Regina Canto
Sr. Sales Engineer
Sales Engineer with 15+ years experience in consulting, sales, pre-sales, marketing, and
p rofessional services roles of solutions related to information management systems and
services, in Brazil and USA.
A reas of expertise include: E nterprise Content Management (ECM), Information
M anagement (IM), In tegrated Document management (IDM), Imaging and Capture,
Document Output and Distribution (ERM), Business Process Management
(BPM)/Workflow, Product Data Management (PDM/PLM), ERP (BPCS, QAD, SAGE),
Remote Device Management (HP OpenView), Printers (MFPs, laser, color, M ICR and
t hermal engines), semiconductors, prospecting, presentations, needs assessment, proposal
development, RFP, t raining, software demonstration, cost analysis, ROI, customer
management, project management, technical and sales t raining, and creating marketing
collateral and voice over CDs.
• Education: M .B.A. (University of Phoenix), Electrical Engineering. B.S (Fundação
A rmando Álvares Penteado, São Paulo, Brazil ( )
• Certifications: CompTIA CDIA+ (Certified Document I maging Architect ),
E lectronic Business Certificate (UCI), AI I M Business Process Management Practitioner
certificate, CompTia Network+.
• Languages: F luent in English and Portuguese, some Spanish.
• Awards: I BM Latin America Marketing Excellence Award, IBM's Manager Reconnaissance
Award, SSA Latin America President’s Club Award.
I ndependent Consultant – R C I MC
M ay 2012 – Present RCIMC provides consulting services to a variety of industries
(aerospace, importation, financial, manufacturing, and others) to assess current situation of
t heir information assets and provide a road map with a detailed plan on how to improve
i nformation governance and control. The information may be related do business processes
such as:
• Vital records (PO, Invoice, Shipping notice, Quality control, Traveler, etc), identifying
document types
• How records are created, captured and received, how people search for i t, how they
make changes (revision control), distributed, t racked, reviewed and approved
(workflow), stored and finally disposed.
R ******@*****.*** 1-714-***-****
R egina Canto
Sr. Sales Engineer
RCICM analyses the present state and based on different techniques:
• Employees interviews, investigation of the location of documents (electronic and
• Inventory of existing systems (ERP, CRM, CAD/CAM, CRM) and devices (fax,
connected printers and scanners) and what information they provide to users and
how it is accessed and shared.
• Business processes involving the document typed selected are reviewed and mapped,
a long with the type action they require (review, change and approval) and by whom
( role based).
• Governance is one of RCIMC biggest concerns, so policies, procedures, compliance
and r isk management are evaluated during the analyses and recommendations are
The suggested roadmap takes in consideration current and future desire state of
i nformation assets according to the organization’s mission and plans for the future.
RCIMC doesn’t have any agreement with software providers or MFP manufacturers.
Sales Representative –DSSI
January 2012-May 2012
DSSI is an expert provider of document scanning, storage and information management
solutions (Hyland software). The company is based in Simi Valley and the role was to sell
ECM solutions and imaging services to new customers.
Regional Sales Manager – H engstler/Danaher Sensors & Controls A pril
2011 – October 2011 Increased thermal printer engines and cutters sales in existing kiosk’s
OEM customers in the parking, t ransportation, gas dispensing and gaming industries.
Generated sales funnel growth by acquiring new customer and expanding business in
current accounts in the West Coast. As RSM I provided SWOT analysis to assess the
business environment for thermal printers in the Brazilian market.
Sr. Sales Engineer – ACOM Solutions A ugust 2006 –
M ay 2010
• Participated in qualification calls, needs analysis, provided forecast to promote
E nterprise Content Management (ECM) and In tegrated Document Management
( IDM) solutions for SAGE/ERP. Prepared and delivered customized presentations
and software demonstration to prospects, and presented cost benefits analyses
R ******@*****.*** 1-714-***-****
R egina Canto
Sr. Sales Engineer
• Assisted with product evaluation, marketing material, and proof of concept.
Participated in industry events (QAD ERP) to promote ID M solutions. Provided
P roduct Management with prospect feedback and suggestions on product features,
p roduct performance, alternative solutions and market t rends.
• Acted as the liaison between Sales and Professional Services by t ranslating
customers requirements gathered during Pre-Sales activities. Provided customer
specific t raining and customer support. Developed VAR t raining syllabus with
hands-on exercises to VARs and delivered the t raining.
• Successfully converted 85% of the current customer base for Payment Solutions by
selling Professional Services to customers with current maintenance ($300K).
Sr. Applications Specialist – Konica M inolta Business Solutions
October 2002–July 2006 Provided sales and post-sales support to the Anaheim Branch sales
team to increase revenue generation and customer. Solutions supported: multi-functional
p rinters (MFPs), color (EFI), production printing, f leet management, document
management (DM), scanners, variable data printing (VDP), web device management, and
related solutions:
• Demonstrated MFP features along with document management solutions to potential
• Provided Sales t raining on a variety of solutions.
• Developed Variable Data Printing presentation for the largest mail center franchisee
yearly convention.
• Delivered customer t raining to target accounts as part of Post Sales support using the
opportunity to cross sell.
Sr. Business Development Engineer - Toshiba America Electronic Components
Provided t imely and precisely DRAM memory sales forecast to TAEC Japan regarding
major OEMs to facilitate factory production planning and better inventory control.
• Supported TAEC's major customers by providing pricing, lead time and technical
i nformation for DRAM products, keeping the customers current with product roadmaps.
• Managed the int roduction of memory products (DDR) based on product roadmap from
Japan on that year.
Account Manager – System Software Associates Brazil (SSA)
Responsible for BPCS ERP licenses and implementation services sales in Brazil (Business
P lanning and Control System from SSA, now Infor).
• Closed $1.3 M quota in 1998 and received the “Latin America President’s Club Award”.
R ******@*****.*** 1-714-***-****
R egina Canto
Sr. Sales Engineer
• Provided accurate ter r i tory reporting and forecasting to upper management to reach
s trategic sales goals.
Pre-Sales Consultant – Hewlett Packard Brazil
Pre-Sales support to major account managers by participating in customer meetings,
delivering presentation of product features and related benefits, responding to RFP,
customer needs assessments. Participated on t radeshows and special events to promote HP
p roducts and support sales efforts. Activities performed:
• Developed and delivered internal t raining workshops on workstations models, market,
features and benefits.
• Worked in collaboration with consultants and project managers to create services
estimation costs and deliverables.
• Provided customer requirements assessment to provide appropriated server and storage
configuration and applications to manage the resources.
• Part of the Latin America Pre-Sales group for HP Openview suite (Network
M anagement, Backup and Recovery)
P roduct Marketing Specialist – I B M Brazil
Member of the CAS program for college recently graduated (CAS290), after the program
ends her fi rst assignment was as a System Analyst for OfficeVision (VM system), providing
customer installation and t raining (1990-1992).
L ater on she was part of the manufacturing division supporting installation of
CAD/CAM/CAE and PDM systems (UNIX), and shortly after getting assigned to promote
P roductManager/6000, IBM PDM (Product Data Management) solution in Brazil. Some of
t he activities are listed below:
• Received the “IBM Latin America Marketing Excellence Award” for the positive impact
of promoting IBM PDM system.
• Translated to Portuguese marketing material (product brochures, presentations),
released technical product information, and maintained current knowledge using IB M
• Demonstrated IB M PDM at international events (Brazil and US) such as APICS,
E xpoCAD/CAM, FenaSoft.
• Provided Pre-Sales support for major IB M manufacturing accounts (Ford, Mercedes
Benz, MWM, TRW, Embraer), participating in sales meetings, delivering demos and
p resentations focusing on the benefit of the solution.
R ******@*****.*** 1-714-***-****