* *** **** **. ( ***) *** - ****
S anta Barbara, CA 93101 l *********@*****.***
Lindsay Crissman
U niversity of California, San Diego (Sept 2003 – J un 2007)
B .S. Psychology, specialization in neuroscience and b ehav ior
M inor i n economics
3 .21 o verall G PA, graduated with honors
A dditional courses in biology and chemistry (including labs ) taken i n 2 011.
K utas C ognitive Electrophysiology Lab, San Diego, CA ( Jun 2 008 – F eb 2012 )
R esearch Associate
C oordinated and c onduct ed e lectroencephalography ( EEG ) r esearch with
a dolescent and adult participants .
T rain ed n ew lab m embers t o use the specialized equipment, software, a nd
s upplies i n compliance with established protocols .
O rdered supplies and m aintained, calibrated, and repaired equipment.
M aintained and referenced all electronic documentation and paperwork
a ssociated with instruments, purchases, protocols, and individual studies.
G angnam SLP Institute, S eoul, S outh Korea ( Feb 2012 – J ul 2013 )
E SL English Instructor
T aught p reschool and elementary students i n a private language a cademy .
P roject Wildlife T riage C enter, S an Diego, CA (Feb 2010 – F eb 2012 )
W ildlife Rehabilitator
A ssisted with m edical exams, a dministered m edication, a nd tested for
p arasites u sing microscopy a nd o ther techniques .
R esponsible for supply use, d istribution, and cleanup as well as m aintenance
o f a c lean e nvironment.
T rained new volu nteers on proper care of animals a nd use of medical supplies.
P roficient in Microsoft Office pro grams and Linux OS, and have experience
w ith command - based programs and data analysis software.
D r. Marta Kutas, Kutas Lab P rincipal Investigator
m kutas @ucsd.edu o r ( 858) 534 - 2440
M ichelle Jachimowicz, Project Wildlife Technician
t ************@*****.*** o r ( 619) 301 - 4994