Recently graduated chemical engineer with a diverse educational background. Strong
k nowledge regarding mass balances, heat t ransfer, f luid dynamics, and reactor engineering.
E xperience in process design, where a formic acid plant was designed including extensive
ChemCAD simulations, PFD and P& ID design, full safety analysis via HAZOP and LOPA
methods, full economic analysis with basic knowledge of lean production, and technical
reports and presentation which included large amounts of both team and individual work.
S trong project management skills and able to schedule and manage multiple tasks as well
as communicate progress to superiors and coworkers.
University of I llinois at Urbana Champaign
Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering
M ay 2013
- GPA: 3.15
- Focus on nanocrystalline structure and ceramics
- Moderate knowledge of biological systems and Bioengineering
Lab Assistant for MURI Grant, U IUC Summer 2012 to
Spring 2013
Processed layered ceramic materials via tape casting ceramic slur r ies. Larger
samples were used to create Brazilian disc samples to analyze samples capacity for
g raceful failure. PVA method of ceramic powder preparation was also studied, along
w ith other ceramic processing and equipment methodology.
L ab Technician for ISGS Sedimentary Lab, U I UC Summer
2011 to Spring 2012
Perform multiple methods of particle size analysis and sediment sample analysis.
E xperience in laboratory analysis techniques, computer based data processing,
l aboratory maintenance, and long term experimental planning.
Office of Naval Research Global: Summer In tern, Tokyo Japan
Summer 2009
Assisted various members of ONRG staff. Researched conferences in China and
South-East Asia featuring developing polymers, ceramic, and alloy materials.
E xperience in office skills, information research, and inter-office communications.
Research In ternship for Biochemical Lab, U IUC
Summer 2008
Assisted a Ph.D. candidate in organic metallo-protein synthesis and analysis
research. Experience in bacterial culture growth, Polymerase Chain Reaction
execution, protein harvesting, protein crystal growth, resistivity analysis, Linux
based data analysis.