A njanie V. Kashidas
South Ozone Park, NY 11420
OBJECT I VE Seeking a position with opportunity for advancement
ED UCAT ION St John’s University, Queens, NY
Master of Arts in In ternational Relations, May 2013
Bachelor of Science in Journalism, May 2012
CERT I F ICATE In ternational Law and Diplomacy Certificate
EXPER I ENCE 1199 SE I U National Benefit Fund, New York, NY 2008-
November 2012
Summer In tern/Account Representative
• Copying, Filing, Faxing, Computer Data Ent ry,
handling provider inquiries/problems and
assisting in negotiation of contracts
M T V N E TWORKS, New York, NY September 2011-
January 2012
Fall 2011 In tern
• Worked on College Television Awards,
Best Films on Campus, RateMyProfessors.com,
and helped with Facebook and Twit ter updates
M iss Knockout, Queens, NY March 2010-
July 2010
Retail Sales Associate
• P rovided customer service by greeting customers,
organizing merchandise and stock, and resolving
customer inquiries
Getz Personal Care Home, Kunkletown, PA
Dietary Aide
• Assisted with the dietary needs of residents
ACT I V I T I ES Reporter for St John’s University’s T he Torch
SK I L LS Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access,
P hotoshop
Language: Basic Knowledge of Spanish and limi ted knowledge of
A rabic
REFERENCES Available upon request