Mansoor Ahmed
Address: Frederiksborgvej 103 st TV 2400
kobenhavn NV Denmark
Cell: +45-71684090
Skype ID: mansoor.213
E-Mail: ******@***.**
I am highly educated mechanical engineer with over three years experience. I have a solid background
in Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat transfer, with good project management skills
demonstrated through on-time and in-budget delivery of projects.
MSc in Engineering Mechanics, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, UET Lahore, Pakistan.
Research Publications
"Dispersion of swimming algae in laminar and turbulent channel flows:
consequences for photobioreactors" published in the Journal of the Royal
Society Interface and can be accessed through the following link
Research Work
2010-2011 MSc Thesis, Department of Engineering Mechanics, KTH, Sweden
Numerical Studies of Microorganisms in Shear Flows
Thesis can be accessed on the following link
http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva -31044
Video for the thesis presentation is available on the following link
Master course projects, KTH, Sweden
Geometrical Optimization of a Channel System.
Numerical investigations of the flow field around a simplified model of a
Stability study of Plane Poiseuille Flow.
Passive mixing in a three-dimensional serpentine micro channel.
Fatigue life assessment of welded structures
Topology and Shape Optimization of Design Space
Plate under action of uniform pressure
2006-2007 Bachelor of Science Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering UET
Lahore, Pakistan
Study and Development of a CAD/CAM software for CNC lathe
Software was developed to implement G-codes used in automation for CNC lathe
machine. The software was developed using C++ while the GUI was designed
using Microsoft visual studio.
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International Workshop
"Non ideal particles and aggregates in turbulence" at the University of
June 7-9, 2012
Salento, Sala Conferenze Rettorato - Piazzetta Tancredi 7 - Lecce. My research
work has been presented by my supervisor ” Luca Brandt ” entitled as”
Dispersion of swimming algae in laminar and turbulent channel flows”
Aug 22-25, 2011 ”FLOW Summer school in Micro and Complex flow” at KTH, Stockholm
Sweden. Prof. Eric Shaqfeh (Stanford University, USA), Prof. Henrik Bruus
(Denmark University of Technology) and Prof. Laurent Limat (Université Paris
Diderot-Paris 7) are invited to present their research work.
Topics Covered:
• Fluid mechanics of suspensions.
• Micro- and nanochannel flow with an emphasis on electrokinetics.
• Issues in wetting with an emphasis on complex geometries.
“Advanced design of welded structures” offered by SCI/Aeronautical and
3-4 Nov, 2009
Vehicle Engineering at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Excercises on fatigue design and FEM. Examination by handing in lab report.
Standard and design codes
Method for fatigue life assessment with reasonable accuracy for different
Types of welded jonits and structures
Effects of welding residual stress on the strucutral integrity.
Influence of different types of weld defects and discontinuities on the the
fatigue strength of welded joints
Professional experience
Mar 2013 - Aug Lecturer, Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, University
2013 of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
Mar 2012 - Mar Design and Development engineer, Cool Point (PVT) Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan
Computational Fluid Mechanics analysis of refrigerant in equipment piping and
air in ducts to reduce the pressure and heat losses in HVAC (Heating,
Ventilation and Air conditioning)
Jan 2007-Jul 2008 Assistant Manager, Cool Point (PVT) Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan
Design and Installation of centralized air conditioning system for different
clients according to their requirements.
Professional Trainings
Jun 2005- Jul 2005 Trainee Engineer, Qadbros Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan
Designing of Fixture & positioner for Sugar mill Bearing
Jun 2004- Jul 2004 Trainee Engineer, Pakistan Cycle Industrial Co_op Society, Lahore,
Professional Training of Manufacturing Machine Tools
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Operating systems Windows, Linux
Solid Modeling Solid Edge, AutoCad
CFD Tools Gambit, Fluent, SIMSON, COMSOL multiphysics, high-performance
(parallel) computing with MPI
Programming Matlab, C++, FORTRAN,
Data visualization Paraview
GRE, General Test Scores (Quantitative = 155, Verbal = 140).
Research Interests
Computational Analysis of Aerodynamic Design
Hydrodynamic Stability Analysis
Computational Imaging Processing
Renewable Energy Resources
Personal information
Name Mansoor, Ahmed
Status Single
Year of birth 1982, 06, 02
Nationality Pakistani
Luca Brandt (Masters’ thesis Supervisor, Course teacher and Co-author in my publication )
KTH Mechanics, Stockholm Sweden
Phone: +46 8 7906870
Fax: +46 8 205131
Email: ****@****.***.**