To obtain a position where I can fully leverage my knowledge on the
statistical data analysis, pattern recognition modeling and research skills
where my experience on various domains will be viewed as a clear value add
to a corporation that encourages career growth.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, GPA 3.7/4.0, University of Houston, Houston, TX,
December 2012
M.Sc. in Computer Science, CINVESTAV, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 2004
B.Sc. in Computer Systems Engineering, ITESO, Guadalajara, Mexico, June
Best Content Poster in the 2012 UH Computer Science Ph.D. Research Showcase
National Scholarship (Ph.D.), CONACYT, Mexico 2009-2010
National Scholarship (M.Sc.), CONACYT, Mexico 2002-2004
Valedictorian ITESO 2001
Best G.P.A. ITESO 1997 and 1998
Research Assistant, University of Houston, August 2006-December 2012
Developed a variety of machine learning algorithms, where we exploit domain
knowledge to design solutions for different types of data using tools, such
as MATLAB, WEKA, and several machine learning libraries. Relevant projects
. Data Characterization for the suitability in the use of class
decomposition (2006-2012). Research Leader for the analysis and design
of algorithms, models, and experiments to understand when the use of
class decomposition is beneficial in terms of classification
performance. Our results are reported in refereed conference
publications. See publications 1, 3, and 5.
. Automatic Geomorphic Mapping and Analysis of Land Surfaces Using
Pattern Recognition, collaboration with Lunar and Planetary Institute
(2006-2011). Project leader for the development of a system that
classifies entire topographic scenes into characteristic landscape
classes. A number of novel solutions, including semi-supervised
learning, meta-learning, and a wrapping technique coupling
classification and segmentation, were proposed to address challenges
posed by the specificity of topographic data. Our results are reported
in refereed conference publications. See publications 3 and 7.
Instructor. ITESO, January 2006 - June 2006
Compilers course where students built a compiler based on C++.
Instructor. CINVESTAV, January 2006 - June 2006
Algorithms course where students used JAVA and C++ to implement them.
Software developer. ASCI (www.asci.us), March 2005 - March 2006
Developed drivers and firmware in JAVA for different hardware manufacturers
Hewlett-Packard (HP), R&D (Guadalajara, M xico), January 2003 - June 2003
Team leader for the analysis, design and development of the JetLink
Analyzer Tool. This tool was built to manage the communications among
different protocols over HP-Printers.
1. Ocegueda-Hernandez F. and Vilalta R. An Empirical Study of the
Suitability of Class Decomposition for Linear Models: When Does It Work
Well? SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SIAM-DM-2013).
2. Vilalta R., Kuchibhotla S., Hoang S., Valerio R., Ocegueda-Hernandez F.,
Pinsky L. (2012) Classification of Sources of Ionizing Radiation in
Space Missions: A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of the European
Space Agency, Acta Futura 5, pp. 111-119.
3. Vilalta R., Gorty P, Ocegueda-Hernandez F., and Stepinski T.
Classification using Graph-based Class Decomposition for the
Identification of Mars Landforms. NASA Conference on Intelligent Data
Understanding (CIDU) 2011.
4. Vilalta R., Kuchibotla S., Ocegueda-Hernandez F., Hoang S., and Pinsky
L. Machine Learning for Identification of Sources of Ionizing Radiation
during Space Missions. In proceedings of 2011 IJCAI Workshop on:
Artificial Intelligence in Space: Intelligence beyond planet. Barcelona,
5. Vilalta R., Ocegueda-Hernandez F. and Bagaria C. (2010). A Conceptual
Study of Model Selection and Classification. Multiple Local Models vs
One Global Model. Second International conference on Agents and
Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2010), Valencia, Spain.
6. Vilalta R., Valerio R., Ocegueda-Hernandez F., Watts G. (2009) The
Effect of the Fragmentation Problem in Decision Tree Learning Applied to
the Search for Single Top Quark Production. 17th International
Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP-09),
Prague, Czech Republic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
7. Vilalta R., Stepinski T., Achari M., Ocegueda-Hernandez F.(2004).A
Quantification of Cluster Novelty with an Application to Martian
Topography. 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD04).
8. Francisco Ocegueda, Roberto S nchez and F lix Ramos "Tlachtli: A
Framework for Soccer Agents Based on GeDa-3D", In proceedings of the
Third International School and Symposium on Advanced Distributed
Systems, ISSADS 2004, held in Guadalajara, Mexico in January 2004.
. Machine Learning Tools: Mastery of WEKA and Statistical
Pattern Recognition Toolbox (Matlab)
. Software Development: Intermediate level of Java, C/C++,
. Operating Systems: Windows (7, Vista, XP), Linux
(Ubuntu, Knoppix).
Spanish (Native), English (Advanced).
SIEMENS Foundation- 2013 Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology
Mentoring High School students to prepare their science project for this
Academic and professional references available upon request.