongoing optimization activities.

Properly communicating with the customer’s operation team to manage nodeB outdoor access


for antenna parameter changes.

Leading and motivating the optimization team to produce the best KPI improvement result,


Regular internal team meeting for knowledge sharing/optimization case sharing to improve the

optimization expertise.

Regular meeting with subcontractor teams about the ongoing RNO activities.


Processing and leading the formalities for cluster/network acceptance.


Providing all technical explanations and satisfying technical queries from customer as the SPOC


(single point of contact) from RNO team.

From June’12 – September’12 (3G-WCDMA):

Worked as 3G Radio network planning engineer for Telkomsel 3G expansion 2nd phase project.

• Nominal cell planning based on the priority coverage target area, coverage prediction by UNET


• Primary Scrambling Code planning for new nodeB’s, cell ID planning, CPICH power planning for

new network.

• HSPA Code dimensioning,, Channel Element planning, IUB capacity designing,

• Intra-frequency, inter-frequency, IRAT & 2G-3G Neighbor planning for new nodeB’’s.

Feb’10 – April’12 (Wimax):

• Worked for Qubee Wimax phase 1 & 2 Rollout - radio network planning & optimization project

as the team leader (RF project manager) of RNP & RNO team.

• Lead the Huawei RNP/RNO team for QUBEE Phase1 & 2 single site & cluster optimization

project, achieved cluster & network acceptance within estimated target timeline,

• Managing subcontractors for cluster optimization & drive testing,

• Also worked as the main contact point between Huawei & Qubee RNO team and smoothly

coordinated between the customer and subcontractors to finish the project.

• Full network cluster RF optimization project planning, cluster planning, KPI working boundary

finalization, detected poor coverage area from Pre DT, lead the team to suggest necessary

changes to achieve target(RSSI, CINR & other interference related KPIs), managed with NOC to

manage access in order to implement optimization changes. Guided the team to achieve the

final acceptance by achieving the target cluster KPI.

• Collecting traffic statistics from M2000 and prepare daily & weekly network KPI report,

recommending solution for poor KPI problems (mainly poor accessibility, call drop & handover

problems), daily and weekly worst cell analysis & providing solutions to improve worst cell KPI’s

by physical antenna parameter and soft parameter changes.

Coordinated the team to attend the customer complains, analyze the reports and provide

required explanations and necessary changes recommendations to overcome the problem (by

analyzing stat KPI/ M2000 user call trace result/DT result).

Neighbor list optimization & handover margin & threshold optimization, giving OMC/M2000

support to optimization team, implementing parameter changes recommendation in OMC.

• Conducting different feature trials and testing in network, for instance - FFR testing, AMC

threshold optimization for different CPE/dongle MS’s, new feature testing like -4T4R, CSM,

MIMO – B, IDLE Mode, beamforming, UL 64QAM etc.

• Provided RNO support for BTS software version upgradation (from V3R2 – V3R3, from V3R3C00

– V3R3C01) – before and after KPI analysis, report preparation and DT report analysis.

• Arrange internal training, knowledge sharing discussions to improve the expertise level and

project delivery capability for the team mates. Guide the team members to improve the

customer communication and customer handling negotiation skills.

• Wimax (QUBEE) Phase 1 & 2 planning, co-coordinating and managing subcontractors for the RF

survey and Technical site survey activities, survey report checking & submitting to customer &

achieved planning acceptance from customer by timely project delivery.

• Weekly & monthly capacity analysis and providing capacity planning by recommending

necessary feature and new site expansion.

March’09 – December’09 (GSM):

• Worked in Network Care Solution Project (optimization project for Huawei network) for ROBI as a

technical consultant from March’09 – December’09.

• Weekly worst cell analysis, providing solutions to improve KPI, neighbor relationship checking and

optimization by NASTAR, identifying co-channel and adjacent channel interference by NASTAR and

providing recommendations.

• Recommendations for BSC radio parameter tuning in BSC6000 (version – V9R3C01/V9R8C01S) and

BSC32 to improve performance.

• Drive testing for voice and data service with the help of ERICSSON TEMS and report preparation with

the help of ACTIX ANALYSER, TEMS report generator, MapInfo. MOS test with the help of QVOICE of

ASCOM for network benchmarking.

• Monitoring, supervising and coordinating routine drive test activities for 650 sites and meeting the

deadlines for cluster and single site drive test committed to customer.

• Drive test log file analysis, cluster drive test log file analysis, problem identifications and

recommending physical changes (tilt, azimuth and height changes) and logical parameter tuning

recommendations to eliminate network problems.

• Coordinating the antenna physical parameter (tilt/azimuth) verification activities and antenna

parameter changes implementation on site which were recommended from the optimization team and

maintaining the change database accordingly.

January’09 – march’09 (GSM):

• worked in Grameen Phone turnkey project (ericsson swap). Main responsibilities in that project were -

During swap data configuration and performance checking, optimizing the worst cells after swap, BSC

wise hardware performance check, worst congested (TCH & SDCCH congestion) cell checking and give

possible solutions from RNO team.

March’08 – December’ 08 (GSM):

• Supervising BSC software version upgrade project for BSC6000 (from V9R8C01 to V9R8C11) and BSC32

(from V9R6 to V9R8), monitoring KPI before and after upgrade, collection and analysis for BSC

daily/hourly KPI and traffic statistics data by using HUAWEI LMT and M2000, providing solutions for

degraded KPI problem after software upgrade.

• Providing routine Optimization related supports to BSS maintenance team against trouble tickets

issued by customer.

• Also worked in BTS3900 (latest version of HUAWEI BTS) trial deployment and optimization project for

Orascom Telecom Ltd.

• Preparing details KPI comparison analysis report after installing new hardware (new BSC 6000/ new

BTS3900s) and providing suggestions to improve the performance.

• Working as an expert trainer for RNP Engineers of HUAWEI Subcontractor.

Experiences with Motorola Telecommunications Bangladesh Ltd.:

v Worked in Motorola Telecommunications Bangladesh Ltd, from 1st February, 2007 to 15th

March, 2008.

Position: RF Engineer, Radio Network Planning and Optimization department.

Job responsibilities at Motorola (GSM):

• Network planning, Frequency planning, capacity planning and network optimization.

• Conducted drive test for Coverage Verification, Site Acceptance and Full Cluster Acceptance using

Ericsson TEMS.

• Analyzed and post processed of data gathered during drive test using Actix Analyzer tool.

• Details RF survey, site Selection, technical site verification during network planning phase in the

greater Comilla and Noakhali area.

• Coverage prediction for existing sites and upcoming new sites using the ASSET planning tool.

• Interpreted, analyzed, benchmarking radio network and evaluate network performance of Horizon

Macro 2 BTS through KPI values and preparation of details report using ACTIX.

• Recommended hardware modification and physical optimization such as antenna tilting, re-

orientation, implementing PBT (Power Boost Technique) to remove the coverage problem in

coordination with BSS group.

• Weekly BSC KPI report preparation and providing parameter recommendations for bad KPI problem in


Experiences with other companies:

v Worked in GEP Telecom Ltd. (a PSTN company of Bangladesh) as a System Engineer, Network

planning from 1st February, 2006 to 31st January, 2007.

Skills on tools:

Knowledgeable in using the following software/tools:

Ø MapInfo Professional 11,

Ø HUAWEI local maintenance terminal/M2000 (For traffic Statistics collection),

Ø GENEX Omstar for traffic statistics analysis

Ø NPMaster for CHR data analysis

Ø UNET planning tool,

Ø RND tool for network dimensioning

Ø GENEX Probe & assistant & Ericsson TEMS

Ø FMA (fault management analyzer) tool


Ø Actix Analyzer,

Ø Google earth,

Completed trainings:

• Ericsson TEMS Investigation • ASSET planning tool for network planning.

• ACTIX Analyzer for post processing drive • Basic GSM planning and optimization.

test data. • Optimization process flow and optimization advance

• GSM System training. project management.


Executive MBA - Major in finance (2011-2013)

Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Information Technology (2001 – 2005)

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology,

Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Personal Information:

Md. Nafiz Mahmood

Permanent address: House no.-566, Ashkona, Dakkhin Khan, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.

Father: Md. Abdul Mannan Majumder.

Mother: Nasima Majumder

Nationality: Bangladeshi

Marital Status: Single

Date of birth: 31/12/1983


Md. Abul Monsur Rezauddin Shahriar Bin Mohsin Soikot

Deputy Head, Solution Manager,

Network Integration & Service Dept. Wireless product marketing Division.

Huawei Technologies Bangladesh Ltd. Huawei Technologies Bangladesh Ltd.

Email: **.****@******.*** Email: **********@******.***

cell: +880********** cell: +880**********

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