s tuart@holc ombe. name 919-***-**** http://w w w . linkedin. c om/in/s hholc ombe
20+ years s oftw are development on the Mic ros oft Window s platform. • 20+ years objec t-oriented analys is and des ign.
• 4+ years agile s oftw are development. • 18+ years bus ines s analys is . • BS Computer Sc ienc e, Univers ity of Arizona
• J avaSc ript • Objec t Oriented Des ign • Databas es • REST • C# • Web Servic es • CSS • ASP. NET • SQL
• Mic ros oft SQL Server • IIS • Agile Methodologies • . NET • Sc rum • Softw are Engineering
• Requirements Gathering • Requirements Meeting Fac ilitation • Requirements Stakeholder Interview s
• Bus ines s Analys is • Us e Cas e Analys is • Us er Stories • C++ • Us er Interfac e Des ign • Client/s erver • SOA
• C/C++ ST L • VB. NET • DHT ML • XML • XML Sc hema • XSLT • J SON • Subvers ion • Git
• Softw are Des ign • Web Applic ations • WPF • Window s • HT ML • Unit T es ting • Vis ual Studio • AJ AX
• Us er Interfac e • Des ign Patterns • UML • Objec t Oriented Analys is • Separation of Conc erns (IoC) • ORM
• As pec t Oriented • DSL (Domain Spec ific Language)
01/2012 - P resent CONSULTANT @ Medseek
Exec uted c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of : features as des c ribed in us er s tories,
module for us e as an example of unit tes ting. • Collaborated w ith QA to make s ure us er s tory outc omes w ere c orrec t.
• Partic ipated in c ode review s . • Partic ipated in dis c us s ions on how to imporove the Sc rum proc es s .
Em power
A w eb bas ed applic ation that provides data for and c ommunic ation betw een hos pital s taff and patients . T he applic ation
us es the idea of “portals †r s pec ific types of people, us ually s taff or patient. Eac h portal c ontains many
c us tomizable “modules †ac h w ith a s pec ific purpos e. Some of the exis ting modules allow view ing a us er profile,,e
view ing MHR data, as king ques tions, reques ting and approving reques ted appointments, etc . T he general layout of the
UI is c us tomizable as w ell as being s kin-able. T he bac k-end is ASP. NET and SQL Server 2005 w ith the ability to
c onnec t, via s tandardized w eb s ervic e, to hos pital and c linic MHR data.
03/2011 - 11/2011 CONSULTANT @ MacVector, Inc
Fac ilitated and partic ipated in dis c us s ions w ith developers and management to dec ide w hat tec hnologies w ould be us ed
for porting from C++ on OSX to Window s . • Res earc hed and taught other developers about MVVM pattern.
• Exec uted objec t-oriented analys is and objec t-oriented des ign of, c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of : WPF us er
c ontrol that dynamic ally links WPF framew ork elements to different data s ourc e c ommand s ourc es, ICommand
interfac e c omponent us ed to attac h WPF framew ork c omponents w ith bus ines s logic us ing Managed C++.
MacVector Mac to Windows Conversion P roof of Concept
T he goal of the proof of c onc ept is to determine if an exis ting Mac program c an be c onverted to Window s w hile
s haring as muc h c ode as pos s ible. T he applic ation is us ed by molec ular biologis ts to do genetic analys is and DNA
matc hing. T he interfac e us es graphic al and textual repres entations of genetic s equenc es along w ith information about
the s equenc es . T he biologis t c an open and s ave s equenc es in various formats, modify s equenc es, and run external
matc hing algorithms on s ets of s equenc es .
01/2006 - 03/2011 SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER @ Ground Zero Sof tware
Fac ilitated requirements s olic itation meetings, s take holder interview s, and us er interview s . • Exec uted c ons truc tion of :
w eb bas ed UI prototypes, proof-of-c onc ept prototypes us ing multiple tec hnologies to determine w hic h w ould be bes t
for UI, ORM, and Databas e layers . • Exec uted objec t-oriented analys is and objec t-oriented des ign of, c reation of
analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting
us er doc umentation for elec tronic medic al us ing multiple tec hnologies to determine w hic h w ould be bes t for UI, ORM,
and Databas e layers us ing DHT ML, CSS, J avaSc ript, prototype J avaSc ript library, C#, J SON. NET, nUnit, c as tle
w inds or IoC c ontainer, iBAT IS ORM, SQL, Mic ros oft SQL Server. • Collaborated on deployment of beta applic ation to
s ec ure s erver at CDC. • Served as primary liais on betw een Ground Zero and CDC employees . • T rained beta us ers
remotely and on s ite. • Served as tec hnic al s upport for beta us ers .
WebT racker Hem ophilia
A Web bas ed Elec tronic Medic al Rec ord s pec ific to Hemophilia patients . T he EMR w as loos ely bas ed on LabT rac ker
Hemophilia, a FoxPro program us ed by the CDC' s Hemophilia T reatment Centers to trac k and c ollec t data on their
patients . T o addres s the problems c aus ed by Hurric ane Katrina at T ulane Univers ity Health Sc ienc e Center, the c lient
w anted to c reate a more fault tolerant vers ion of the applic ation w ith off-s ite data and management. T o addres s thes e
requirements the applic ation us es a brow s er front end w ith a c entralized bac k end. With patient data being s tored off
s ite, s ec urity driven by HIPAA is an important is s ue. T o addres s this the data is enc rypted on the s erver us ing a method
that prevents anything exc ept the ac tual applic ation from gaining ac c es s and ac c es s to the applic ation is guarded by a 2
fac tor identific ation method. A c linic ian logs into the applic ation us ing a pas s w ord and information from a phys ic al
item. T he c linic ian then adds and modifies patient data, prints reports, etc us ing the w eb interfac e. T he data is then de-
identified and us ed by hemophilia organizations and phys ic ians for res earc h.
02/2005 - 10/2005 CONSULTANT @ BCF Technologies
Exec uted analys is and des ign of, c reation of analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting
of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting us er doc umentation for API us ed to retrieve and/or s c rape ins uranc e quotes
from multiple ins uranc e c ompany w eb s ites and w eb s ervic es us ing C++, w in32, COM.
Real-tim e Rating
An applic ation that enables an ins uranc e agent to get quotes from multiple c ompanies at the s ame time from the s ame
c us tomer data. T he agent enters c us tomer data into a UI c reated us ing MFC, if any additional information is needed for
individual c ompanies or s tates the agent is as ked to provide it, quotes are gathered us ing either w eb s ervic e or s c reen
s c raping depending on the w ay eac h ins uranc e c ompany provides online quotes, and finally the quotes are dis played in
the UI.
02/2004 - 02/2005 CONSULTANT @ AtStaf f
Fac ilitated s take holder interview s . • Fac ilitated and partic ipated in meetings dis c us s ing moving from C++/w in32 to
dotNet/C# • Exec uted analys is and des ign of, c reation of analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of,
func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting us er doc umentation for : ins taller for s erver and c lient
applic ations us ing Ins tallShield, batc h files, automated build s ys tem us ing nAnt, Vis ual Studio. • Collaborated on
c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of proof-of-c onc ept C# libraries . • Partic ipated in c ode review s .
A w indow s ins taller for the AtStaff produc t built us ing the Ins tallShield s ys tem. T he ins taller plac es the exec utables and
libraries in the c orrec t plac e on dis c depending on the OS, c reates or updates an the SQL databas e if a s erver
ins tallation is being performed, updates regis try entries, and c reates or updates the applic ation ini file.
Autom ated build system
An applic ation us ed to automate the build proc es s of AtStaff s o that releas es are c orrec t and repeatable. T he proc es s
requires c ombining SQL s c ripts for c reation and update of SQL Server and Orac le databas es, c ompilation of MFC UIs,
c ompilation of VB UIs, c ompilation of AT L COM c omponents, c ompilation of w in32 COM c omponents,
doc umentation generation, and generation of the ins taller.
AtStaff is a produc t us ed by hos pitals and c linic s to s c hedule nurs es and c linic ians . T he c urrent vers ion of the
applic ation us es a c ombination of COM c omponents w ritten in MFC and w in32, UI w ritten in VB and MFC, and an
SQL Server or Orac le databas e. T he next generation of the applic ation w ill us e C#, WinForms, managed COM, ODBC,
and the exis ting SQL Server and Orac le databas es .
02/2003 - 10/2003 CONSULTANT @ AlgoMedica
Fac ilitated requirements s olic itation meetings, s take holder interview s, and us er interview s . • Collaborated on objec t-
oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug
fixing and maintenanc e of proof-of-c onc ept prototype of drug therapy generation AI us ing C++, AT L, ADO, SQL.
An extens ion of an exis ting applic ation us ed to analyze HIV mutations . T he extens ion is an interfac e des igned s o that
the applic ation c an us e differing data s ourc es .
"Sham rock"
A propos al for a w eb bas ed applic ation us ed by phys ic ians and c linic ians to evaluate the effic ac y of different drug
regimens for the treatment of HIV.
04/1999 - 12/2002 SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEER @ Therapy Edge
Fac ilitated us er interview s . • Wrote API doc umentation for date/time library. • Created and w rote doc umentation for
DSL us ed by drug therapy generation AI. • Exec uted objec t-oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and des ign
doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of date/time library us ing C++,
ST L, in hous e tes ting framew ork, natural doc s . • Callaborated on objec t-oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and
des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of : drug therapy
generation AI us ing C++, ST L, LEXX/YACC, in hous e tes ting framew ork, rules evaluation engine us ing C++, ST L, in-
hous e unit tes ting framew ork, elec tronic medic al rec ord s ys tem us ing C++, ST L, Python, J avaSc ript, SQL, IIS,
Mic ros oft SQL Server, in-hous e unit tes ting framew ork, doxygen.
Date L ibrary
A library w ith repres entations of an "ins tant in time" and time s pans w ith differing levels of prec is ion and ac c urac y.
Data c ollec tion of patient data s ometimes relies on patient rec all. T his means that the dates c aptured w ill not alw ays be
exac t or prec is e. T he library provides a s tandard date-time repres entation of an ins tant in time w ith variable levels of
prec is ion from minutes to years and a time-s pan repres entation a ac c urac y w ith s tart and end points from minutes to
years .
T herapy Generator
A s imple applic ation us ing w eighted data points to c reate therapies us ed to treat HIV. A phys ic ian w orks w ith a
developer to enter w eights for effic ac y, danger, etc for different HIV drugs from w hic h the applic ation then generates
drug therapies .
Rules Evaluator
A rule evaluation engine that expands on the therapy Generator to evaluate HIV drug regimens . T he engine us es a
Domain Spec ific Language that des c ribes genetic mutations of the HIV virus and the drugs for w hic h the mutation is
res is tant. T he DSL is pars ed into an expres s ion tree through w hic h HIV genotypes and phenotypes are evaluated
produc ing pos s ible therapies .
T herapyEdge
A w eb bas ed Elec tronic Medic al Rec ord s pec ific to patients w ith HIV c oupled to an AI engine us ed to rec ommend drug
regimens for treatment. T he EMR builds on the Rules Evaluator by adding a Python UI, a c us tom in memory databas e,
and s imple AI to us e data points provided by medic al profes s ionals to rec ommend drug regimens ranked by s everal
c riteria.
02/1998 - 04/1999 CONSULTANT @ RDA Consultants
Exec uted objec t-oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional
tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting us er doc umentation for : des ktop applic aiton us ed by s ales people to
trac k value-added s ervic es us ing VB, Mic ros oft Ac c es s 7, automated build s ys tem for building applic ation on AS400,
Unix, Linux, Window s NT, Window s 95 us ing C++, MFC, VB, batc h files, VBA, COM, DCOM, w eb applic ation for
trac king s tatus of c ons truc tion projec ts us ing C++, VB, VBA, ASP. • Created and w rote doc umentation for DSL us ed
to define build s teps .
VAS T racker
An applic ation us ed by a s ales forc e to trac k value added s ervic es . T he applic ation has a s imple VB UI allow ing s ales
people to add time, value, and a des c ription for ac tivities they have performed for c us tomers .
Configuration Manager
An applic ation us ed to automate nightly and releas e builds on all the platforms the c lient' s applic ation is available on.
T he applic ation us es a library of COM c omponents to exec ute remote builds on AS400, Unix, and Linux and DCOM
c omponents to exec ute remote builds on Window s NT and Window s 95. T his library, along w ith s ome VBA and
c ommand line c omponents, are us ed by an interpreter for a Domain Spec ific Language that des c ribes the s etup,
exec ution, and c leanup s teps for a c omplete s et of builds on all platforms or on a s ubs et of the platforms .
Construction Status T racker
An Exc el bas ed applic ation us ed by c ons truc tion foreman to trac k progres s on new and remodeling c ons truc tion for oil
and gas infras truc ture. T he applic ation c us tomized and automated Exc el us ing VBA, c us tom COM c omponents, OT S
COM c omponents and us ed a remote Ac c es s databas e as the data s tore. T he adminis trator enters projec ts, projec t
s teps, time es timates and projec t as s ignments into a c us tomized Exc el s preads heet w hic h s aves the data points in the
remote Ac c es s databas e. T he foremen then ac c es s the data via the c us tomized vers ion of Exc el and c an revis e
es timates, mark projec t c ompletion perc entage, print pages, etc .
01/1997 - 02/1998 CONSULTANT @ Quincy Street
Exec uted objec t-oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of, func tional
tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting us er doc umentation for : library of s tandard elec tronic s tes ting items
us ing C++, applic ation to trans late from equipment tes ting DSL to C++ us ing C++, LEX/YACC • Created and w rote
doc umentation for equipment tes ting DSL.
T est Foundation Fram ework
A c las s library of s tandard tes ting items us ed for tes ting elec tronic equipment. T he library is made up of C++ objec ts
available via a dll.
Z EP HY R T ranslator
A trans lator for a Domain Spec ific Language us ed to as s embly tes t s c ripts for tes ting elec tronic equipment. T he s c ript
is trans lated it into C++ that us es the T es t Foundtaion Framew ork library to interfac e w ith the equipment under tes t.
T he res ulting c ode is then c ompiled into an exec utable and us ed to tes t the equipment.
03/1996 - 01/1997 LEAD PROGRAMMER @ Viga Technologies
Collaborated on c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting us er doc umentation for
retirement planing applic ation in C++, MFC.
Retirem ent P lanner
An applic ation us ed by financ ial ins titutions to educ ate inves tors about retirement s aving. T he s oftw are that gathers
information from an individual about their c urrent retirement s avings and their retirement goals . T he information is
gathered us ing a s eries of panels in a w izard that adapts to the information entered. After the information is c ollec ted it
is analyzed to es timate the amount the individual needs to s ave to reac h there goals .
02/1995 - 03/1996 PROGRAMMER @ Sunquest Inf ormation Systems
Exec uted c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of applic ation us ed to enter uranalys is and
blood differential c ell c ounts into elec tronic lab s ys tem us ing C++, MFC, MUMPS.
Uranalysis and blood differential term inal
Applic ations us ed by laboratory tec hnic ians for data entry of Uranalys is and c omplete blood c ounts done by
mic ros c opic examination. T he applic ations are an update to Window s of exis ting applic ation that run on text terminals .
T he tec hnic ian us es a defined s et of keys on the keyboard eac h time they s ee a c ertain c ell type. T he data is s ent to a
MUMPS bac k-end via a c us tom netw ork interfac e.
01/1993 - 02/1995 PROGRAMMER @ CEO Sof tware Inc
Collaborated on objec t-oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and des ign doc umentation for, c ons truc tion of,
func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of applic ation us ed by hotel event planning to s c hedule event rooms
us ing C++, OWL, BT rieve.
Schedule + Win
An applic ation us ed by hotel event planners to s c hedule events and the rooms, audio-video equipment, tables, c hairs,
etc needed for the events .
12/1992 - 01/1993 PROGRAMMER INTERN @ RSP Inc
Fac ilitated us er interview s . • Exec uted objec t-oriented analys is and des ign of, analys is and des ign doc umentation for,
c ons truc tion of, func tional tes ting of, bug fixing and maintenanc e of, w riting us er doc umentation for applic ation us ed
by game artis ts to c ombine a s et of s prites into an animation.
Anim ation Utility
An applic ation us ed to c ombine s till frames into an animation. T he applic ation us es s ingle frames from a film of
performers enac ting fight s c enes and allow s an artis t to s elec t w hic h of the frames w ill be us ed for a game animation.
T he artis t c an run the frames forw ard and bac kw ard at differing s peeds, paus e the frames, s elec t frames to be us ed,
and animate the s elec ted frames .
Stuart Holcombe Updated 2013-05-21