address: ** ***** ******
email: *****.*******@*****.***
phone: 617-***-****
Experienced scientist with over seven years of
Expert on
postdoctoral research expertise in theoretical
many-body physics of elementary particle • Physics of many-body systems at extreme
• Developing and solving effective theories/models
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Vienna University for multi-scale systems from first principles.
of Technology. (October 2008 – December
Fields of Physics/Mathematics:
Research topics: thermodynamics of elementary particle • Quantum mechanics/quantum field theories,
matter, phase structure of anisotropic plasmas, effective thermal field theory, statistical physics,
descriptions of systems in strong magnetic fields, transport electrodynamics, particle physics, general
properties of strongly coupled plasmas, dispersion and
relativity and cosmology, hydrodynamics,
particle propagation in hot plasmas.
Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics.
• Multivariable calculus, ordinary and partial
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brandon
differential equations, linear algebra, complex
University and Winnipeg Institute for Theoretical
analysis, Fourier analysis, spectral theory, group
Physics. (September 2006 – August 2008)
theory, differential geometry.
Research topics: thermodynamics of elementary particle
matter, dispersion relations in hot plasmas, particle Excellent analytic and numeric problem solving
production in hot plasmas.
• Perturbation theory to high orders.
Research Assistant, University of Helsinki and
Helsinki Institute of Physics. (May 1999 – • Lattice Monte Carlo simulations, finite difference
December 1999 and January 2001 – August
2006) • Renormalization group analysis.
• Path integrals.
Research topics: thermodynamics of the standard model of
particle physics, phase structure of hot and dense
electroweak matter, effects of sulfur and oxygen impurities Computer skills:
on germanium doped silver surfaces.
• Operating systems: Linux (Red Hat and Debian
Other duties: teaching in exercise sessions on under- and
based distributions).
postgraduate theoretical physics courses, secretary of the
organizing committee of SEWM 2004 conference. Programming languages: C/C++, python, bash
shell scripting.
EDUCATION • Mathematica, Matlab/Octave, GSL.
Spoken languages:
Doctor of Philosophy, Theoretical Physics,
University of Helsinki, 2006. • Fluent in Finnish and English, good Swedish and
Grade: 4 (very good); thesis “ Thermodynamics of basic German and French.
Electroweak Matter” accepted with exceptional praise.
Experience with leading small groups to achieve
Master of Science, Theoretical Physics (minors in desired goals.
mathematics and physics), University of
Helsinki, 2001. Experienced public speaker.
Military service, Finnish Defense Forces, Army, Scientific writing with LaTeX (papers and talks).
1996 – 1997. Leader of an HF-radio squad.
Rank: sergeant. Independent, quick learning new skills,
passionate about physics and applying my
expertise to new problems.
Many-body Phenomena (post-graduate course),
Thermodynamics and Phase Diagram of
Department of Theoretical Physics, University
Anisotropic Chern-Simons Deformed Gauge
of Helsinki. (Fall 2003 and Fall 2004)
Theories, A. Gynther, A. Rebhan, D. Steineder.
Teaching in exercise sessions 4 hours/week,
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2012, Issue 10,
planning and developing homework exercises for
12 (2012).
students, grading homework problems and final
Holographic Anomalous Conductivities and the tests.
Chiral Magnetic Effect, A. Gynther, K.
General Relativity (post-graduate course),
Landstainer, F. Pena-Benitez, A. Rebhan.
Department of Theoretical Physics, University
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2011, Issue 2, of Helsinki. (Spring 2001)
110 (2011).
Teaching in exercise sessions 4 hours/week,
On the Dispersion of Fundamental Particles in planning and developing homework exercises for
QCD and N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory, P. students, grading homework problems and final
Chesler, A. Gynther, A. Vuorinen. tests.
Mathematical Methods of Physics I
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2009, Issue 9, 3
(2009). (under-graduate course), Department of
Theoretical Physics, University of Helsinki. (Fall
The Fermion Mass at Next-to-leading Order in
the HTL Effective Theory, M. Carrington, A.
Gynther, D. Pickering. Teaching in exercise sessions 4 hours/week, grading
homework problems and final tests.
Physical Review D, Vol. 78, Issue 4, 045018 (2008).
Substitute teacher for Finnish, Swedish and
Four-loop Pressure of Massless O(N) Scalar
Physics, Joroinen secondary school and upper
Field Theory, A. Gynther, M. Laine, Y.
secondary school. (Spring 1996)
Schröder, C. Torrero, A. Vuorinen.
Teaching based on preprepared material, 30
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2007, Issue 4,
94 (2007).
Pressure of the Standard Model at High GRANTS, AWARDS AND EXTERNAL
Temperatures, A. Gynther, M. Vepsäläinen.
Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2006, Issue 1,
External examiner for Norwegian University of
60 (2006).
Science and Technology. (2009-2012)
Electroweak Phase Diagram at Finite Lepton
Number Density, A. Gynther. Grant from Academy of Finland for project
“Vahvasti vuorovaikuttavan alkeishiukkasaineen
Physical Review D, Vol. 68, Issue 1, 016001 (2003).
ominaisuudet” (“Properties of Strongly
Interacting Elementary Particle Matter”), Project
SELECTION OF CONFERENCE no. 136997, €13000. (January 1, 2010 –
PRESENTATIONS December 31, 2010)
Grant from Graduate School for Particle and
“The Nf3 g6 Term in the Pressure of Hot QCD ”,
Nuclear Physics (GRASPANP), Ministry of
QCD in Extreme Conditions, Trondheim,
Education, for project “Dense Electroweak
Norway, February 2010.
Matter”, €18000/year. (January 1, 2002 –
“Pressure of the Standard Model”, International December 31, 2005)
Conference on Strong & Electroweak Matter,
Selected to represent Finland at the NASA
Brookhaven, USA, May 2006.
International Space Camp, Huntsville, AL. (July
“The Electroweak Phase Diagram at Finite Net 1995)
Lepton Number Density”, Cosmo-03:
International Workshop on Particle Physics and
the Early Universe, Ambleside, UK, August