My name is Andre Blanchet. I am currently a full-time student enrolled in Full
Sail University Online (Internet Marketing Major). I plan on having an Internet
Marketing Master's Degree by 2017. I plan on continuing my education to obtain a
Web Design Master's Degree, as well.
I am very serious about the employment opportunity within your corporation. I
am definitely not the type of writer that you would expect. I have been in a
completely different industry for most of my professional life.
I started a tree service from the ground-up and sold it for $439,895. My
income looked great, but the tree industry tends to be along the order of "feast-or-
famine". I had some major equipment repair debts to pay off, from the recession
years, and a few minor advertising accounts in collections, so, we aren’t left with
nearly enough.
We are extremely happy and we finally decided what we would like to have in
a home. We are looking for a 5-8 acre property, with a nice rectangular pool and a
big lake in back. She wants a big kitchen window, so, you can see right through from
the driveway in front, to the lake in back! I would like a decent dock, as well as, a
boathouse to keep the "baby" out of the sun. You know what the acronym for boat is,
Anyhow, we love living in Central Florida. There's always something to do. My
wife and I have been married for five years this September. Please, congratulate her
for finally giving birth to our fourth son. You definitely read that right, 1,2,3,4 boys and
we, just now, potty trained the oldest. He still wears pull-ups to bed, but he is
learning to get out of bed when he has to go at night. Took some patience, let me tell
you! My boys are the coolest. They know how to steer their PowerWheels and how
to reel the fish in. The oldest boy is setting an awesome example for the youngest
I am very serious about learning SEO, Social Media Marketing and Google
Analytics/AdWords strategy. I believe the Global Economy and the Internet
fundamentally, as well as, technically coincide. I would learn so much about the
world, just from research alone. I have been in constant learning mode since I sold
the business.
I got into the field of Internet Marketing because I got scammed by a couple
of people claiming that they "had all the secrets to my financial woes waiting for me
on the other side". They said "Sign up, get all in, do it today before it's too late". Little
did I know that it's too late 90% of the time, especially with a digital dummy such as
myself! They say that it's "Saturated". They didn’t say anything about their real
numbers, only what potential customers needed to hear to buy. Dishonesty is by far
the worst principle of marketing and it always backfires in the end.
I have started watching the Google Analytics Certification and Google
Adwords Certification training videos so that I can take the GA Certification Test. I
haven't taken the test yet because I just started watching the videos a few days ago
and because it costs a couple dollars to register for the exam.
I read an investment newsletter from a company called Stansberry Research.
They send out a newsletter called The Daily Crux. They are, basically, taking the
headlines from other blogs and using them to hype their own site. They have some
really insightful financial opinions and investment knowledge that is quite cheap,
compared to that of the Morgan Stanleys' and Well's Fargos' or what ever other ETF
you could think of. They (Stansberry Research) also have quite a bit of "political
jargon" and "media hoopla" tossed into the stock market "melting pot", as well. I think
the web site is http://www.stansberryresearch.com
I created a Keynote about how to “Land the Right Career” for a Full Sail
University Assignment and I decided to post it on my YouTube Account. You should
be able to click the blue letters throughout this cover letter!
Please take this video seriously. Thank you!
I received a perfect score on this assignment, I think my work was simple.
I feel pretty good about this video too. It's a little rushed, but it's pretty much
my first attempt at a professional keynote presentation. I encoded it into my website
easily with WordPress. I didn't give myself a chance to really practice "getting all the
marbles out", even though I think I performed well. Please be my guest!
Here’s the website that I created. http://trekkerreview.com/2013/06/trekker-
review-6-privacy/ There should be an SSL certificate attached to the URL. I was just
on the phone with GoDaddy support a couple days ago. There should be an “s” after
the “http” in a couple more days he said. It adds a sense of security to my site. That’s
why I like it. It's more of a blog right now, if I had more time and more skill it could be
whatever I want. It's really opinionated, but hopefully someday, it will be a trusted
online community bulletin board. I'm not a heretic or any thing like that, I'm just tired
of getting so thoroughly taken advantage of by Media/Marketing Guru's.
I believe that if you market your product to consumers in the most honest way
possible, your customers will remain loyal for generations. I called GoDaddy and
bought the Domain Name for five years. I have to renew the hosting next April. I can
make changes to the site reasonably quickly. If I practice a lot I can publish at least
three blogs a day.
I haven't spent enough time on the computer in the last twelve or thirteen
years, but, I have far exceeded my own knowledge/skill level expectations. In the last
3 months that I have been home on "Maternity Leave/Vacation", my wife says,
"You've been on that thing all day". I say, " Gotta make up for lost time, asap". That
really pushes her buttons, when I say that. I'm good at pushing buttons.
It's about finding the right button to push that will create a sense of urgency that will
cause the client to solve the problem with your corporation’s solution, TODAY!
Here is my Resume. file Users/ablanchet/Documents/The%20Resume
I intend on improving and adding to it, my goal is to earn as many Google
Products certifications and other software training credits as possible. I want to learn
as much code as possible. HTML, Javascript, CSS and Mobile Applications Design
is part of the plan also. I see myself getting fully educated in the SEO/Web
Design/ORM/SMM Industry and staying enrolled in Full Sail University for as long as
financially possible.
Please take my employment opportunity with your corporation seriously. I
believe I am a perfect candidate for the position and I hope your corporation can
appreciate an intelligent, diligent, loyal and publishable young Associate Writer,
Associate SEO Specialist, Associate Internet Marketing Consultant.
I sincerely thank you for your time,
Andre Benjamin Blanchet
P.S. Everybody calls me Ben. It would be an honor and a milestone to see someone
for an interview.
Remember, Happy Wife:) Happy Life: